
  1. T

    Once Punishment Is Removed, Rats, Like Humans, Return To Drinking

    Once heavy drinking impairs function, a variety of punishment-related threats may motivate people to stop drinking: spouses may threaten divorce, employers may threaten job loss, and courts threaten drunk drivers with losing their driver's license or incarceration. In the face of these threats...
  2. A

    DT Exclusive: Chelsea decide their own wicked punishment for John Terry

    Chelsea captain John Terry has apologized and decided not to appeal the four match ban and £220,000 fine for being found guilty of racially abusing QPR's Anton Ferdinand in the FA's inquiry following the not guilty verdict of his criminal trial for the same offense. Chelsea, meanwhile, announced...
  3. J

    Is a teacher holding you after the bell rings as punishment illegal?

    I've heard that its the Geneva Laws of collective punishment, but when I looked it up it was stuff on a much bigger scale like genocide and war etc. I don't know the first thing about law or exercising rights, so I'd like to know If I'm within my rights to walk out of a classroom where my...
  4. V

    Penn State Punishment Details

    The NCAA usually hands out punishments for minor things like recruiting violations. Today, the NCAA had a much bigger fish to fry. They had to figure out how to punish Penn State for the horrific crimes they committed by not properly handling Jerry Sandusky. What did the NCAA decide to do? Here...
  5. B

    does captain punishment live on jingle bell street?

    please translate the above question and put it into adult terms in your answers below.
  6. N

    Pastor’s corporal punishment advice scrutinized after child deaths?

    OMG A pastor is telling people how to kill children http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/pastor-corporal-punishment-advice-scrutinized-child-deaths-160004793.html Well no He's not, there is nothing in the book that can be in the least way misconstrued that a child should be harmed more than a...
  7. A

    What is the punishment for stealing a cellphone?

    so i left my phone in my friends car the other night and the next morning i called to ask if i could come pick it up and she said NO. Apparently somoene accidently spilled drinks all over her school books in the backseat of her car, where me and 3 other people were sitting. and my friend who...
  8. M

    Would Christians accept vicarious punishment a reasonable thing in

    non-Biblical contexts? After days of research, I've come to the conclusion that Christians believe that Jesus lived a perfect life and was therefore an ample sacrifice to serve as the payment for original sin. This seems conceptually unfair to me. Let's say someone was being tried for the...
  9. C

    what are the punishment for stealing a 500$ bike ? if the person gave the bike...

    ...back to its owner? and its hes first time getting arrested clean record
  10. H

    what is the maximum punishment for bringing a knife to school in the state of

    Washington? My friend just got arrested for bringing a knife to school in the State of Washington and his court date is coming up, we were wondering what the maximum punishment could be.
  11. A

    NHL: No punishment for Wayne Simmonds after alleged slur

    Before we get into NHL Senior Executive Vice President of Hockey Operations Colin Campbell's explanation for Wayne Simmonds skating on the alleged homophobic slur on Monday night, take a look at the controversial clip one more time: Here's Campbell on the NHL's investigation of the...
  12. D

    If your fav. celebrity commits a murder. what punishment would you want for him/her?

    death? life sentence? 10 years? no punishment at all? any other?
  13. M

    POLL : Do you think that there should legal punishment for CHEATING on your partner ?

    the person accused should be given strict punishment for committing this ....whether he is man or woman............i mean infidelity
  14. I

    Should capital punishment be re-introduced for people convicted of murder?

    Hi, I am doing a law/business speech about capital punishment in class. I would love to know your opinion, about whether or not you think capital punishment should be re-introduced, or if you think that it should happen. So it would be great if you could give your response! -Isabelle Okay so...
  15. K

    Is this a good introduction paragraph for an essay on 17th century punishment?

    Have you ever done something you knew deep down was wrong, but did it anyways? And after you had done it, you were called out on spot about it? Didn’t feel too great to have a secret brought to public eye did it? In the 17th century, public humiliation was one of the many consequences for...
  16. C

    Do Christians belief cancer is a punishment from God?

    Or any other disease for that matter? Are sins being punished by sickness?
  17. I

    Wife and I arguing over our son's school punishment?

    Now, my son goes to catholic school... he recently had a test, and the last question, is name some of the differences between the church and other business orginizations... So my son put down as one, ramped paedophilia... Which of course, should be a completely acceptable answer... Yet, he is...
  18. I

    Wife and I arguing over our son's school punishment?

    Now, my son goes to catholic school... he recently had a test, and the last question, is name some of the differences between the church and other business orginizations... So my son put down as one, ramped paedophilia... Which of course, should be a completely acceptable answer... Yet, he is...
  19. I

    Wife and I arguing over our son's school punishment?

    Now, my son goes to catholic school... he recently had a test, and the last question, is name some of the differences between the church and other business orginizations... So my son put down as one, ramped paedophilia... Which of course, should be a completely acceptable answer... Yet, he is...
  20. K

    How to introduce corporal punishment to our son?

    Our son is seven, and my hubby wants to start giving him a spanking when he misbehaves. We've exhausted all over options, and lately we've had a lot of problems with him. Such as taking things that do not belong to him (stealing), lying to me and his father, and although his grades are fine, he...