
  1. U

    I'm noticing that a lot of car insurance companies are pushing for ETF why?

    They want the funds to come out of your account every month electronically. Which seems like to me that they are trying to make it hard for you to leave them when you find a better quote some place else. Do you think this is the case?
  2. M

    Lost question about pushing the button?

    So we find out the reason for pushing the button is because the Pearl station or whatever screwed something up cause thats what Daniel said and that is why the button has to be pushed and the force made the plane crash but the hatch got blown up and everything seemed fine and dandy and how did...
  3. A

    Will pushing brake fluid back into lines ruin master cylinder?

    I'm going to change my brake pads for the first time and was wondering how to do it correctly. I have an 86 Toyota Pickup and in the Haynes manual and other Youtube videos people usually just depress the caliper and make sure that the brake fluid reservoir doesn't overflow when the fluid is...
  4. M

    POLL: he keeps pushing me away?

    would u just go to the one he wants you to be with? or stay with him.
  5. K

    Why is the government and the American lung cancer society pushing nicotine

    replacement products? Instead of the best way to quit smoking which is cold turkey. Devices such as patches, gum, losenges, e-cigs do not address the root cause of the addiction which is nicotine addiction. This is the same fallacy which has the opiate addict hooked on methadone or other...
  6. G

    After Pushing "Climategate," Fox Ignores Study Confirming Temp. Record

    A new study confirming the accuracy of existing global temperature records has been ignored by the all the major television news outlets, except for one mention in a CNN news brief. But the omission is most conspicuous at Fox News, which routinely casts doubt on the temperature data, accuses...
  7. C

    In "Speaking Fluent 'Joke' Pushing the Racial Envelope through comedic

    performance on Chappelle's Show"? Bell-Jordan makes the claim that Chappelle’s “deliberate violation of rhetorical convention in exchange for racial daring is by definition ideological resistance” (88). In sketches like “Equality in First Class,” “The Racial Draft,” “Clayton Bigsby,” and...
  8. I

    Why aren't Dems in congress out pushing Obama's 'jobs bill'? Why did they

    take another vacation as ppl suffer? the big - !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. S

    how 2 make the dvd drive load automatically without pushing or using the switch?

    how 2 make the dvd drive load automatically without pushing or using the switch?? my iballfab9 cabinet is designed in such a way that , when the drive ejects , the switch to load the drive cannot be seen, so i have to push the drive..... is there any software for this...??????????
  10. J

    Why are certain sections of society pushing the overpopulation myth in society?

  11. G

    Help with riddle: A man is pushing a car; he stops at a hotel, gives the

    hotel manager some money and then car? I'm trying to work out this riddle but have no idea, help! A man is pushing a car; he stops at a hotel, gives the hotel manager some money and then carries on pushing his car. Why? Does anyone know?
  12. U

    Why wasn't Brock Lesnar arrested for pushing that police officer at UFC 121?

    When Brock Lesnar was making his entrance he pushed a police guard out of the way when he was trying to keep some idiot from jumping down to the ramp where Brock was walking to the cage. I now believe that the UFC is like WE. It is a money trap, and it is all staged. Stupid rednecks and...
  13. T

    My iphone yahoo messenger app isn't pushing notificaitons.?

    I have uninstalled and reinstalled and rebooted my phone. I have updated the firmware on my phone and uninstalled and reinstalled the app again and rebooted again. I am still not getting push notifications. I have even deleted it from itunes and installed it through itunes. No luck. I...
  14. B

    It hurts to breathe.. When I breathe in it feels like my lungs are pushing...

    ...up against my ribs hard..? Can anyone tell me what could be wrong?
  15. 2

    How do you get a DVD out of your dvd player in your car when pushing the...

    ...eject button doesnt work? It just makes this clicking noise when I press eject! It wont play the dvd either. The player is in the back of the center console of my car, so i cant open it from the back. What do I do? Who would work on it for me?
  16. J

    Where can I find sheet music for the Linkin Park song Pushing Me Away?

    I'm looking for sheet music for the Linkin Park song Pushing Me Away, but for the live version they play where Mike plays only piano and Chester sings it. Whether it's free or I have to pay, that's fine.
  17. M

    Is modern MMA slowly pushing WWE and Boxing out of the picture?

    I haven't heard anyone say one word about WWE or Boxing since the UFC started to become popular about 6 years ago. Is Boxing and WWE slowly getting pushed off the map?
  18. A

    Boras pushing hard for Damon to be a Tiger

    Johnny Damon is still a free-agent, and with about two weeks remaining until pitchers and catchers report to Spring Training, his agent Scott Boras is staging a late PR blitz to find his client a suitable home. And of course a suitable contract. Damon and*Boras, reportedly*rejected*a two-year...
  19. T

    Obama Pushing Dems For Health Compromise In Marathon Session

    The New York Times: "With a growing sense of urgency, President Obama and top Congressional Democrats held a marathon negotiating session on Wednesday in an effort to thrash out agreements on sweeping health care legislation that could provide insurance coverage to more than 30 million...
  20. O

    Two kids on a merry go round one ridin one pushing it travels in a circular path

    she accelerates rest to the..? speed of 3.0 m/s as the 2nd girl pushes is the child riding in uniform circular motion?? i dont get it explain why or why not?