
  1. V

    Should We Make Boy Scouts Accept Gay Scout Leaders?

    [No message]
  2. T

    TKAM HELP! Why does Jem tell Scout not to talk to him at school?

    I'm reading the book right now and I don't understand why.
  3. A

    Girl Scout Cookies Calories and Nutrition Facts: Do You Care?

    Today is the first annual celebration of National Girl Scout Cookie Day, which the scouts are instating to celebrate the "world's largest girl-led business," and of course, "to make it easy for you to buy or order cookies." But alongside the impending crush of Thin Mints, Samoas, and Do-Si-Dos...
  4. V

    Scout Willis Pictures – Receives Sentence

    Scout Willis, the daughter of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore, has been sentenced for two charges she picked up last month. Check out Scout Willis pictures at the end of this post. As you may expect, Scout Willis is rich so she got off light. Charged with underage drinking and having a fake ID...
  5. M

    Looking for 10ft lodge poles used for boy scout camp gadgets?

    Lookig for a place to buy 10 and 12 ft 2" diameter lodge poles for making camp gadgets and gateways. Our troop is in need of additional lodge poles for making these camp gadgets but could not seem to find them. Will even settle for used ones. My location is in OC California but am willing to...
  6. O

    How is Scout from To Kill a Mockingbird mischievous and misunderstanding?

    I'm writing an essay on Scout and my opinion of my essay is that Scout is obnoxious because she doesn't always understand things and she's usually in some kind of mischief. So I'm trying to find examples of her being mischievous or not understanding something. Got any ideas? Or maybe an idea for...
  7. M

    How do I scout on Franchise Mode Madden 11 Ps2?

    I am playing Franchise Mode on Madden 11 in my ps2 and I do not know how to scout any prospect. Any tip? I don't have any "Scouting" tag on the menu.
  8. S

    how do i host a girl scout meeting?

    i offered the meeting to be held at my home but im not sure how to host a meeting. my daughter is in the scouts. im not a volunteer i just offered to have meeting at my home since its a new group and they are having trouble finding a permanent meeting place.
  9. J

    Am asking for sponsor who can help to contribute fer to my bay son who is scout... his study tour to south Afr? my son col led Sylvester Jacob Mkoba, He is on standard 2 at Nguzo primary School. He is a member of scout in his school. they have study tour to South Africa at the end of nov2011 which cost USD 900. He like to go as a member of scout. as a parent I not able...
  10. G

    The Scout Observer: Your Personal SATCOM, Powered by iPhone [Accessories]

    There's not really much that needs to be said about this six-pound beast of a box than what's hinted at in the headline: Basically, this is a portable satellite communications device that's built around an iPhone dock. More »
  11. G

    How Ordinary Girl Scout Cookies Can Be Morphed Into Incredible Graphene [Science]

    Next time you're inhaling an entire box of Girl Scout shortbread cookies, just think of the potential you're wasting: a full $15 billion worth of graphene. At least, that's the estimate given by a team of Rice University researchers working on a dare. More »
  12. S

    Nero Scout? nmindexstoresvr.exe?

    is it okay to disable it by going to my computer then right-click the nero scout and select options then unchecking the box that says "enable nero scout"??? Would I still be able to access or view my photo,video etc on my computer if i would disable it? Would I still be able to view or acess my...
  13. S

    Nero Scout? nmindexstoresvr.exe?

    is it okay to disable it by going to my computer then right-click the nero scout and select options then unchecking the box that says "enable nero scout"??? Would I still be able to access or view my photo,video etc on my computer if i would disable it? Would I still be able to view or acess my...
  14. T

    Scout and Ranger Poll: Who are your favorite Sailors Scouts and your favorite...

    ...Power Rangers from...? Sailor Moon and The Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers? My favorite Sailor Scouts are: Sailor Neptune and Sailor Venus And my favorite Power Rangers are: The Green Ranger {Tommy Oliver} and The Yellow Ranger {Trini} Who are your favorite ones?
  15. R

    Girl Poll: Were you a girl scout?

    I wanted to but my mom said no :(
  16. J

    How does Scout change in the book To Kill a MockingBird ?

    I need some QUOTES with page numbers , pleaaase ? I'm doing an outline for my essay and my teacher is bizarre crazy because he wants everything filled, if one little thing is missing he'll give it a zero . The essay is 200 pts.
  17. M

    Can you scout rookie players in fifa 11 manager mode?

    Can you do it just like in fifa 1o manager mode?
  18. W

    On Fifa 11, you can NOT improve your stadium, scout, fitness manager, attacking... etc. Correct? On Fifa 11, you can NOT improve your stadium, scout, fitness manager, attacking coach etc. Correct? This was one of the features in manager mode on Fifa 10. If this has been taken out of Fifa 11, has there been a replacement? If not, how to players develop in career mode...
  19. G

    could college scouter scout at a ymca event?

    I am and have been a gymnast at a YMCA for most of my life. Only public high schools in my area offer gymnastics and I am not interested in leaving my school. By the time I graduate I will be a level 10 gymnast. Other than sending in footage to the colleges of my choice, would the scouters be...
  20. G

    could college scouter scout at a ymca event?

    I am and have been a gymnast at a YMCA for most of my life. Only public high schools in my area offer gymnastics and I am not interested in leaving my school. By the time I graduate I will be a level 10 gymnast. Other than sending in footage to the colleges of my choice, would the scouters be...