
  1. M

    Why my rats cover their food dish with cloth they find around the cage?

    And why when I give I leave lettuce in their cage, they take leaf by leaf and put it in their food dish?
  2. H

    What is Better Rats or Hamsters???

    I have had 83 hamsters cos I love them but my girlfriend had 2 rats and I think hamsters are better, she thinks rats what do you think????????
  3. H

    What is Better Rats or Hamsters???

    I have had 83 hamsters cos I love them but my girlfriend had 2 rats and I think hamsters are better, she thinks rats what do you think????????
  4. J

    How to introduce baby rats to older female rats?

    i want to introduce a new baby rat to the two older rats i have. One of them is probably not going to be with us much longer and i want the other to have a freind when she goes. any avice?
  5. M

    the hardest decision of my life, should I get pet rats and everything they need

    or a new cellphone? If I were to get a cellphone I'd want a blackberry with unlimited minutes and texting (ends up about $100 a month, not including the phone which is about $250) if I were to get rats I'm spend about $316 on the habitat, treats, food, and everything else I'd need, plus the rats...
  6. B

    my rats eyes seem to be leaking colour!?

    i know usually when people talk about red stuff round a rats eyes or nose its that poryphin stuff, but if a rat has red eyes and smudgy bits round the side, is that still poryphin? i have 2 baby rats wwith red eyes, well not babies but young, and theyve always looked like their eye colour leaked...
  7. F

    Snezzing rats HELP!!?

    Right I use Clean N Safe *Disinfecant *Cleaner *Deodorrant with my rat cgae and they seem to be snezzing I think its because of the cleaning stuff but I dont know for sure they snezze constanly and do about 3 in a row. On the cleaning stuff it dosent say that its not for rats if you go on...
  8. S

    could i put a whole carrot in my hamsters and rats cage?

    my hamster needs something to chew on, so would a carrot work, but how long could i leave it in the cage, and would my rats enjoy having one in their cage.
  9. A

    would it be okay to feed dog food to my rats?

    I just now refilled their food bowl and mixed some carrots and lettuce along with their regular food and ppl keep saying that dog and cat food is good for them to.
  10. R

    What's the best place to buy pet rats in the Chicago suburbs?

    I am interested in well socialized girls that are young. I'm hoping to find someone who has a liter that is well cared for. But, if you know a really good pet store that would be nice too. Thanks
  11. R

    My rats genitals are swollen and a few seconds ago yellow discharge & blood was

    coming out? whats goin on? It doesn't seem like its hurting her, (she is a girl btw) I'm going to take her to the vet as soon as possible, but I'd just like a general idea of whats going on so I'm not completely in the dark.. Any ideas????
  12. A

    What do I do about porphyrin in rats?

    My rat has some porphyrin coming out of his eye, what causes this and is it contagious? What can I do for him?
  13. J

    I've heard that flax seed can keep fancy rats' tumors from getting larger.

    Is this true? My female rat recently developed a tumor and I'm looking for ways (other than surgery) to keep it from getting larger. She's already 2 1/2 or 3 and she just developed the tumor this week.
  14. A

    Why does my baby rat eat the other baby rats poop?

    there about 9 & 11 weeks old.
  15. A

    Is it true that when mother rats r about to have their babies, that the hair...

    ...arround the niples will fall out? My rat is pregnant but i don't know how far in.
  16. D

    Breeding Rats for Snake Food?

    Hey all, I was wondering if anyone could give me a full guide to breeding rats and mice for snake food. However, please do not post with messages saying how cruel this is and saying stuff such as "it's safer to buy frozen" etc.
  17. T

    Could i put 4 rats in a single unit ferret nation?

    I have 4 female rats, and im debating getting the single unit critter nation... Is it big enough???
  18. K

    In petstores around Moorefeild,WV how much does 2 rats and 2 hamsters cost?

    or 1 of each or 1 rat 2 hamsters
  19. D

    Do sewer rats make good pets?

    Where do I put my pet sewer rat to make him warm and so that he doesn't get out of control? He likes crawling up my legs.
  20. L

    I fed my rats raw peanuts! help! Its bad for them and how do i roast them?

    I was on a wonderful site with rat info http://freewebs.crittercity.com and i was reading on what to and what not to feed your rats, and i found raw peanuts on there! now, normally the peanuts i buy my rats are from the store out of the big bin. but last time i went there they didnt have the...