
  1. S

    if ettihad stadium is kept for aussie rules if australia does win its bid

    for the world cup? i have done some calculations here and it would seem that footy is going to be ok if it the world cup does end up on our door step for Melbourne based clubs. if they play double headers at the stadium while the world cup is on. 2 on friday one night game.2 games on saturday...
  2. C

    Do mlb rules prohibit players from refrigerating baseball bats in order to hit...

    ...for more power? When i play ball at the park with my pals they have no idea i have an edge..I refrigerate my bats to make them like a piece of steel.. But do mlb rules prohibit this?
  3. L

    No Rules Martial Art?

    are there any MMA sports or any fighting or self defence sport that there are no rules involved? e.g no scoring by points etc
  4. T

    Government Must Change Immigration Rules To Stop Doctor Exodus, Says British Medical

    Responding to the report issued today (4th December 2009) by the UK Border's Agency Migration Advisory Committee1 (MAC) Dr Shree Datta, Chair of BMA's Junior Doctor Committee said: "It is pleasing that the Migration Advisory Committee has today recognised the BMA's concerns over recent...
  5. M

    This week in safety: New rules on football head injuries

    [No message]
  6. K

    what are the rules for driving a low powered engine moped in the uk?

    once you are at the correct age and have a provisional license + insurance can you just get one and go? or do you need to pass your theory test first?
  7. K

    what are the rules for driving a low powered engine moped in the uk?

    once you are at the correct age and have a provisional license + insurance can you just get one and go? or do you need to pass your theory test first?
  8. G

    Relationship Phone Rules, preventing awkward phone calls?

    Ok, here's my story. I would appreciate if people please took the time to read my story before answering, and I will gladly reward 10 points to the best answer. Ok, so I met this girl about a year ago exactly, but see, I kinda met her online.....sooo yeah. I live in Florida, and she lives is...
  9. G

    Relationship Phone Rules, preventing awkward phone calls?

    Ok, here's my story. I would appreciate if people please took the time to read my story before answering, and I will gladly reward 10 points to the best answer. Ok, so I met this girl about a year ago exactly, but see, I kinda met her online.....sooo yeah. I live in Florida, and she lives is...
  10. B

    Police cell phone seizure laws/ rules?!?! PLEASE HELP?

    I don't know where you live, but in some places, yes the cops can do that, Next time, have two cellphones, one personal, and one for selling.
  11. A

    Can u tell me the rules of music....?

    hi guys. can u tell me a site or directly tell me the rules of music.for eg: they say that at the end of the 3rd or 4th "2 and 3 and 4 and" the drums hits the crash.Like that.... hope u understood
  12. M

    Christopher Reich Rules of Deception

    Name: Christopher Reich Rules of Deception Category: Other: Audio Books Size: 448.90MB Added: 2009-11-25 16:43:37
  13. C

    What are the basic rules in basketball, soccer, frisbee(ultimate)?

    Please can anyone suggest the basic rules in basketball, soccer, frisbee(ultimate)?? and yah some terms in basketball. thanks' guyz, xoxo
  14. D

    Los Angeles Vacation and car rental rules?

    After I recieve my tax refund next year Im planning on flying out to Los Angeles from my hometown of Orlando, FL for a little vacation. Always been a dream of mine to see California I have the flight all worked out, I just need to know houw much a hotel will cost for four days stay, how much...
  15. M

    baseball rules, in a scenario?

    hi i have a question about a rule in baseball cuz it happened in gym class. if you are on first base and you lead off, then the batter hits the ball and you run then the ball gets caught in the air, do you go back to first base safely automatically or can u get tagged by the baseman
  16. H

    Rules of flying horses in fantasy novels.?

    I'm writing a fantasy novel and yes, one of the characters is a flying horse. He is the only one in the story (he can talk by the way). But I'm struggling to figure out what his wingspan would be? This is for a horse that is about 15h high, not a war horse. And if you can give me any insight...
  17. H

    Rules of flying horses in fantasy novels.?

    I'm writing a fantasy novel and yes, one of the characters is a flying horse. He is the only one in the story (he can talk by the way). But I'm struggling to figure out what his wingspan would be? This is for a horse that is about 15h high, not a war horse. And if you can give me any insight...
  18. I

    Motorcycle buying rules?

    I'm 20 and just gotten my motorcycle license, I took the MSF course and passed today (YAY!!) I have bought a few cars and test driving is no big deal, but what is the protocol for bikes? will dealers let me test drive? will private sellers? is it normal or test drive a bike? I am stuck...
  19. H

    High school basketball rules?

    What are the high school basketball rules in high school in california? Like i mainly just want to know when do you go to the free throw line? how many fouls u need to go up there and shoot how many. please put in detail, person who does will get best answer
  20. F

    is susie C the funniest person in the aussie rules section?

    i love the comments she makes about me and plugger there are so bloody funny and u wonder why i get pi$$ed off at u bomberz 93 and start insulting u or wait was that a compliment bomberz 93