
  1. A

    Australia should have called off the cricket tour and returned home?

    How can you play cricket when bombs explode close by? While indians are used to living with such forms of violence australians are not, because australia is a very calm and peaceful country No wonder Mr. Dhoni took advantage of the stress australians were under and hit 200. Any monkey could...
  2. V

    Video: Steve Nash Standing Ovation in Phoenix Returned

    [No message]
  3. M

    I returned my iPhone 5: This is why

    [No message]
  4. B

    why have AIG, GM and Chrysler STILL not returned back the bailout money?

    Its been almost 4 years they took bailout and they haven't returned it back. At the same time they say economy is now doing good, but these shameless 3 companies don't care to return back. how come? if you take a loan from bank, would the bank ever say, "return when you feel like"? all the...
  5. C

    Do I keep my Bell Modem If not returned?

    Hey guys answer my question please! So I cancelled my internet cause bell sucks ass and they charge up the ass for their services. Now I have not sent back my modem and I was aware of the fees for not returning it. So now I got billed for it. Now I'm wondering, since I got billed for not...
  6. G

    Japanese Quake Survivors Have Returned $78 Million In Recovered Cash [Hope]

    It's now time for a story that restores your faith in mankind, even if it means going all the way to Japan to find it: In the five months since that country's devastating quake and tsunami, almost $78 million in cash has been found amongst the wreckage and turned in. The money was recovered from...
  7. A

    My Sims' baby disappeared when they returned from vacation (Sims 3)?

    I have Sims 3 with the World Adventures and Ambition expansion packs. Right before I sent my Sims on vacation, they had twin girls. They left for the France vacation for three days and when they returned, there was only one baby in the house. All the furniture from the second baby was there...
  8. A

    My Sims' baby disappeared when they returned from vacation (Sims 3)?

    I have Sims 3 with the World Adventures and Ambition expansion packs. Right before I sent my Sims on vacation, they had twin girls. They left for the France vacation for three days and when they returned, there was only one baby in the house. All the furniture from the second baby was there...
  9. I

    Did you laugh when Sting returned to TNA?

    They were blatantly copying The Undertaker's return and it was kind of funny to me. BQ2: Which return did you like better The Undertaker or Sting?
  10. S

    Can someone tell me when the uss puget sound AD-38 returned from the med cruise in...

    ...1995? My husband was on this ship and I know we met in july of 1995 the ship was in VA. and it stayed there until it decomissioned in the winter of 1995. So the hull website is not correct.
  11. B

    how would a musician's page on myspace be returned to the original homepage

    instead of the new beta page? I know that answers to regular pages having the same problem have been answered, but the layout of options is a little different for musician's pages.
  12. M

    I returned from my first cruise yesterday and I feel sick. Is this normal...

    ...and how long will it last? This was my first cruise ever and today I feel dizzy and nauseous. I can actually look at the walls and outside my windows and I feel like it is rocking back and forth. I also feel very foggy and unfocused. Is this normal? How long does it take to readjust? I was...
  13. R

    Does a Bell modem need to be returned?

    I'm moving in 2 days, max. When cancelling Bell internet, do they need to come and take their modem back..Or is that paid for? Shows on the bills that the modem is leased.
  14. A

    How can people deny Prophecy when Israel has returned?

    It was destroyed like the Bible said it would be and it came back as the Bible said it would. You cant debunk Prophecy.What if i told you that as soon as you were done reading this your house would suddenly lose power and right when you finished it did. Wouldn't that make you think a little bit?
  15. W

    This man has actually been to heaven and returned safely to Earth!? Question; How many believers regularly watch televangelists on TV and contribute to their cause? These men are fabulously wealthy so some of you are tithing big time. Is there one among you that has the courage to stand up and avow "YES, I send them...
  16. I

    Christians, has Jesus not returned for you yet because he doesn't like how hateful

    you've become? ..........
  17. M

    Why am I getting my emails returned from verizon email addresses - usually 3 days...

    ...after I've sent them? On a far too regular basis, emails I am sending to verizon account email addresses are returned to me 3 days later - "undeliverable". Frustrating!
  18. R

    Jehovah’s Witnesses how do you know that Jesus Christ returned invisibly in 1914?

    I found a part in the book, ‘God’s Word For Us Through’ Jeremiah page 55 that says the following: “Archaeologist Eilat Mazar reports unearthing a small clay seal impression, or bulla. (below left) It was found in 2005 during a supervised excavation of a layer dating back to when jerusalem was...
  19. S

    [email protected] returned me an email I did not...

    ...send out. How can I found out who? I looked at the rejected emails and I did not send the originating email. They even sent it to the name I have in contact of [email protected] which is listed at the top of my contact. At the bottom of the return mailing, it shows the message as this...
  20. B

    My friend returned my Sex & the City DVD collection and several of the...

    ...episodes don't work? A friend of mine gave me her Sex & the City DVD collection to keep. It came in a case like this: And had a clear, thick, plastic casing around it as well. I watched all of the seasons and only the end...