
  1. A

    Saints rookie cornerback Corey White gets a reality check from Drew Brees

    Rookie minicamp is a time for the new kids to come into a new team facility and basically learn where to line up. Running in the right direction is considered a plus, and anything else is gravy in what is basically a series of glorified* workouts. Everyone tends to look good -- especially...
  2. G

    I reject your reality and I substitute my own

    I don't know if this phrase ... ... originally from Adam Savage or if he's quoting someone. I think it might be his. Today, I was in an internet argument with someone (can you believe how many people on the internet are WRONG???) and I used a phrase like that. Then I instantly lost...
  3. W

    Why do liberals try to use reality based facts when arguing with conservatives?

    they should know that using facts against conservatives doesnt actually change their mind or beliefs but actually makes them believe their conservative lies even more
  4. G

    Bionic vision gets closer to reality with new UNSW facility

    The fabrication of implantable electronics has begun at the University of New South Wales ahead of planned patient tests of a functional bionic eye next year.
  5. U

    Actual reality

    Miracles in the Holy Qur'an Seeking it rapidly When a photo of the Earth rotating around itself is being taken and accelerated, then we can clearly see the sequenced consecution and progression of light and darkness. As if the darkness if following this thin layer of light without surpassing...
  6. F

    Isn't it funny that God can hide reality in the most inconspicuous place

    which is right in front of the ego's? eyes? I love how blatant Reality is so hard for some to conceive?
  7. F

    Isn't it funny that God can hide reality in the most inconspicuous place

    which is right in front of the ego's? eyes? I love how blatant Reality is so hard for some to conceive?
  8. A

    A Shocking Reality: 1 In 4 American Children Will Go Hungry This Christmas

    We hear a lot about global hunger and starvation in developing countries, but often times, we don't realize what's happening in our own backyards. And during the time of year when giving is at the top of our minds, it can be easy to assume that someone else is taking care of those who are less...
  9. M

    how do i stop having my dreams mixed with reality? :(?

    i have this new job at Macy's....and every night i have these dreams that i'm going to let my boss down...cause in my dreams i'm at work...and when im half asleep i act like im at im lying down and saying "i cant let her down..." how do i stop this??? on my day for work i didn't get...
  10. J

    How did this become reality?

    My first dream starts with me sitting in a bar, dressed like a major slut and drinking a beer. (Which isn't like me) I glance across the table and theres this man who looks to be 20. He comes over and we talk, but I cant hear anything. After words we walk into the ally and start making out. He...
  11. D

    How do i sync my contacts from facebook to the samsung reality?

    I know you can do it on Android and Iphones, but can you do it on the Reality? If so, how?
  12. S

    Out of touch with reality after a panic attack.?

    Yesterday a fire ant bit me on my wrist and it had swelled up, along with itching all over the body. I am a person who lets my mind get the best of me, and this morning in class I let my mind wonder on if this could get in my blood stream, etc. Needless to say I started freaking out, palms...
  13. T

    Lung Regeneration May Be A Reality Soon

    According to a report in the Oct. 28 issue of the journal Cell, investigators at Weill Cornell Medical College have made an important discovery in their mission to "turn on" lung regeneration. This finding could effectively treat millions of individuals who suffer with respiratory disorders. The...
  14. O

    POLL: Do you believe reality isnt real?

    like am i really here or is this just a dream, or maybe im here but your not, or maybe im just a lunatic imagining all of this! *screams and runs away*
  15. G

    The 99% Is Printing Infographics on Money to Show the 1% the Reality of Occupy Wall S

    There's something going on with Occupy Wall Street—good, bad, monumental, anarchy, I don't know—but there is a clear disparity between the 1% and the 99% and the voice of the 99% is slowly ringing louder. Here's one way to get the 1% to pay even more attention: taint their money. More »
  16. G

    Tell me what you think about future video games going virtual reality. Whats...

    ...your view on that subject? Here is a quick overview of what Sony has done so far:
  17. W

    Did you know that world peace and love are a reality in Christ?

    Of course, not in this fallen world of ours, but in Christ it is so!
  18. J

    In spite of the debate & arguing here in YA, in reality, do you even care anymore?

    In spite of the debate & arguing here in YA, in reality, do you even care anymore? Do you still feel like we can make a difference (regardless of what your leanings are)?
  19. J

    In spite of the debate & arguing here in YA, in reality, do you even care anymore?

    In spite of the debate & arguing here in YA, in reality, do you even care anymore? Do you still feel like we can make a difference (regardless of what your leanings are)?
  20. C

    Recommendations Of Reality TV Shows For Teenage Girl?

    My 19 year old girlfriend loves reality tv shows but shes run out of things to watch. Shows I know she likes: Keeping Up With The Kardashians, The Hills, The City, Jersey Shore & The Real Housewives Of...... Any recommendations for other shows that might interest her?