
  1. N

    3 year old screams in class rarely though?

    Recently had been to a teacher parent conefernce which happens once in 3 months.My son just turned 3 and recently the teacher told me that he screamed on her when she tried to stop him from doing something.So I am a little worried now.He does this at time with me too...So I am just thinking that...
  2. A

    Why Does Hollywood Like Proving Its Liberal Bias, By Rarely Nominating Crime

    Fighting Movies? 'The Dark Knight' snubbed in best picture race http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/herocomplex/2009/01/the-dark-knight.html Dark Knight voted 5th greatest movie ever. http://www.imdb.com/top_250_films 'The Dark Knight' Snubbed By Oscars...
  3. B

    Is it better to get a new bike or a used bike if you rarely ride?

    I don't ride a lot- 500-1000 miles a year. I'd like to ride a little more, but I know it will never be a lot. I'm on my 4th bike now, and I thought about selling it, but its worth it to have one around even if I don't ride a lot. I want to get more of a multifunction bike- like a dual sport...
  4. L

    Parents rarely to never let me hang out with ANY friends!! 10 Points if yours are...

    ...stricter!? Ok so I am about 16 and my parents don't EVER let me hang out w/ my friends. It's frustrating because my school is more of the cliquey type than popular not popular but there are still like the one group of kids of pretty girls and guys you don't mess with. I'm annoyed because I've...
  5. R

    What are some Rarely Breed Animals?

    Hi could someone suggest some rarely breed animals that are not against the law. I am willing to do Research NO SILLY ANSWERS!!!! PS: 10Points for best answer no draws!!!