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    Radiation Makes a Manned Trip to Mars Impossible with Current Tech

    Though Curiosity the rover can explore and see Mars up close, curious men and women of Earth will have to wait a bit longer. NASA reports that a manned trip to Mars is likely impossible with current technology because of radiation. Read more...
  2. S

    Does using blue tooth device to talk in mobile phone cause less radiation effect ?

    than talking directly through mobile phones..
  3. M

    Cell phone radiation?

    I accidently left my iPhone under my pillow one night while I was sleeping. I was curious if that could of done anything.? It was left in sleep mode, so technically it was on
  4. T

    Brain Tumors Respond To Diet And Radiation Therapy

    Brain cancer researchers have successfully treated mice with malignant gliomas, a type of aggressive and deadly brain tumor, with a unique combination of radiation therapy and ketogenic diet, a high fat, low carbohydrate and minimal protein regime that forces the body to use fat instead of...
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    Risk Of Treatment Failure And Death Following Deviation From Radiation Protocols

    Implementing measures to ensure radiation therapy protocols are followed not only decreases deviations, but it can also improve overall survival in cancer patients, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital researchers suggest in a first-of-its kind study presented during a plenary session at the...
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    Genetic Differences Can Influence Breast Cancer Risk From Low-Dose Radiation

    Scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have identified tissue mechanisms that may influence a woman's susceptibility or resistance to breast cancer after exposure to low-dose ionizing radiation, such as the levels used in full-body CT...
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    New Radiation Treatment Significantly Increases Survival Rate

    A novel drug that mimics a naturally occurring molecule found in coffee and blueberries has been developed to treat radiation exposure. Charles R. Yates, Pharm.D., Ph.D., and colleagues Duane Miller, Ph.D., and Waleed Gaber, Ph.D., from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center and...
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    For Low-Risk Prostate Cancer, Surgery Or Radiation, Not Monitoring, Most Often Sought

    Few physicians recommend active surveillance for low-risk prostate cancer rather than pursuing surgery or radiation, according to a Mayo Clinic study presented at the North Central Section of the American Urological Association's annual meeting in Chicago. Mayo Clinic urologists also discussed...
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    How Ultraviolet Radiation Changes The Protective Functions Of Human Skin

    Reinhold Dauskardt, PhD, of Stanford's Department of Materials Science and Engineering has been studying skin for years. But when he sent his students to look for data on the mechanical properties of skin, they came back empty-handed. A lot was known about skin structure and disease, but few...
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    Following Radiation In Prostate Cancer, Risk Markers Discovered For Erectile Dysfunct

    In the first study of its kind, a research team led by Mount Sinai School of Medicine and Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University discovered 12 genetic markers associated with the development of erectile dysfunction (ED) in prostate cancer patients who were treated with...
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    Improving Understanding Of Radiation Sensitivity In HPV-Positive Oropharyngeal Cancer

    UC Davis cancer researchers have discovered significant differences in radiation-therapy response among patients with oropharyngeal cancer depending on whether they carry the human papillomavirus (HPV), a common sexually transmitted virus. The findings, published online in The Laryngoscope...
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    Molecular Signature Used To Predict Radiation Therapy Benefit Validated By Moffitt Ca

    Researchers at Moffitt Cancer Center, working with colleagues in Sweden, the Netherlands and Puerto Rico, have validated a radiosensitivity molecular signature that can lead to better radiation therapy decisions for treating patients with breast cancer. The results appeared in a recent issue of...
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    Potential To Diagnose Radiation Exposure Using Novel Biomarkers

    Researchers at the Medical College of Wisconsin have identified novel biomarkers that could be used to confirm exposure to damaging radiation in large groups of people potentially exposed to unknown and variable doses for the purpose of triage and treatment. The findings are published in...
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    Optimizing Radiation Dose In Pediatric CT: Pointers Offered By Experts

    An article in the January issue of the Journal of the American College of Radiology summarizes methods for radiation dose optimization in pediatric computed tomography (CT) scans. Approximately seven to eight million CT examinations are performed for various pediatric clinical indications per...
  15. kowalskil

    Radiation:Fukushima reactors update

    Radiation:Fukushima reactors update The accident phase was enden in Fukushima, as described at: Japan's Fukushima reactors finally contained But the process of “decommisioning reactors” is expected to take 40 years. Ludwik Kowalski .
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    Mobile MIM Receives Second FDA 510(k) Clearance, Adds X-Ray And Radiation Oncology

    MIM Software Inc., a leading global provider of medical imaging software, announced today that Mobile MIM™ has received its second FDA 510(k) clearance for the release of its new version, Mobile MIM 3.0. Mobile MIM is now cleared for diagnostic X-ray and ultrasound viewing, as well as radiation...
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    Childhood Cancer Survivors' Exposure To Chemotherapy, Radiation Does Not Increase Ris

    A large, retrospective study shows that children of childhood cancer survivors who received prior treatment involving radiation to testes or ovaries and/or chemotherapy with alkylating agents do not have an increased risk for birth defects compared to children of survivors who did not have such...
  18. K

    cell phone radiation, bluetooth radiation? effects on the brain?

    -What are the effects that cell phone and Bluetooth radiation causes to the brain? (besides cancer) -Is Bluetooth safer than cell phones?( I use a ps3 Bluetooth headset for around 2 hours straight each day of the weekend) -Should I turn off my cell phone when im not using it? -What else can I...
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    Protecting Intestine From Radiation Injury With Probiotic

    Scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have shown that taking a probiotic before radiation therapy can protect the intestine from damage - at least in mice. The new study suggests that taking a probiotic also may help cancer patients avoid intestinal injury, a common...
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    Radiation Levels In Fukushima: Preliminary Report Reveals Relative Safety Of Resident

    Researchers have released a preliminary report on the effects of the Fukushima nuclear disaster on the surrounding areas, following radiation levels for approximately three months following the event and surveying more than 5,000 people in the region. The report was published in the online...