
  1. R

    Poll: would you stuff pudding inside Victoria Justice?

    Then eat it back out? I would.
  2. vicky

    Poll/Survey: RE: Snack Pack® pudding?

    They are on sale this week ($.80), so I'd like your advice. I bought 5 4-packs, but I think I will go back for more. Whats the best flavor(s)? Is one serving enough, or do you eat 2 or more at a time? How many packs would you buy for 1 adult? How many packs would you buy for a child ...
  3. V

    Does anyone have a recipe for a christmas pudding without sultanas or raisin?

    anything but but them.....
  4. C

    How to best store a homemade Christmas pudding after it has been steamed/cooked?

    The pudding that I have made is not your traditional plum pudding recipe, however the ingredients are quite similar. Its a Kahlua and dark chocolate plum pudding, (mmmm..yummo!!) and it has been steamed in a ceramic plum pudding bowl. My question is how do I store it now until Christmas...
  5. L

    Does anyone have a simple maple syrup pudding recipe?

    I need a SIMPLE maple syrup pudding recipe. One that does not consist of BAKING POWDER AND SODA, OR CORNSTARCH OR ANY TYPE OF RISING FLOUR. Please and thanks <3
  6. K

    If a recipe calls for a box of pudding and your cake mix already has pudding, do you

    add one less egg and add? in the additional oil if it already calls for oil?
  7. E

    Bread pudding recipe?

    I went to lucille's Bbq and got there bread pudding and it was to die for I was wondering if anyone who has had it could give me the recipe for it or a recipe for one that is similar
  8. D

    Does anyone know of a Kuchen recipe that has bread in the pudding?

    My Grandma that came over from Germany I think it was the Prussia part of Germany I can not remember for sure right now I could look it up if it helps but I am looking for a Kuchen recipe that uses pieces of bread to make the pudding My Grandma use to make it that way and I lost the recipe and I...
  9. M

    Easy recipe for banana pudding?

    My fav pudding so please no difficult recipes with measurements or exotic items -.- Easiest recipe - 10 pts
  10. J

    Recipe for Bread Pudding and sauce needed.?

    I'm making this on Friday for my boyfriend cause he told me that it was a desert he really likes. He also told me there was a certain sauce you put on it and if you put on too much or too little it's not as good. I've looked up recipes but the I can't even know what kind of sauce you put on it...
  11. A

    do you have to cook black pudding?

    do you have to cook black pudding before its safe to eat? i've been buying it for years but only just noticed it has cooking instructions. i usually have it on a sandwich raw.
  12. A

    do you have to cook black pudding?

    do you have to cook black pudding before its safe to eat? i've been buying it for years but only just noticed it has cooking instructions. i usually have it on a sandwich raw.
  13. N

    Whats the recipe for ICE Pudding?

    ICE, not rice
  14. D

    If Molly finds Hilder Ogdens' secret recipe for steak and kidney pudding?

    in the Duckworths' attic - and if Molly cooks it for Tyrone - will Kevin go beserk if he finds out about it?
  15. A

    Simple rice pudding recipe?

    Hey everyone! Does anyone know any simple rice pudding recipe, with simple ingredients? thanks in advance!
  16. P

    Can someone give me the recipe for blood pudding?

    My neighbors sire goat I shot dead trespassing in a field on my land three days ago and I have to get to the meat before it is spoiled. I have boiled the intestines to soften them and they are in the fridge now, waiting to be utilized. The rest of the entrails are in my kitchen kinda stinking...
  17. P

    I am looking for a good recipe for bread pudding. Anybody out there have a

    favorite recipe? I remember my grandma's bread pudding, but haven't been able to find anything close. Do any of you know of an old-time recipe that is high on taste?
  18. F

    When a lemon cake recipe calls for lemon instant pudding mix, do you make...

    ...it into instant pudding mix first ..? or do you just add the dry instant pudding powder in the little box?
  19. F

    When a lemon cake recipe calls for lemon instant pudding mix, do you make...

    ...it into instant pudding mix first ..? or do you just add the dry instant pudding powder in the little box?
  20. F

    When a lemon cake recipe calls for lemon instant pudding mix, do you make...

    ...it into instant pudding mix first ..? or do you just add the dry instant pudding powder in the little box?