
  1. M

    What are some reasons parents send their kids to a reform school?

    I want to know some reasons because I'm writing a story about a girl in reform school but when a new kid comes in i need to know some really good reason because he's supposed to be really messed up? any ideas?
  2. L

    Why are right-wingers against health care reform, but then they still want to...

    ...whine about their high premiums? Or their family's high premiums. I met a Rush Limbaugh type Con who's brother pays $1,500 per month for health insurance -- yet he whines about Obamacare. Are these people missing the logic gene?
  3. T

    Reform judaism and converting?

    If i believe in the jewish traditions and so fourth, can i consider myself a jew or do i need to study the torah and the other hebrew texts? Its hard to study more now when i have school and i have gotten many different answers to this question. I dont think its a waste of time
  4. J

    Converting to Reform Judaism?

    The past few months I've been drawn to the Jewish faith, and from the research I've done find that my beliefs fit very much with Reform Judaism. The information I've been able to find, however, is limited. Can you tell me some more about [reform] Judaism: the basics, or more than the basics if...
  5. L

    Why doesn't Obama pass campaign finance reform?

    It's obvious that 90% of the people in Congress don't give a shit about the people who voted for them. They just please the corporations that bought them. Why not pass a bill that bans all corporate, union, and lobbyist money? America would overwhelmingly support something like this.
  6. T

    For those of you who have converted to REFORM JUDAISM....can you share your

    experience with me? 1. How did you become interested in Judaism? 2. Can you explain why Jews are so family oriented? Did converting make you feel like you had a family? 3. What was the conversion process? 4. How did you know that you had found the right temple? 5. What was yoru first meeting...
  7. T

    What's the difference between Reform Judaism and Conservative Judaism?

    IS there a huge difference All reasonable answers welcomed. Thank you.
  8. S

    Do some "reform" or "liberal" Jewish groups make it too easy to convert to Judaism?

    Do some "reform" or "liberal" Jewish groups make it too easy to convert to Judaism? For example, most Orthodox sects demand that you at least learn classical Hebrew and be able to read the collected archives of the Torah as compiled by scholars during the Middle Ages and Renaissance. This...
  9. J

    If Atheists understood Reform Judaism, would they cease to complain about...

    ...Religion as a whole? I think so. I was an Atheist from the age of 14 to the age of 24. It was learning the tenets of Reform Judaism in a college-level Comparative Religions course that finally corrected my hateful views towards Religion in general. What say you? Pennywise: Fair enough, I...
  10. K

    what ways are there to reform the welfare system?

    i have: drug tests diversion (offering people jobs rather than benefits) standards that you need to meet time limit for benefits what else could i use?
  11. T

    Today's Op-Eds: Health Insurers Pocket Profits, The GOP's Answers To Health Reform, T

    Boehner's Health Delusion The Washington Post The same swing voters who used the election to hurt the Democrats might learn that America's health-care system is No. 1 only in health-related bankruptcies. It is best in the world only for the rich and the amply insured. Everyone else can crawl...
  12. H

    For all the people complaining about healthcare reform?

    You say you don't want to be forced to have to carry health insurance. Did you know that you have to pay taxes for children's education, even if you don't have any kids? You have to pay it even if you send your kids to private schools? Even if you homeschool your children? Make a huge stink...
  13. T

    Nurses Welcome Labor's Aged Care Reform Agenda, Australia

    The Australian Nursing federation has welcomed an acknowledgement of the need for reform of the aged care and mental health sectors by the chair of Labor's caucus social policy committee. ANF assistant federal secretary Yvonne Chaperon said comments by chair of the caucus committee, Shayne...
  14. T

    Despite Democratic Party Losses, Public Still Opposes Repeal Of Health Care Reform

    Election returns yesterday resulted in substantial losses for Democrats at the congressional and gubernatorial levels. The following is the statement of Ron Pollack, Executive Director of the consumer health organization Families USA, concerning voter sentiments about Republican Party leaders'...
  15. T

    Experts Assess Impact Of Health Reform On Mental Health Coverage

    Implementation of the health care reform legislation, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), holds promise as well as potential challenges for people needing mental health care... More...
  16. T

    IPS Reports On USAID's Implementation And Procurement Reform

    Inter Press Service examines recent changes at USAID in line with President Barack Obama's vision to help build "the capacity of developing countries so that they can develop themselves." Obama outlined this idea during the Millennium Development Goal summit in New York last month. "Consider...
  17. T

    Political Picture Still Dreary For Some Dems Who Backed Health Reform

    National Journal: "Just over half of Americans likely to vote in next week's midterms want the next Congress to repeal this year's health care overhaul if Republicans gain power on Capitol Hill, according to a new poll, a dramatic rebuke to a sitting president and freshly minted statute...
  18. N

    Which band would you like to reform for one tour?

    For me it would be a tough choice between The Smiths and The Stone Roses. I've seen The Stone Roses so I suppose I'd have to say The Smiths. I'd love The Clash to reform but that's not possible without Joe Strummer. How about you?
  19. A

    Please tell me about Kashrut in Reform Judaism?

    My boyfriend is a Reform Jew. He told me that he keeps kosher in the home – he doesn't eat the meat prohibited by the laws, he doesn't mix meat and dairy, etc. What I want to know is, are Reform Jews generally able to eat food that's been cooked/prepared by non-Jews? The thing is, it's coming...
  20. A

    I'm choosing the path of reform Judaism - does this still mean I cannot

    attend my friends catholic wedding? I had early asked a question if I am still considered Jewish or not - thank you for all the answers :) I am reading up on the process of entering Judaism and I came across something I found a bit scary - that I cannot attend any religious event outside of...