
  1. E

    Will Mitt Romney attempt to fulfill the White Horse Prophecy?

    "The Lord took of the best blood of the nations, and planted them on the small island now called England, or Great Britain, and gave them great powers in the nations for a thousand years, and this power will continue with them, that they may keep the balance of power, that they may keep Russia...
  2. N

    Mitt Romney wants to maintain defense spending at 4% of GDP?

    Compared to Obama's proposed defense budget that is $2 trillion more. Is he planning to start a war if he is why won't he let voters know now. Or maybe he already did let us know, he have spoken in support of the Iraq war several times. Is this okay with you?
  3. E

    Will Mitt Romney attempt to fufill the White Horse Prophecy?

    "The Lord took of the best blood of the nations, and planted them on the small island now called England, or Great Britain, and gave them great powers in the nations for a thousand years, and this power will continue with them, that they may keep the balance of power, that they may keep...
  4. T

    Republicans: Do you really believe that Romney will create jobs? LOL?

    If you are an Evangelical Christian then admit that you don't like Romeny, but you will vote for him because you don't want a Muslim to rule this country again If you are a middle class republican then admit that you don't like Romeny but you will vote for him because you hate gays, mexicans...
  5. A

    Planned Parenthood Is Wasting $800,000 To Diss Mitt Romney

    Planned Parenthood is spending a shitload of money to tell Colorado residents not to vote for Mitt Romney. A full $800,000 to be exact. It's a colossal waste of money that could be better used to serve more women, but like a lot of dollars in the political race, it's being used to serve an...
  6. S

    Would Romney's ascendency to the Presidency fulfill Joseph Smith's...

    ...prophecies? White horse required? Will all non mormons go directly to hell or will we just be denied ownership of planets and virgin brides?
  7. L

    Latino/Mexican Republicans- does a bit of you wish Romney had closer family

    links to Mexico? Knowing his grandad or dad or whoever was Mexican, does it mean that he understands you a bit more? Just wondering if that does help you want to vote for him? I'm not trying to raise any confrontations, just curious.
  8. T

    Why did cowardly Mitt Romney dodge the military draft during Vietnam?

    He ran away to France.
  9. D

    Why do Romney and Obama talk such rubbish?

    I'm trying to figure out why they both such so much.
  10. M

    Even the gas station clerk agrees Romney won the debate. Can you imagine the

    powerful impact it had? I went to a sunoco gas station and the cashier was black. He was watching the debate on TV there and he too admitted that Romney blew away Obama and was smiling too. I think he was clearly moved by Romney's performance, even though blacks are very pro-obama. Romney's...
  11. C

    Will they Ctrl + Alt + Del Romney before the debates tonight ?

    or will they install a whole new operating system ?
  12. G

    2012 Presidential Debate: Michelle Obama and Ann Romney Hug It Out

    President*Barack Obama and former Massachusetts Gov.*Mitt Romney weren't the only ones who had to plaster smiles on their faces and feign, er, show appreciation for each...
  13. G

    Obama vs. Romney: Hollywood Reacts to First Presidential Debate

    The first presidential debate between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney was, according to Twitter, the most tweeted-about U.S. political event ever. You didn't think celebrities were...
  14. O

    Will Romney point out that Obama did not do anything or pass anything for

    Gay Marriage rights? Obama said he supports it a couple months ago during campaigning or what-ever. But he had control of both houses his first two years and didn't do anything for the Gays. This will no doubt be many questions by liberals during the debates- So Romney should point out the...
  15. V

    Video: Homer Simpson Votes for Mitt Romney

    When it comes to comedy that stands the test of time, nothing can match The Simpsons. What a recent example? Check out this video of Homer Simpson voting for Mitt Romney in the 2012 United States Presidential election. During this video, which is about a minute and a half long, The Simpsons...
  16. A

    Ann Romney, We Are Not ‘Lucky’ To Have Mitt Who Doesn’t Understand Our Health

    Ann Romney wants all of us who’ve criticized her husband this week to “stop it” and realize just how "lucky” we are to have Mitt Romney as our presidential candidate. Except we won't stop it and we don't realize how lucky we are. How can we when our Republican candidate clearly does not...
  17. A

    Mitt Romney Sabotages His Race By Saying Americans Think They’re Entitled To Food

    Apparently Mitt Romney doesn't realllly want to be our next president. Because if he did, he wouldn't go around saying stupid things (even if they are caught on hidden camera) about half of Americans being a bunch of freeloaders who think they are "entitled" to food and healthcare, among other...
  18. L

    Does america suffer from amnesia? would mitt romney been eleceted be consider...

    ...a rookie mistake? do yoi agree republican is the ones to blame for americas economy crisis? let go back to the days of bush sr. do you think that was the start of all this problens going on on america?
  19. P

    What has Romney done in caparison with what Obama has done with Chrysler?

    I keep hearing about Romney's accomplishments & what has happened with Chrysler is amazing. What did Romney do to compare with this? I guess that answers my question. Badwolf they just had the Italian man on 60 minutes & you have no clue do you? Do you know how much he paid back or any of the...
  20. A

    Ann Romney: We Believe Your Struggles With Breast Cancer And MS–But Not Your Bills

    Ann Romney helped kick off the Republican National Convention last night by attempting to relate to women--the population that is Mitt Romney is trailing President Obama in the polls, 41% to 51% respectively. And while she did a good job of making us relate to her because of her struggles with...