
  1. J

    Newbie Saltwater Tank?

    Hi I just started a biocube 29gal tank and added sand, salt and live rock and let run for two weeks. Also added live bacteria, I cant recall the product right now. Well I am very confused about how to maintain a saltwater tank, it seems like a lot of work but I am up to it. Just so many products...
  2. J

    Breeding pairs of saltwater fish?

    Does anyone know where i could buy breeding pairs of saltwater fish? Maybe any on line stores or locally ( I live in Maryland). I've been in the hobby for a while now and would like to start breeding maybe picasso percula or bangai cardinals, something small. Any info on where i could buy...
  3. T

    How much does a normal size saltwater fish tank cost?

    Im going to be getting one and i want to know how much is just the tank without the fish but with the water and filtration.
  4. C

    Creationists: Was the flooded world fresh or saltwater?

    If freshwater, how did all the saltwater species survive? If saltwater, how did all the freshwater species survive? Or did Noah have a giant aquarium on the ark too?
  5. R

    Needed considerations for a 100% natural/wild saltwater aquarium?

    I live in Hawaii and have an old 20 gal fish tank laying around taking up space. I have never dealt with saltwater fish only freshwater but I know setting up a tank has a lot of chemistry involved and can be a little complicated. My question is, what would I need to take into consideration if I...
  6. L

    How have explorations of saltwater lakes and hydrothermal vents on theocean

    floor led biologists to revise the? their ideas about the origin of eukartyotes?
  7. C

    How do you prevent large saltwater fish from going under your boat and snapping

    the line? Had this happen to me twice , we tried to reposition the boat but it was too late.
  8. E

    can you mix saltwater and freshwater fish?

    if i make the water a little bit salty cant the fish adapt to the water? and if i do this, how much salt do i add to the water (10 gallon tank)? will table salt work? i wanna keep a clownfish with my guppy, tetras, pleco and gourami
  9. A

    why are my saltwater fish dying?

    ok so i had a couple of fish and for some reason in my tank the same species keeps dying while the less hardy ones are living. i had about 5 chromis they all died, i had 2 blue damsels they both died and the ones that stayed living are all the coral, a firefish, an achilles tang, a yellowtail...
  10. E

    What saltwater fish get along with sharks?

    I have a 450 gallon and I have 3 brown banded sharks that just came out their eggs about 3 weeks ago, and I was wondering what other saltwater fish would get along with them?
  11. D

    new to saltwater, clownfish question?

    So I have goldfish in a 36 gallon tank, and am moving them to a much bigger tank, but I was thinking about putting clownfish in the 36. I know nothing of saltwater fish, or how to take care of them, and if i decide to go this route then I'll buy a book and really research it, but my question is...
  12. R

    can you use any type of fish tank for saltwater fish ?

    i want to know if i have to buy a certain type of fish tank or can i convert any fish tank to make it for saltwater fish
  13. C

    cycling my saltwater tank???????/?

    when i setup my saltwater tank will the cured live rock i add to it help cycle it? if so then i dont have to add any marine life to cycle it? how long roughly can it take? so basically i just set the tank up with everything i need and just leave it and test it every week until it has cycled...
  14. A

    What other fish should I get for my 55 gallon saltwater tank?

    I have a 55 gallon saltwater tank with a 20 gallon sump. t5 lighting.. plenty of live rocks.. good amount of live sand...automated heater..a coralife skimmer..two powerheads.. and far as fish go I have two emerald crabs.. a large yellow tang..a fire shrimp..a diamond goby..a lawnmower...
  15. eee

    What type of saltwater fish go together well? design a colorful beginner tank!?

    I am moving to Florida possibly soon and I want to start a saltwater aquarium for my room when i get there? what type of colorful fish go together well in a tank? I want some colorful ones that are good for beginners... also what size tank is this for? i haven't got anything as i'm waiting to go...
  16. M

    IFishing Saltwater Edition v1 3 iPhone iPod Touch Cracked COREPDA

    Name: IFishing Saltwater Edition v1 3 iPhone iPod Touch Cracked COREPDA Category: Apps: Phone Size: 41.12MB Added: 2009-11-17 16:18:10
  17. M

    IFishing Saltwater Edition v1 3 iPhone iPod Touch Cracked COREPDA

    Name: IFishing Saltwater Edition v1 3 iPhone iPod Touch Cracked COREPDA Category: Apps: Phone Size: 41.12MB Added: 2009-11-17 16:18:10
  18. C

    What kind of aggressive fish could i put in my 55 gallon saltwater aquarium?

    I am wandering what kind of aggressive fish i should put in my tank? i am looking for the largest, most aggressive fish i could fit in a 55 gallon saltwater aquarium, i really want something that most people dont have, i really want a grouper or wrasse, i realize most groupers get too large for...
  19. S

    10g saltwater aquarium?

    i have a 10g SW aquarium and i have 2 filters doing 100g per hour together, with live sand and substrate, iam getting live rock and iam just wondering if there will be anything else i need? im only looking to have 1or2 fish and some invertebrates.
  20. O

    Im thinking about having saltwater fish?

    I already know how to care for freshwater fish, but have no idea how to care for saltwater fish. I want to know as much as possible before starting a saltwater aquarium.