
  1. T

    Data Mining EMRs Can Detect Bad Drug Reactions

    NJIT Assistant Professor Mei Liu, PhD, a computer scientist, has recently shown in a new study that electronic medical records can validate previously reported adverse drug reactions and report new ones. "Comparative Analysis of Pharmacovigilance Methods in Detection of Adverse Drug Reactions...
  2. T

    Valuable Alternative To Animal Models Predicts Reactions To Novel Drugs And Cosmetics

    A simple lab-based skin test which eliminates the risk of adverse reactions to new drugs, cosmetics and household chemicals has been developed by a Newcastle University, UK team. It uses real human skin and immune cells to show any reaction such as a rash or blistering indicating a wider immune...
  3. T

    What were the reactions to a certain DC character's death?

    I don't really know what the spoiler rules are on Yahoo Answers so I didn't know if I could put the person's name in the question hence why it is ambiguous. Anyways the character I am talking about is Ted Kord, also known as Blue Beetle. I can only find the reactions of Fire, Guy Gardener, and...
  4. T

    NBA Reactions and Debates, Freestyle Battle: Round 2, NFL - Dec 08,2012

    Welcome to the December 7, 2012 edition of The Blitz Hardcore Podcast. Tonights show will be centered around all the action from around the NBA tonigh. Also, Round 2 of the most anticipated freestyle battle in history. Who will come out the victor? Tune in and check it out.This show is brought...
  5. C

    Why Do I Have Bad Reactions to Cooked Oils?

    Every time that I eat foods that are deep fried or just cooked with oil I get a headache, brain fog (cannot think clear), migraines, and even throw up if it gets really bad. If I do throw up, it is mainly the oil that comes out (sorry for the gross detail). This has been happening for years...
  6. T

    Research Links Abacavir Hypersensitivity Reactions In HIV To Attacks By Body's Own Im

    Potentially severe hypersensitivity reactions to the anti-HIV drug abacavir occur through an autoimmune mechanism, resulting from the creation of drug-induced immunogens that are attacked by the body's immune system, according to a study published online by the journal AIDS, official journal of...
  7. G

    Disturbing Evidence of Recent Nuclear Reactions Found at Fukushima [Japan]

    Japan is hoping to have the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant safely shuttered by the end of the year, but a little radioactive wrench just got dropped: inspectors have discovered evidence of very recent fission. That's bad news. More »
  8. G

    Celebs Tweet Reactions to Ohio Escaped-Animal Killings

    It's been a tragic scene in Ohio. After Terry Thompson opened the cages for approximately 50 creatures in his exotic-animal park—including lions, tigers, monkeys and...
  9. G

    Reactions to Steve Jobs' Death [Blockquote]

    The world is now reacting to the very sad news of Steve Jobs' death. We are collecting the thoughts and condolences of people like Bill Gates, Larry Page, Tim Cook, Mark Zuckerberg, Sergey Brin and President Barack Obama himself. More »
  10. H

    help chemistry introduction to reactions?

    two atoms of lithium react with two molecules of liquid water to produce two units of aqueous lithium hydroxide and one molecule of hydrogen gas
  11. T

    Who likes to ask questions, JUST to see people's reactions and laugh about it...

    ...with your friend's? Is it just me, or do any of you guys like to set up scenarios in these questions... so you sound really obnoxious or something, JUST to see if people can get a stab at you? Lol, if you don't it's really fun. It's amazing the way people can stand up for people they don't...
  12. T

    So, recording your facial reactions from watching a funny or shocking video...who...

    ...came up with that concept? Ok, I'm going to set up a camera all by myself because I know I'm going to have unexpected facial reactions and I want to capture the moment and upload it on the net.
  13. T

    Washington Post Examines Development Experts' Reactions To Draft QDDR

    The Washington Post examines development experts' "mixed reactions" to the recent roll out of the State Department's draft Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review (QDDR), which would give USAID "a bigger role in running President [Barack] Obama's two main foreign aid initiatives - health...
  14. T

    Circassia Achieves Major Reduction In Allergic Reactions To House Dust Mite In Phase

    Circassia Ltd, a specialty biopharmaceutical company focused on allergy, announced successful clinical results from a phase II study of its T-cell vaccine targeting house dust mite allergy. The study met each of the safety and efficacy endpoints, with the optimal treatment regimen achieving a...
  15. S

    state how you can use displacement reactions to describe the trend in...

    ...reactivity of group 7 elements? Chemistry is Hard......HELP ME PLEASE!
  16. T

    In living organisms, chemical reactions responsible for growth, repair, and

    nutritions are collectively reffer? A: devlopment B. metabolism C adaption D. genetics E. homeostasis
  17. H

    What is revealed about Roger and his reactions in this chapter? Why does he...

    ...stop short of actually hitting Hen? Book: Gathering of Old Men
  18. S

    what are some interesting topics on combustion reactions?

    its for a yr 8 science progress so not too complex but just enough to earn an A at yr 8 level in Australia
  19. W

    Poll: Your reaction(s) to...? 10pts for BEST ANSWER?

    You saw the teletubby gang going on a killing rampage(they have chain saws, guns, and knives) in a grocery store 1)Scream 2)Run 3)Try to defeat them (me: there in a gang, gl with that...) 4)Call the cops 5)Stare in amazement 6)Other
  20. R

    Market reactions on changing crude oil price

    <o:smarttagtype namespaceuri="urn:schemas-microsoft-com<img src=" http:="""" vb="" images="" smilies="" redface.gif="" border="0" alt="" title="Embarrassment" smilieid="2" class="inlineimg"></o:smarttagtype><o:smarttagtype namespaceuri="urn:schemas-microsoft-com<img src=" http:=""...