
  1. D

    Phone reception quality issues with Blackberry Bold?

    Im loosing signal more than I used to and getting no signal in places that used to work fine. I think it started not long after I switched from a Pearl to the Bold. I suspect it may be my carrier but before I pay to get out of my contract with them I wanted to see if any other Bold users...
  2. A

    Will a Nokia E73 cell phone improve my cell phone reception with my wireless...

    ...connection? Currently, I have T-Mobile. Where I live the reception is almost nonexistent. Most of the time there are no bars on the signal strength indicators. Sometimes there is 1 very briefly then none. Most of the time, my phone goes off and/or becomes garbled. There is a shortage of...
  3. J

    iPhone 4G reception issues?

    Hi, I have a new 3G iPhone. My son even has a new iPod Touch, and my wife just recetly got a new 4G. In our house I have a wireless system set up. Both my son and I are great with reception, but my wife's 4G goes to (3G network,, loses connection) when she is about 15-20 feet away! I heard...
  4. G

    Verizon Wireless (Bad Reception @ home) ?

    I have Verizon (LG Dare) and i don't get good reception in my home because i live on the bottom floor...should i switch phone companies and go with T-mobile or should i buy a new phone...what should i do ?
  5. J

    Iphone 3 G s had broken screen now fixed but has extreme reception prolblems?

    I now rarely have enough service to get a text message or phone call through in places i used to have 5 bars. The casing around the phone is slightly bent from the impact of the break.
  6. N

    does wind affect mobile phone reception?

    basically, mobile phone reception appears NOT to be affected by wind. But is that correct? at what point does wind, rain, etc... affect radio signals?
  7. K

    Why Does My Nokia E72 Lose Reception?

    When i hold my Nokia E72, the reception drops and eventually loses the whole bars... when i place it down on a flat surface it all comes back... same thing happened with my Nokia N97.... whats's the problem here i just got this phone as a present :)
  8. A

    Has the iphone 4 reception problem been fixed?

    I really want to get one but was wondering if the reception problem really is that bad, and has it been sorted out??
  9. R

    Which is better reception for Richmond,BC, Wind Mobile or Mobilicity?

    I am currently using Wind Mobile and it has decent service but in my home and my school I lose reception and I only get 1 bar or no service. It's very frustrating and I was wondering if Mobilicity has better reception because I read that Mobi uses Rogers towers unlike Wind.
  10. S

    What would cause this interuption in a car stereos reception?

    Only certain stations come on at certain times of the day or night, when before all came in very clear. A station will suddenly cut out (usually in the middle of a good song) without warning. The only thing is I can't check the connection to the aerial @ the units back because I need a special...
  11. L

    Which one has a better reception, Fido or Rogers? And what kind of phone.?

    Which one has a better reception? Rogers or Fido. And what kind of phone should i get? One that has a reasonable price. I would like one with a slide keyboard, QWERTY Keyboard. And a easy to text one.
  12. M

    why do i get no reception on vodafone nokia E71 ?

    i have been on vodafone for 4 years now, and i have had the nokia E71 phone for a year now, and within the past few months i have noticed i dont get much reception, my reception is always up and down and sometimes i have none and withing a plit second i will have full, when people ring me...
  13. H

    Blackberry Bold 9000 won't get reception?

    My phone is with Telstra, and i know for a fact that there is reception where i am because my friend is able to receive it. But my phone only comes up with the SOS thing where the bars of reception normally are. It's been like this for days now and i have no idea how to fix it. Any help would...
  14. H

    Blackberry Bold 9000 won't get reception?

    My phone is with Telstra, and i know for a fact that there is reception where i am because my friend is able to receive it. But my phone only comes up with the SOS thing where the bars of reception normally are. It's been like this for days now and i have no idea how to fix it. Any help would...
  15. H

    Blackberry Bold 9000 won't get reception?

    My phone is with Telstra, and i know for a fact that there is reception where i am because my friend is able to receive it. But my phone only comes up with the SOS thing where the bars of reception normally are. It's been like this for days now and i have no idea how to fix it. Any help would...
  16. J

    How does the iPhone 4's reception compare to that of other AT&T phones?

    I dont care about the holding the antenna thig I just want to know generally if it can farther into dead zones an stuff like that than other AT&T phones. Just AT&T phones
  17. N

    does wind affect mobile phone reception?

    basically, mobile phone reception appears NOT to be affected by wind. But is that correct? at what point does wind, rain, etc... affect radio signals?
  18. H

    iphone 4 reception problems?

    Is it possible to buy an iphone 4 that doesnt have any reception problems??Because i dont want to spend $1000+ on something that cannot make a simple phone call. Have they made a new generation that doesnt have this problem? OR do i just get a bumper and the reception problem will go away...
  19. H

    Which has better overall reception Sasung or Motorola?

    Well specifically the Samsung Fascinate, or the Droid X. Which has best reception, also battery life, and durablility/build quality? Pros and cons of each would also be good. Links?
  20. L

    How do I inform my guests that both my wedding ceremony and reception are outdoors?

    I am having an outdoor wedding ceremony as well as reception in May. I wanted to tell my guests in a formal way just so they know how to dress. It is not a casual wedding, but just so they know to bring a sweater and/or wear the appropriate shoes. For example, my bridesmaids are wearing wedge...