
  1. R

    How to become good at riddles?

    like The Riddler!
  2. K

    Please figure out my four riddles...?

    1.At night they come without being fetched, by day they are lost without being stolen. 2.I live for laughter, I live for the crowd, without it I am nothing. 3.Face like a tree, skin like the sea, A great beast I be, yet vermin frighten me! 4.I tolerate the moon and stars, I can't abide the...
  3. A

    What are some cool and hard riddles?

    tell me some.
  4. K

    slytherins "S" locket and Tom Riddles diary pics?

    I was wondering if anyone could get me pictures of close up salazar slytherins "S" locket? I need It coz I wanna make a replica and not that glass one. I also need close up of tom marvolo riddles diary. I want to make a replica of that too. thanks!
  5. J

    anyone good at riddles?

    If you make it, you don't want it If you buy it, you don't need it, if you need it, you don't know it.
  6. C

    Answer these Riddles!?

    1. Two fathers and two sons went fishing one day. They were there the whole day and caught only three fish. One father said, 'That is enough for all of us, we will have one each.' How can this be possible? 2.With pointed fangs it sits in wait, with piercing force its doles out fate, over...
  7. B

    Does anybody know any riddles like the one with the table and mirror

    one? Where reality is kind of bent? Your in a solid cement room and all you have is a mirror and a table, how do you get out? You look in the mirror and you see what you saw, you use the saw to cut the table in half, two halves is a whole, and you jump through the hole to escape. Any like this?
  8. B

    Does anybody know any riddles like the one with the table and mirror

    one? Where reality is kind of bent? Your in a solid cement room and all you have is a mirror and a table, how do you get out? You look in the mirror and you see what you saw, you use the saw to cut the table in half, two halves is a whole, and you jump through the hole to escape. Any like this?
  9. T

    LeShay's Random Riddles: What, Who or Where Am I (#2 for 01/25/08)?

    It's a riddle in nine syllables, An elephant, a ponderous house, A melon strolling on two tendrils O red fruit, Ivory, fine timber! The loaf's big with it's yeasty rising Money's new minted in this fat purse. It's a means, a stage, a cow in calf. It's eaten a bag of green apples Boarded the...
  10. R

    Is this one of the best riddles of all time?

    it's called Saint Elmo's Riddle.. my friend told me bout it and i wana know where the answer ranks among all da riddles and brain teaserz uve heard of. i think it's one of the best ever, but wat bout u? heres da link to the riddle http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100722122641AA3uuy4
  11. M

    what are these riddles called?

    i wanted to find a bunch of these riddles on google and i forgot what there called like pot oooooooo = potato and pofishnd = fish in a pond and so on so please help me! first awnswer= best answer
  12. B

    Original Riddler riddles?

    in one of the early batman movies (played by adam West) its the movie where the penguin the joker cat woman and the riddler team up and the penguin dehydrates some ppl.... anyway what are the riddles the riddler wrights in the sky for batman?
  13. K

    Who knows some good wod riddles?

    Does anyone know the answer to the " i can draw a line from here to here but not from here to here?" riddle? And does anyone else know anymore riddles like that? Pleasee let me know and include answer !!! :) Thanks a lot!!
  14. E

    Any ideas please!! Treasure hunt riddles?

    me and my big ideas i would love to do a treasure hunt for my sons party it is monkey themed but thought could have a safari hunt??? we have got lots of soft toys that can be hidden around garden and end with a monkey in the shed with treasure???? first clue as we set off on our safari animals...
  15. L

    Do you have any riddles for me?

    I love answering riddles, even though i am not very good at them, if you have a really good riddle, please tell me!!! Thank you.
  16. A

    treasue hunt riddles for adults?

    finding the stadium?
  17. A

    treasue hunt riddles for adults?

    finding the stadium?
  18. A

    treasue hunt riddles for adults?

    finding the stadium?
  19. S

    Ten pointsssssssssssssss for the first one to get these riddles...

    ...correct!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? 1. They belong to me They belong to you They can make you feel happy or make you feel blue They never end until the day you do? 2. I keep stuff in I'm usually on top I can sit to the right to the left or the middle I'm used to go pow Can you figure me out now or do I...
  20. S

    Ten pointsssssssssssssss for the first one to get these riddles...

    ...correct!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? 1. They belong to me They belong to you They can make you feel happy or make you feel blue They never end until the day you do? 2. I keep stuff in I'm usually on top I can sit to the right to the left or the middle I'm used to go pow Can you figure me out now or do I...