
  1. G

    Bug Labs QWERTY Module Prototype Deemed QWERTYy [Ces 2009]

    We had a quick hands-on with a prototype of the upcoming Bug Labs QWERTY module. The keys were tiny, requiring fingernail presses, but overall it felt pretty solid with firm buttons resistant to mistypes. The Bug Labs booth at the Sands Convention Center (see: coffee, exposed circuit boards and...
  2. C

    I want a verizon phone with a QWERTY keyboard, and maybe a touch screen. i dont

    like the env2 or the voyager. ? what should i get?
  3. V

    what is a good verizon phone that has a qwerty keyboard, and does not require

    the internet plan? i'm going to be getting a new cell phone very soon and i have no idea which one to get. i currently have the enV 2 and i just think that it is too much the same as my first enV. i really like the blackberry Curve, however i'm not allowed to have the internet plan because my...
  4. A

    any advice which one is the best cell phone with qwerty keyboard like in the...

    ...sidekick cellphone ? i am in argentina , i cant use sidekick cellphone , because in argentina , t-mobile doesn't work -_- . please . any advice . thanks . :D