
  1. T

    Scientists Develop New Method To Identify Glycosylated Proteins

    Various processes in our body are controlled by subsequent changes of proteins. Therefore, the identification of such modifications is essential for the further exploration of our organism. Now, scientists of the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry in Martinsried, Germany, have made a crucial...
  2. T

    2 Proteins Found To Be Key For Normal-Sized Brains

    In work that may one day correct or prevent genetic conditions tied to smaller-than-normal brains and shed light on the evolution of human head size, researchers at MIT's Picower Institute for Learning and Memory analyzed the interaction of two proteins key to brain development. Neurogenesis is...
  3. M

    How/when should I take Optimum Nutrition's Hydrowhey and casein proteins...?

    I've been taking BSN to bulk up, but i'd like to cut up a little bit before summer. So, how shouldrod I take the Hydro whey protein and should I take the Casein only before bed or what? If you like to leave some cheap, high-protein foods feel free. Thanks in advance.
  4. T

    The Therapeutic Effect Of Worm-Derived Proteins On Experimental Colitis

    Patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) suffer from chronic inflammation of the gut leading to gastrointestinal motility alterations with symptoms such as abdominal pain, cramps and diarrhea that profoundly affect their quality of life. The lack of exposure to worm infections, as a result...
  5. S

    I don't eat meat or soy, is getting proteins shake/powder a good option?

    I hear people say its unnatural and you shouldn't take it but is there really a negative side to drinking protein shakes/power. I don't like meat and don't eat too much soy because it raises estrogen levels, and I'm a guy, and my parents don't have time to cook vegetarian food. Is there any...
  6. A

    what should my proteins have?

    So i just turned 16 and ive been working out for about a month. The proteins that my mom bought say low fat and high protein (22g). I weigh about 120 maybe a little more and am about 5"6'. Im trying to make my arms bigger and get a six pack (already have part of it but doesnt really show unless...
  7. C

    If carbohydrates are sugars, proteins and fats, then why are they separated...

    ...on the nutrition facts? 1) i do not fully understand what carbohydrates are? 2) How do sugars turn into carbohydrates? Please use your own words to make it more simple, clearer to understand!
  8. J

    Is eating a lot of fat and proteins and working out 4 times a week a good...

    ...way to way healthy and get muscles? I'm not an expert on health but here's my thought: If you eat a lot more of fat/sugar/carbs/etc., it'll be okay as long as you burn it off your body everyday with excersises and physical activity. No problem with that, right? Correct me I'm wrong. I'm...
  9. A

    What is effect of nutrition especially zinc nutrient on Zinc-finger proteins?

    Zinc-finger proteins define the most common transcription factor family in organisms ranging from yeast to humans. My question about effect of nutrition, especially different level and source (organic or inorganic) of zinc in diet on Zinc-finger action in animal and effect of zinc-finger...