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    Daily Fail: ‘Extreme’ Corset Holds Back Bulges With Power Of Avalanche Safety Netting

    The Daily Mail is advertising*"high-tech, extreme corsets" for ladies looking to "(cash) in on this season's hourglass trend." Made by Italian company Oh My Corset!, these babies are constructed from the same material used in race cars, avalanche safety netting and*scuba gear. Like wearing a...
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    Error Reporting Helps Foster Culture Of Safety

    Documenting adverse events improves perceptions of safety and may decrease incidents in multi-site clinical practices, according to a new study from researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. The results of the year-long study, which focused on the...
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    Afternoon Links: Power Outage Food Safety

    • Food safety during a power outage: What to keep, what to toss and when (HuffPost Healthy Living) • While you're at it ... why not give your fridge a good clean? It could save you time and energy (Organic Authority) • Should you sleep in a bra? Gravity works overnight too, says snarky...
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    Citing Safety Concerns, Kroger Wisely Stops Selling Sprouts

    Despite being a nutritionally-dense salad favorite, fresh sprouts haven't had the best luck lately. Deemed unsafe by everyone by*prominent food safety experts, the little greens pose a pretty big risk of E. coli. In fact, guaranteeing the safety of sprouts is almost impossible--which is why...
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    Jim Harbaugh?s safety refusal could be a big deal in Vegas

    It's not like NFL coaches think of the betting line as they're in the game -- at least, we hope they don't -- but one decision made by San Francisco head coach Jim Harbaugh late in the 49ers' 13-6 Thursday night win over the Seattle Seahawks might have some serious betting implications. The...
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    Pilot Study In Neurosurgery Shows Safety And Benefits Of Extradural Stimulation For P

    Electrical stimulation using extradural electrodes - placed underneath the skull but not implanted in the brain - is a safe approach with meaningful benefits for patients with Parkinson's disease, reports the October issue of Neurosurgery, official journal of the Congress of Neurological...
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    Scientists Find New Way To Up Safety Factor Of Stem Cell Therapy By Causing Contamina

    Pluripotent stem cells show great potential in treating various debilitating diseases, but at a risk: during the process of reprogramming the cells so they will grow (differentiate) into the desired tissue, some of their DNA may be damaged causing them to develop into tumors. Researchers have...
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    Walkers: Safety aids or dangerous?

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    Amid Safety Concerns, Weight Loss Drug Qsymia Probably Won’t Get Approval In The EU

    Earlier this week, a weight loss drug called Qsymia hit the market in the US. It was the first new FDA-approved anti-obesity medication to be introduced in over a decade. But Britons who are looking to lose weight may not be able to get their hands on it in the near future--or ever. According to...
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    Attorney for dismissed safety Ray-Ray Armstrong files an injunction to get him reinst

    Former Miami safety Ray-Ray Armstrong, who was dismissed from the program last month, is using the legal system to get back on the practice field. Armstrong's attorney, Matt Morgan of Orlando, said he plans to file an injunction this week to allow Armstrong to practice with Miami until the...
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    Therapeutic Window For Stroke May Be Extended By Experimental Drug: Clinical Safety T

    A team led by a physician-scientist at the University of Southern California (USC) has created an experimental drug that reduces brain damage and improves motor skills among stroke-afflicted rodents when given with federally approved clot-busting therapy. Clinical trials to test the safety of...
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    Texas Thunder: Lightning strike sends Rangers and Twins scurrying for safety

    Your resident weather man is back with another tale of Mother Nature disrupting our National Pastime. Although this time, unlike the recent tarp attack in Illinois and tarp-nami in Tennessee, no one person was in immediate danger during the incident, but it was still quite startling as a...
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    CDC Food Safety Warning: Don’t Eat Your BBQ Grill Brush Bristles

    It's high BBQ season, and the CDC would like to inform you: Swallowing barbecue brush bristles is bad news. Here we were worried about the nitrites in hot dogs and the sugar content of condiments, but apparently, the biggest threat to your health is swallowing a chunk of metal wire with your...
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    Pet safety: Should you keep rubber ducky away from puppy?

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    Live in Chicago or New York based on jobs, recreation, transportation, safety?

    I'm moving to one of these two places, which would you pick based on jobs, things to do, crime rate, transport around city, air travel. Dont include cost of living as part of your decision, i found places in both cities that meet my requirements.
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    Drug Safety Monitoring Should Be Expanded After Approval

    Pharmaceutical drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) but later re-called from the market - such as the antidiabetic drug Avandia and pain-reliever Vioxx - were the impetus for an Institute of Medicine committee report, recommending that the FDA take proactive steps to continue...
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    Spring safety slip-up: Not checking your child's swing set

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    3 Common Myths About Child Vaccine Safety Refuted

    In the limited time of an office visit, how can a primary care physician make the case to parents that their child should be vaccinated? During National Infant Immunization Week, a Mayo Clinic vaccine expert and a pediatrician offer suggestions for refuting three of the most common myths about...
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    Hard Boiled Egg Guide: Nutrition And Safety Info, Plus 6 Healthy(ish) Easter Recipes

    If you or the folks around you are of the Easter-celebrating persuasion, it's very likely you will soon find yourself in possession of an absurd amount of hard-boiled eggs. Here are a few things you should know about them, like nutrition info, safekeeping instructions, and ways to serve them...
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    Are ‘Pink Slime’ Critics Really Worried About Food Safety, Or Just Snooty and Squeami

    "Pink slime," or "lean finely textured beef," is the food that just won't go away—in the media or from our plates, in a lot of places. But should we really be upset? Some don't think so—and they're not just the "Beefstate Governors" that Stephen Colbert mocked earlier this week. Many are...