
  1. M

    FTC moves against mortgage mod and foreclosure relief scams

    [No message]
  2. T

    States Examine Role In Health Reform Implementation, Worry Over Scams

    Reuters/The Washington Post: The federal government is turning to states to "to institute key components" of the health overhaul law, "some of which have never existed before." "Because the U.S. Congress used a maneuver known as 'reconciliation' to pass the final healthcare bill, it could not...
  3. T

    States Examine Role In Health Reform Implementation, Worry Over Scams

    Reuters/The Washington Post: The federal government is turning to states to "to institute key components" of the health overhaul law, "some of which have never existed before." "Because the U.S. Congress used a maneuver known as 'reconciliation' to pass the final healthcare bill, it could not...
  4. T

    States Examine Role In Health Reform Implementation, Worry Over Scams

    Reuters/The Washington Post: The federal government is turning to states to "to institute key components" of the health overhaul law, "some of which have never existed before." "Because the U.S. Congress used a maneuver known as 'reconciliation' to pass the final healthcare bill, it could not...
  5. A

    Are all fitness centers scams? which one should i join?

    Me and my boyfriend have been thinking about joining a fitness center we both play sports and now that summer is coming up we want to keep in shape but.. when i search online it seems like all customer reviews are talking about how bad their fitness centers were. How they scammed them and got...
  6. T

    Allergy-Friendly Cooking, Inner Guidance, Publishing Scams – Up Close & Personal with

    Allergy-Friendly Cooking, Inner Guidance, Publishing Scams – Up Close & Personal with UP CLOSE & PERSONAL's aka RadioRed welcomes:Bonnie 'The Sensitive Diner' Presti, "Allergy-Friendly Cooking-Tasty Recipes with NO Gluten, Dairy, Soy or Eggs". She teaches healthy eating & cooking with fresh...
  7. T

    Allergy-Friendly Cooking, Inner Guidance, Publishing Scams – Up Close & Personal with

    Allergy-Friendly Cooking, Inner Guidance, Publishing Scams – Up Close & Personal with UP CLOSE & PERSONAL's aka RadioRed welcomes: Bonnie 'The Sensitive Diner' Presti, "Allergy-Friendly Cooking-Tasty Recipes with NO Gluten, Dairy, Soy or Eggs". She teaches healthy eating & cooking with fresh...
  8. G

    An Interview With a 'Nigerian Prince' [Scams]

    We've all received the Nigerian Letters, or 419 scams. And I doubt I'm the only one who was tempted to follow up, just to see how the scam worked. Now Scam Detective published a 3-part interview with a reformed prince. The process he shares is enlightening. It also explains all the bad English...
  9. M

    Training kids to spot scams, ID theft and ad gimmicks

    [No message]
  10. M

    Don't fall for mortgage scams

    [No message]
  11. A

    where can i enter free comps on the internet that arent scams?

    i have heard from my friend that there are comps on the net where you can enter for free and you can win products, i was just wondering if any1 knows of any such comps
  12. D

    What Types Of Internet Scams Are There?

    How do they work?
  13. B

    Is there any at home jobs on the internet that are not scams?

    I would very much like to work on line and do something productive. I do not want to pay for a new job or pay to work. I want to get paid for doing work. Is there anything honest like that?
  14. N

    Internet Scams??????????????????

    Internet Scams????????????????????? With the rise of the internet that has been a rise in internet scams. Sites like Craig's List and other sites offer payday loans and other services to people across the globe. My question is, if a person receives what they think is a legitimate service (check...
  15. J

    Did any one else know there are scams on buying a puppy its a con from Africa?

    I tried for my neighbour and we were lucky we found out in time. it was of the internet called Gumtree
  16. G

    Toyota Car Lottery International Promotions China, Is this is Scams?

    Lottery programm, Is it scams. In email the sender wrote that you have won a prize through a lottery on your email address which is se3lected from million of emails.
  17. C

    Scams on the internet?

    Yes, I must say that I think that I have been scammed and it has really ticked me off. I got onto one of the Acai berry sites and filled out my info and gave my bank debit card number and all that good stuff. To make a long story short, I have received the acai berry pills and they did charge my...
  18. billj

    who do we report scams on the internet and how to check them out for

    validityscams on emails? where or who do we report e-mails we fraud or scams?
  19. X

    Are all ''free things'' on internet scams ?

    Like you know when you're on the Internet and you see all those YOU WON A LAPTOP or CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR FREE IPOD x) So yeah I always click on those to see if they ask you for your credit card number. And sometimes I end up on websites where they don't ask you for your credit card, just your...