
  1. A

    Closing Time: Josh Reddick, ready for his close-up

    You're not officially in my Circle of Trust until I add you to my phone's custom dictionary. Welcome to the club, Josh Reddick. You've forced your way into the mix. Reddick was the big star (man, I miss Alex Chilton) in Friday's 11-4 romp over the Tigers, going 4-for-4 with a couple of homers...
  2. Z

    Why cant Women be excitied and ready to mingle after a breakup, they usually...

    ...end up complaining ? Instead. Guys are different. When we break up, we are happy ! We dont get down about it usually when we were hoping that she would end it with us anyway. So we go on as if nothing happened. On to the next girl. LOL. Does this make us cruel. =)
  3. C

    Wanting to take driving test but am I ready?

    I have had no proper instructor, learned from my boyfriend while HE drives and I have driven myself for about a year I just feel I have picked up alot of bad habits from him. I switch lanes at the same time that I put my blinker. My boyfriend says realistically no one will let you in the lane if...
  4. B

    Poll: Ready or Not????????????

    Uhhh, what is the usual reason why a guy would ask a girl about her plans this weekend? :D
  5. G

    Live at American Idol: Colton and Skylar Talk Romance Rumors! Plus, Who's Ready to Be

    Oh, Ryan Seacrest, you just love to stir the romance-rumor pot any chance you get. Wednesday night's performance show was on fire with some pretty epic performances, but it was Ryan's...
  6. M

    Defrosting ready cooked food?

    I've got a ready cooked bolognese in the freezer, how long should I put it in the microwave for before I chuck it in the pan?
  7. G

    Get Ready for Global Water Dances

    Coming to a place near you in June. Info Read the comments on this post...
  8. A

    Get Your Body Ready For Bikini Season

    Fitness and health are lifestyle commitments that we encourage you to pursue all year long. But getting ready for bikini season is something you may have forgotten about by now. If you've let your skin get less-than-glow-y underneath layers of long underwear, or find yourself staring at a...
  9. A

    NCAA Hockey Tournament: Ferris saves the CCHA; get ready for a hell of a Sunday

    In which we recap the day's events in the NCAA tournament. The CCHA entered the tournament as the nation's undisputed super-conference. Well, perhaps not undisputed per se, but certainly the one with the best chance of stocking the Frozen Four in Tampa with multiple teams. After all, it sent...
  10. G

    Are you ready to meet Jesus Christ?

    If Jesus was to come today, would you be ready? If not, what is stopping you? We don't know the day or hour, so are you ready people? What are you doing to stay ready? Though we are not ready, let us try to live righteously and get ready. God bless you all. To RL Jr. God bless you too. I pray...
  11. M

    I just ordered an LG 60PZ550 that's wi-fi ready. will a streaming device...

    ...can act as a wi-fi adapter.? ok...the "LG 60PZ550" is "Wi-Fi ready" meaning you can enable it's internet apps "Netcast" and DLNA, but need to purchasing a $67 wireless adapter to access the internet wirelesly. My question is simple. If i get a device like a "Roku" or "Revue" that comes with...
  12. D

    Poll: Are you single and ready to mingle;)?

    Yeah...U can say that again....... Just love that word > Mingling ~~~ LOL Well...Good Luck to Uuuuu..... Just rock yr World & be Happy ~~~ * CHEERS & Nice Day:)
  13. G

    Retractable Tank Treads Make this Amphibious Boat Ready For Beach Assaults [Video]

    Forget about finding a boat launch to easily slip the Iguana 29' into the water. Tucked away against its hull are a set of retractable caterpillar treads that let it drive in and out under its own power. More »
  14. W

    Survey: Ready for a little odd survey?

    1) Do you have one finger longer than the other? 2) Is one of your toes longer that the other? Which one? 3) Do you have any odd hairs growing in strange places? Like on your big toe... 4) Are you a little long in the tooth? I am going to let Yahoo pick categories for me today 5) Have you...
  15. A

    Afternoon Links: Get Your Tabletop Ready For Thanksgiving

    • Is this the next big fitness craze? (HuffPost Women) • Immature or forever young? (YourTango) • Make your tabletop festive for less. (Divine Caroline) • Calorie burning recipes* for every meal. (fitsugar) • What causes osteoarthritis. (Third Age) • Smiling the secret to anti-aging...
  16. M

    Ramadan: Ready for some more Riddles?

    Salam wa aliakom 1- On one occasion Prophet Muhammed begged to see Allah when he was at His thron...but seconds later he refused..why? 2- Hamza Ibn Al Mullah said "The Prophet Muhammed is older than me in....and I am older than him in age," wat is the missing word 3- One day the Prophet...
  17. E

    I feel that I have a novel inside me about ready to come out. Thing is, I know...

    ...nothing of literature and stuff? I would appreciate a few pointers and tips. Thanks to all who help. Edwina, who in this case is not so wise. Lol.
  18. S

    how to get ready to tryout for freshman baseball team?

    all i want to know is what can i do to improve my chances of making the team you see ive always been an ok baseball player this will be my first time trying out for a sport though ive always played rec baseball and never seen the pressure of a real school team so anyway im getting off topic i...
  19. A

    Marathon (Wo)man: Ready Or Not, Here I Run

    I’m 12 miles in, nearly halfway through the marathon, by the time I realize that I haven’t yet stopped for water or fuel. And, I’ve somehow forgotten my precious fuel belt and the valuable turbo jelly beans and dried fruit it contains. Thankfully, the course passes through a little cottage–an...
  20. G

    Grey's Anatomy Redux: Get Ready for a Shipper Riot! The "Soul Mates" Have Been Reveal

    Grey's Anatomy Redux: Get Ready for a Shipper Riot! The "Soul Mates" Have Been Reveal We've all heard the sage advice to "follow your heart." And "the heart wants what the heart wants." Basically all that romantic hoopla that we don't listen to in real life...