
  1. C

    How to flirt and mingle with random girls?

    Im talking about girls who I dont know the ones who for example work at the mall theres this smoothie place in the food court where its loaded with attractive girls one of them who is particularly friendly with me. Or any other girl who works at the mall that I would like to get to know I can...
  2. B

    Has anyone heard of the iphone 4 sending older texts at random?

    I have the iphone 4 and my friends have been telling me that they are getting older texts from our convos...anyone aware how to fix it?
  3. A

    random trivia? (10 points 4 deadmau5 trivia)?

    what are some big triva facts? i love sprouting random trivia. 10 points 4 deadmau5 the famous DJ facts :D thanks! any trivia
  4. J

    How to talk to a random girl?

    Ive always kind of had a problem with confidence. I was kind of a star in athletics in school and my friends tell me all the time that i can get any girl i want but sometimes i have a hard time believing it for some reason. for example i will see a good looking girl and ive recently started...
  5. R

    Random Data charges on telus?

    has anyone else gotten a random data charge from telus, i dont know what it could have been for it was like 38,000 kb. and i couldnt have hit the browser button or something because get this it says i was charged for it at 4:30 in the morning when i was most definately asleep and my phone was...
  6. L

    Random Fashion Survey ...?!?

    1.) What is your favorite store/clothing brand? 2.) Where are your favorite pair of jeans from? 3.) Do you match your nail-polish with your clothes? 4.) Hollister or Abercrombie? 5.) Describe the last pair of shoes you bought. 6.) What is your go-to color to wear? 7.) Charlotte Russe or...
  7. M

    random itouch app question?

    hey! I have a question. I have an app on my itouch called pocket voice. it consists of a piano, and you can choose different sounds for the notes (frog, cat, flute, guitar, etc.) and you can then choose a demo song that the piano will play ( jingle bells, fur elise, happy birthday, etc.) you...
  8. R

    Why do People (mainly teens) add mutal or random people on facebook?

    I have Always wondered Why do People (mainly teens) add mutual or random people on facebook? My sister is a good example of this, she is 15 and she has 2045 friends on facebook. my sisters personality is like one of those popular girls from the movie mean girls. why has she got that many...
  9. N

    9 random questions about some musicians (rock and alt rock)?

    1- What are your thoughts on Morissey's personality? 2- What's the greatest quality of Jim Morisson in your opinion? 3- (It's not gonna happen, but...) How would you feel if Roger Waters, David Gilmour and Nick Mason made an album together under the name of Pink Floyd? 4- How great do you...
  10. C

    Any weird or random comments?

    I've had a few things said to me whilst out riding some odd and quite random and some offensive... usually some sad male asking me if I'd ride him like that or could he be my saddle... I'm sure other riders have had similar experiences :) I had an old man ask me the other day if the Indians...
  11. C

    Any weird or random comments?

    I've had a few things said to me whilst out riding some odd and quite random and some offensive... usually some sad male asking me if I'd ride him like that or could he be my saddle... I'm sure other riders have had similar experiences :) I had an old man ask me the other day if the Indians...
  12. S

    POLL/Quiz: Random Questions?

    1. Apple or Burger? 2. Watching TV or Sports? 3. Sega or Nintendo? 4. Pink or Blue? 5. Morning or Night? 6. Ice cream or Ice lolly? 7. Airplane or Ship? 8. Cat or Dog? 9. Super Mario or The legend of Zelda? 10. Waffles or Pancakes? 11. Green or Purple 12. Wizards or Vampires? 13...
  13. A

    doctor who and the name bad wolf, why did they choose such a random name?

    I have been wondering for a couple of years now why the name bad wolf followed doctor who and the tardis around, I understand what bad wolf was/is, its the time vortex come to life (in doctor whos assistant rose) but why did they choose the name "bad wolf" and not something else, I have been...
  14. M

    Survey:Whats a random fact about you?

    im the 4th child out of 5.
  15. J

    Random cramps all over my body?

    Completely random times of day, weather, eveything. And I don't usually stick to a methodical routine, so it's not that I "pulled a muscle or something". Randomly, in the middle of the night, my ENTIRE leg will cramp up, or during school my left side of the neck, or my right hand, or any of my...
  16. R

    Lovebird experts. Random question? Lol :)?

    So I was just wondering why does my lovebird make such cute sounds when it's so quiet in the house. I just think its so adorable :) the sounds remind me of squeaky toys lol but in a softer tone . Does it mean he's happy? Or what can it be? He's not like screaming or anything they're just soft...
  17. B

    What is it that makes the most random people appear in dreams?

    i always find that the peeople i see or think about the most are rarely in my dreams and then different random people that arent really relevant in my life are in my dreams constantly. any ideas why? id love any opinions
  18. M

    How to talk to random girl i see around my college?

    i know how to talk to girls like in classes, parties, and such. but theres this girl i see every once in awhile around campus. my friends say just nut up and talk with her, but from experience it doesnt work like that. i feel you have to have an excuse to talk with her. i dont have an excuse, i...
  19. C

    If i have done the gravedigger random event in RS?

    and i have selected the select your coustume option, however if i want to unlock the emote is it possible? the zombie emote that is after i have finshed the random event and got my costume
  20. T

    Very Random Quiz!!!!!!!!!?

    1. What is your favorite type of horse? 2. What your favorite on a horse?(like bay buckskin etc.) 3. Do you ride horses? If yes, What do you do?