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    Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy Reduces Side Effects In Patients With Early Breast C

    Intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) gives better results than standard radiotherapy in patients with early breast cancer, according to results from a randomised trial presented today (Sunday) to the 2nd Forum of the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO). IMRT is an advanced...
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    Prior To Coronary Intervention Procedure, Validated Pre-Procedure Risk Score Reduces

    A clinical decision support tool helped physicians identify patients at high risk of bleeding complications prior to undergoing a coronary intervention procedure and helped guide the use of bleeding avoidance strategies, leading to less complications and a shorter hospital stay, according to a...
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    In Very-Low-Birth-Weight Infants, Breast Milk Reduces Intensive Care Costs And Risk

    Feeding human breast milk to very-low-birth-weight infants greatly reduces risk for sepsis and significantly lowers associated neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) costs, according to a study by Rush University Medical Center researchers. The study, published in the advance online version of the...
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    FDA Reduces Dosage Recommendations Of Sleeping Pills Containing Zolpidem

    Manufacturers of sleeping pills with an active ingredient called zolpidem are being forced by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to reduce the current recommended dose of the medications. This measure comes following new evidence showing that the zolpidem blood levels of some people the...
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    Alzheimer's - Galantamine Reduces Mortality

    A recent study finds that galantamine has a much lower mortality rate among patients with mild to moderately severe Alzheimer's disease compared to placebo. The findings were presented at the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology 51st Annual Meeting in Hollywood, and come from a study...
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    Silicon-Rich Water Reduces Aluminium Levels And Could Help Us To Measure The Metal's

    Drinking silicon-rich mineral water may reduce aluminium levels in people with Alzheimer's, which could allow us to measure the effects of aluminium on the disease, according to a study published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. This small study by Keele University took place over 12...
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    Daily Disinfection Of Isolation Rooms Reduces Contamination Of Healthcare Workers' Ha

    New research demonstrates that daily cleaning of high-touch surfaces in isolation rooms of patients with Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) significantly reduces the rate of the pathogens on the hands of healthcare personnel. The findings...
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    Improved Treatment Reduces Mortality After AMI

    The analysis of four French registries from 1995 to 2010 was presented by Professor Nicolas Danchin from the Hopital Europeen Georges Pompidou. Cardiologists recognize two types of myocardial infarction... More...
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    Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Reduces Loneliness, Benefits Immune System

    Many elderly people spend their last years alone. Spouses pass and children scatter. But being lonely is much more than a silent house and a lack of companionship. Over time, loneliness not only takes a toll on the psyche but can have a serious physical impact as well. Feeling lonely has been...
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    A Combined Approach Reduces Surgical Site Infection Rates In A High-Risk Patient Popu

    A surgical patient safety program that combines three components - accurate outcome measurement, support of hospital leadership, and engaged frontline providers - reduces surgical site infections (SSIs) by 33 percent in patients who undergo colorectal procedures, according to a new study...
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    Intervention After A First Osteoporosis Fracture Reduces Repeat Occurrences

    An international expert task force is calling on health care providers to aggressively identify and provide care for the millions of people who have suffered their first osteoporosis-related fracture, in order to prevent subsequent fractures... More...
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    Older Adults In A Medical Or Research Setting Suffer A Stress Response That Reduces T

    Your mother had a doctor's appointment for a memory test. The results are conclusive: she presents with the first signs of Alzheimer type dementia. Now, to get to her appointment, your mother, who is no longer used to driving in town, took her car, looked for a parking space for 15 minutes, got...
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    Electron-Beam Irradiation Reduces Virus-Related Health Risk In Lettuce, Spinach

    A team of scientists studying the effects of electron-beam irradiation on iceberg lettuce and spinach has had its research published in the February issue of the leading microbiology journal, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, said the study's lead investigator. The study quantified the...
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    The CompBullet Reduces Recoil With "Rocket" Vents [Guns]

    Noe drawbacks of rifling gun barrels is that they allow a small amount of the expanding gases to exit the gun in all directions before the bullet itself does—decreasing its velocity and increasing recoil. A projectile design by Comp Bullet aims to overcome these issues with vented rounds. More »
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    Fish Consumption Reduces Risk Of Alzheimer's Disease

    People who eat baked or broiled fish on a weekly basis may be improving their brain health and reducing their risk of developing mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer's disease, according to a study presented at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)...
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    New Research Suggests That Acthar Reduces Proteinuria In Idiopathic Membranous Nephro

    On November 10 at the American Society of Nephrology 44th Annual Meeting, Boston University Assistant Professor of Medicine Laurence H. Beck, Jr., M.D., Ph.D. will present results from a study which found that H.P. Acthar® Gel may induce a remission of proteinuria in patients with idiopathic...
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    Inhaling Low Levels Of CO Reduces The Impact Of Environmental Stress

    According to scientists, carbon monoxide (CO), a tasteless, colorless and odorless gas, is not only a danger to the environment but also highly toxic to human beings. Found in the exhaust of vehicles and generators, CO has been dubbed the "silent killer" because excessive inhalation is lethal...
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    My alt key reduces they volume in Windows XP. How do I turn that off?

    I few weeks ago something happened where now the volume on my computer is dialed down when I hold the Alt key down. Curiously, it's only the left Alt key. Has anyone seen this before and how can I turn it off?
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    Breastfeeding Reduces The Risk Of Suffering Allergy

    Today, about one in four European children suffer from allergy, which makes this disease the non-infectious epidemic of the 21st century. Evidence suggests that lifestyle factors and nutritional patterns, such as breastfeeding, help to reduce the early symptoms of allergy. The detection and...
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    Heart's 'Back-Up System' Reduces Heart Disease Deaths

    Small bypass vessels which act as a 'back-up system' for the heart's main arteries play a significant role in reducing the mortality of patients with coronary artery disease, according to new research. Researchers from UCL, University of Bern, Yale University and other international...