
  1. B

    The Guest Monologue by Andrea Rogers publishing?

    I did this piece for theatre and i LOVE it. But now i want to do this for speech and debate. However the only way i can do this piece for speech is if the monologue is published. I know this piece is published online but for speech it has to be published in a BOOK. However i cannot find anywhere...
  2. M

    Is the movie, book publishing, and music industries going bankrupt and

    collapsing? Piracy, torrents, etc...? how will they survive this terrible age?? How will musicians, authors and actors make revenue if they are being robbed of everything in their arsenal? All these beautiful industries of art, are they really going bankrupt and going to collapse and not be...
  3. L

    Does publishing in the android market publish in Google play?

    I'm looking to publish my app in the Android market, and I was wondering will it automatically go into Google Play as well? Thanks for reading! -Rov
  4. E

    Help With Publishing?

    Now lets say I have a story I wrote that's a sequel to my favorite series (I'm not saying which) and I don't wanna get money for it or anything in fact I just want to give it to that author to see if they want to publish it in their name (basically It doesn't change the story line just a...
  5. D

    Good publishing house or site?

    I want some information about some decent publishing houses or sites, because I'm really looking forward to getting my book published. I need a publisher that is not the kind like you find online where you have to pay for publishing your books (what?). Anyone know some? Thanks!
  6. G


    Create Space is difficult. And Apple requires an Ipod or Ipad. Do you know of a good self publishing program preferably free.
  7. L

    What are the steps to publishing a book ?

    Using a book publishing company or self publishing i just want to know how to get started after I've written the book......
  8. H

    Where can I find Morgan Rae Publishing greeting cards?

    I am wanting to find the tiny greeting cards from Morgan Rae Publishing, either for sale online or in a store somewhere. I found them on ebay but for too high a price, and at kijiti or something like that for a decent price but still want to know if I can find them at a store somewhere or...
  9. B

    What are some good publishing companies for rookie authors?

    My manuscript is nearly 50,000 words and is Science Fiction and Adventure. What are some publishing companies I should summit it to?
  10. T

    Any third party Unity addons for publishing Nintendo 3DS and Sony PSP games?

    I am new to Unity and just wondered if there was any third party addons or any way that enable you to publish your games for Nintendo 3DS and Sony PSP. I know Unity Technologies do not offer any addons for this.
  11. kowalskil

    An easy way to publish a book

    Publishing a Kindle Book 1) Inspired by The New York Times article about Kindle publishing (October 24, 2011), I prepared the third edition of my "Tyranny to Freedom ..." *book, submitted the manuscript and the book was on the market in less than 24 hours. It costs only $0.99, the lowest...
  12. T

    How much do you have to pay a printer when publishing?

    10 points best answer!
  13. T

    Ashford Publishing Radio Presents Maria Hutson - Oct 25,2011

    Mrs. Hutson is the Restaurant Manager for the ‘Boucan Wine Bar and Restaurant’, located in Christ Church, Barbados. This elegant restaurant is renowned for its fine Caribbean dining, Sunday brunches and Friday buffets. It is situated in the historic Savannah Hotel, and also features live music...
  14. P

    Who is the person who types a book ready for publishing? Typesetter?

    You know the person who designs the book on the computer, who is it?
  15. G

    How Ikea Redesigned Its Bookshelves for a Bookless World [Publishing]

    Books aren't dead. Let's not even say they're dying, not yet. But physical books, the musty tomes you checked out from the library, are most certainly on the decline—to the point that Ikea has redesigned its products to accommodate a world without them. More »
  16. H

    I am interested in publishing my book..I am 16, will they take me seriously?

    I'm scared that I send in my story, and they don't take it seriously since I'm only a teenager. I've written a couple of stories, but I'm having a difficulty of which one to send. I want to be positive on which one to get published, because I need to do extra editing on it.. Which would the...
  17. J

    Authors and Editors -- What do you think the future publishing world will be like

    due to more technology? Amazon Kindle of paperback? Or both? I also heard that 200 Borders bookstores across the US are going out of business. This saddens me, especially being an author.
  18. P

    What do you put in a query letter if you have no publishing experience?

    I've looked query letters up online and I've purchased several books like 'Your First Novel' and "Publishing for Idiots' (which was not helpful at all) But nowhere in either books or even online does it say what to say if you've never published a thing in your life. I have never published a...
  19. G

    Can I publish the same book with different self publishing outfit using the same...

    ...ISBN? I wanted to publish a book with Lulu, I gave them the title and they generated an ISBN. I wish to self publish the same book locally in my home country, can I still use the same title and ISBN (the Lulu edition is not yet published)? Or do I get another ISBN locally? Or Do I change...
  20. C

    Anybody know of a UK publisher who would be interested in publishing a book...

    ...about WWI and WWII in Austria? The book traces 5 generations of a family and has been translated into English.