
  1. A

    My Troubled Body Image Must Change For My Daughter’s Sake

    Every girl has that “girls body image” moment. Mine was in high school when I lost four pounds over a week of summer charity work and when I returned, my envious school friends said I looked “really skinny.” For my sister, it was in the fifth grade, when she developed early and was bullied for...
  2. U

    can i mingle with sinners for the sake of the gospel? (1 corinthians 9:19)?

    "though i am free and belong to no man, i make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible" 1 corinthians 9:19 "i do all this for the sake of the gospel, that i may share in its blessings." 1 corinthians 9:23 if i believe i am saved and want to save others, am i compromising the...
  3. Lisa

    Obscure alt-rock fans! Lyrics help...for nostalgia's sake!?

    What 1990s alt-rock song had a chorus with lyrics like "You'll find a way, you'll find a way" or something similar? Maybe "I'll find a way" even. This song played on a radio station called the Eagle here in Texas in the late 90s or early 2000's...pretty sure it's 90s though. It's driving me nuts...
  4. H

    Get an MBA For God Sake!

    Be Certified Manager By Joining MOST APPLICABLE MBA in EGYPT Register before the end of the month and get discount & save up to 14000 L.E AIB Australian MBA now in Egypt Business Management MBA AATC information office: 0118668704 – [email protected] Home page -...
  5. J

    Atheists: do you like to argue for the sake of arguing, or something deeper?

    You're a system of perspective. You're a matrix of Perspective. There are an eternity of eternities.
  6. R

    For goodness sake Roger who is it?
  7. W

    For God sake why do they not show nipples and butt cracks on TV?

    I can understand not showing genitalia, they don't even show that in soft porn movies. I consider nipples and butt cracks to be pretty tame tghough, and I don't understand our American fear and taboo attitude concerning this stuff on TV. With the easily accessed and overused internet with all of...
  8. J

    Why do Christians think they will go heaven simply for the sake of being Christian?

    It seems as if all they do is tell people that they are wrong, and feel superior because they think they're going to heaven. Do you really think god will let you into heaven for believing in Jesus, despite the fact that you're a rude prick to everyone who doesn't agree with you? Or do you think...
  9. J

    Why do Christians think they will go heaven simply for the sake of being Christian?

    It seems as if all they do is tell people that they are wrong, and feel superior because they think they're going to heaven. Do you really think god will let you into heaven for believing in Jesus, despite the fact that you're a rude prick to everyone who doesn't agree with you? Or do you think...
  10. L

    should social security taxes be kept in the general fund for the sake of

    financing for wars? lyndon johnson moved social security money to the general fund to hide a small deficit. no president since has ever objected. the only congressman to object is ron paul of texas. many seniors are more concerned about their own financial well-being than they are about...
  11. A

    In the movie the Last Samarai what does Tom Cruise mean when he cries out Sake

    in Japanese? Simply put, what is the translation of Sake? Is it a call for help? Thanks.
  12. D

    For the sake of some simple language riddles, what are some items that have

    body part analogues? I'm looking for connections both common (the hands of a watch, for example, or the teeth of a comb), or somewhat less common (the neck of a bottle, the lip of a jar).
  13. M

    Can i wear arm sleeves and knee braces in basketball just for style sake.?

    I am not injured or anything
  14. G

    Trey Songz-For The Sake Of Love-(WEB)-2010-0MNi INT

    Category: Music-MP3 (R&b) Size: 5.67 MB Files: 7 (3 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Sat May 8th 12:55:59 UTC Download NZB
  15. G

    Trey Songz-For The Sake Of Love-(WEB)-2010-0MNi INT

    Category: Music-MP3 (R&b) Size: 5.67 MB Files: 7 (3 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Sat May 8th 12:55:59 UTC Download NZB
  16. G

    Trey Songz-For The Sake Of Love-(WEB)-2010-0MNi INT

    Category: Music-MP3 (R&b) Size: 5.67 MB Files: 7 (3 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Sat May 8th 12:55:59 UTC Download NZB
  17. S

    jesus people, read for christs sake XD that wasnt intentional but it was funny?

    "I dont hate gay's.... God hates gay's" exhibit A: God HATES ... case closed... now before people take this out of context "God" and "Hate" dont even belong in the same sentence i dont care if god really hates gays or not your all missing the point of the statement GOD AND HATES two words...
  18. L

    where to buy workout dvd?(please answer for the sake of a teen girls self esteem)?

    i need a workout dvd like NOW> im SO pissed because ive been asking my mom to the store but she wont take me. she says oh your not fat but i am because i weigh 148 and im 5'1 soo i asked my uncle and he said he would take me if i knew where to get it. i would love to buy tae bo fat blaster...
  19. C

    smoking recovery,,,urgent for my healths sake :'(?

    ive been working out for 7 months and got in shape,, but then i quit working out for 6 months due to personal reasons,,, i started smoking 2 months ago in a range of 4 light cig a day. thank god i quit today and ill start working out again in a week. but do you think those 2 months of non heavy...
  20. F

    Is learning for the sake of learning worth it? What about learning for a laugh?

    Learning for a laugh is learning something just well enough for a short duration then promptly discarding it when bored of it then moving onto something else just because you fancy it.