
  1. L

    an online seller with a good reputation that i can buy marshmallow root?

    i can't find this at any local stores in my area so i have to resort to buying it online. i'm looking for a place with herbs that has a good reputation for their quality.. any suggestions? oh and i am looking for this root in order to make tea if that helps.
  2. T

    Going On The Offensive With Online Reputation Marketing - Dec 07,2012

    marketing moxie* - marketing with passion and purpose! Hosted by Françoise Rose Jeanes, founder of Mobile Marketing Max, todays show features Sheryl Fetsch. Sheryl is the founder of Baltimore based online marketing agency, Savvy Marketing Systems. Online reputation management is something many...
  3. R

    Christians, do you guys not care about your reputation?

    You guys have a pretty bad reputation, don't you want to make it a positive reputation instead of the negative one you have now? @ God is Good: You're happy that when people think of christians they think of inbred creationist idiots?
  4. T

    What is wrong with my truck/does NAPA have a good reputation?

    Alright so about three weeks ago my steering wheel (all of the sudden rather than gradually) became "wobbly". If I let it go or held on to it the truck would still go in a straight line and when I turned (rotated the wheel) it performed as usual. So this wobblyness didn't really affect my...
  5. G

    How Snake Oil Got Its Reputation [History]

    We refer to things as snake oil whenever it over promises, scams, has no proof in being able to do what its been marketed to do or when it's just plain ridiculous. But did you know real snake oil works? More »
  6. J

    I'm writing about reputation in my introdction. she is forced to mingle. what do

    you think of mine plz help :)? (Jenny is invited to a fancy party by her best friend Kate. Victoria is the mother of KAte. Jill is the poor friend of Kate.) Jenny noticed Jill standing alone with a glass of soda. She didn’t know whether to sit or stand, she was glad Kate enjoyed their...
  7. R

    Why am I not bothered by gossip or my reputation?

    My extended relatives are always gossiping abt my bad behavior and things ivie done,but I never feel concerned even when its really bad gossip, stuff that would make people go into hiding I don't even care.
  8. R

    Why am I not bothered by gossip or my reputation?

    My extended relatives are always gossiping abt my bad behavior and things ivie done,but I never feel concerned even when its really bad gossip, stuff that would make people go into hiding I don't even care.
  9. R

    Why am I not bothered by gossip or my reputation?

    My extended relatives are always gossiping abt my bad behavior and things ivie done,but I never feel concerned even when its really bad gossip, stuff that would make people go into hiding I don't even care.
  10. S

    Why am I not bothered by gossip or my reputation?

    It's because you mind your own business. They don't bother me in the least. Good Work!
  11. R

    Why am I not bothered by gossip or my reputation?

    My extended relatives are always gossiping abt my bad behavior and things ivie done,but I never feel concerned even when its really bad gossip, stuff that would make people go into hiding I don't even care.
  12. S

    Why am I not bothered by gossip or my reputation?

    Cause you re tough >.< grrrr
  13. B

    How to fix nasty rumors and lies that practically ruin your life and reputation?

    Some jealous guys in school decided to start rumors about me because they were mad i would not let them in my pants cause i have respect for myself and i am not a hoe and i like girls ,so they started spreading that i had a train aka did all three of them in a row the same day,this is not true...
  14. W

    Is Bolinas, Ca a good place to visit on vacation? years ago it had reputation...

    ...for being anti tourist? Do tourist feel welcome in the shops etc? If not how do the locals (probably kids of rich famlies pretending to be earthy) get off thinking only they have the right to be there? Is it crowded in the summer? I would imagine being so close to San Francisco it must get...
  15. T

    Doctor In Md. Abortion Case Has Poor Reputation, Advocates Say

    Recent allegations against an abortion provider involved in a procedure that critically injured an 18-year-old woman have "stunned" abortion-rights advocates, particularly the charge that the doctor initiated an abortion in one state and completed the procedure in another, the AP/Boston Globe...
  16. T

    A Selection Of Today's Opinions: Health Reform May Help Obama's Reputation Abroad; Pr

    Everybody Loves A Winner The New York Times The president got health care reform passed, and it may turn out to be his single most important foreign policy achievement. ... Have no illusions, the rest of the world was watching our health care debate very closely, waiting to see who would be the...
  17. T

    A Selection Of Today's Opinions: Health Reform May Help Obama's Reputation Abroad; Pr

    Everybody Loves A Winner The New York Times The president got health care reform passed, and it may turn out to be his single most important foreign policy achievement. ... Have no illusions, the rest of the world was watching our health care debate very closely, waiting to see who would be the...
  18. T

    A Selection Of Today's Opinions: Health Reform May Help Obama's Reputation Abroad; Pr

    Everybody Loves A Winner The New York Times The president got health care reform passed, and it may turn out to be his single most important foreign policy achievement. ... Have no illusions, the rest of the world was watching our health care debate very closely, waiting to see who would be the...
  19. T

    A Selection Of Today's Opinions: Health Reform May Help Obama's Reputation Abroad; Pr

    Everybody Loves A Winner The New York Times The president got health care reform passed, and it may turn out to be his single most important foreign policy achievement. ... Have no illusions, the rest of the world was watching our health care debate very closely, waiting to see who would be the...
  20. T

    A Selection Of Today's Opinions: Health Reform May Help Obama's Reputation Abroad; Pr

    Everybody Loves A Winner The New York Times The president got health care reform passed, and it may turn out to be his single most important foreign policy achievement. ... Have no illusions, the rest of the world was watching our health care debate very closely, waiting to see who would be the...