
  1. T

    Avoid Promoting Miracle Diets For New Year, British Lawmaker Urges Magazines

    Please do not promote "miracle diets" for the New Year, British Women and Equalities Minister, Jo Swinson has urged magazine editors. Every year throughout the world, magazines are awash with miracle cure diets that guarantee incredible results after weeks of overindulgence during the Christmas...
  2. M

    Advice with promoting music?

    Hey, i'm a 17 year old kid who wrote and produced a really really good rap song, it's about a relationship and goes in depth about basically every idea, point, or opinion that could be spoken in a rap love song. I want to upload it but i want to get a good strategy on what to do with it. I...
  3. A

    Jamie Oliver Rightly Shames David Beckham For Promoting Junk Food

    Are pro athletes responsible for the products they endorse?*British celebrity chef Jamie Oliver thinks so and is bashing David Beckham*for representing companies like Pepsi and Burger King. At the start of the Olympic Games, it's a controversial, yet good point: Athletes should not enter into...
  4. J

    Osborne thinks the future is in promoting technology companies in the UK,... he right? The tories seem to be terrified of promoting manufacturing, Thatcher wrecked the manufacturing base in favour of Financial Services, this lot are convinced that installing mega fast broadband everywhere and giving tax breaks to technology companies will work, but, "THINGS" still...
  5. D

    Why is Yahoo so over promoting the moronic rant of comedian Bill Mahr?

    It has been spotlighted on the home page for longer than anything else I have seen there.
  6. A

    PETA Wants Michelin Guides To Stop Promoting Restaurants That Serve ‘Tortured Animals

    On a quest to ban the promotion of restaurants that serve tortured animals, PETA is calling on the well-known restaurant rating manual, Michelin Guides, to request that they stop awarding stars to restaurants that serve foie gras or shark fin soup. Just hearing about the abuse these animals go...
  7. G

    Advice on promoting fashion business at school?

    So i have my own business in which i sell hair bows,feather hair extensions,feather earrings,i designed jeans, & so much more. I would really like my business to be really BIG at school but i don't know how to get it out their. What are some ways i can get the business out at school. And what...
  8. T

    Insurance Leader Praises Obama For Promoting Enhanced Long-Term Care For Alzheimer's

    According to the Society of Actuaries, the leading cause of U.S. long-term care claims is Alzheimer's, the brain disease that renders over 5 million Americans unable to handle all the acts of daily living unaided. Who cares? Evidently President Obama does, having written a pro-active column in...
  9. D

    legal steps in promoting and selling new website program?

    I am in the process of creating a website that has a type of program that organizations can purchases to use. The name is origianal, our symbol is original, and or program is original. What are all the steps i need to take legally to actually start promoting and selling the use of the program...
  10. A

    Is Obama promoting peace and stability in the middle east by selling $60 billion...

    ...worth of weapons to them? Heck under Bush they only bought $11 worth of hardware but under Obama a staggering $60 billion with another $30 billion dollar deal already in the works. Gotta hand it to Obama he's a pretty good salesman...
  11. S

    If I sing a song promoting another religion does that mean I am going against my...

    ...religion? My religion being hinduism. Thank you (:
  12. J

    Aren't YOU glad to pay $73000 for Alan Grayson's self promoting DVD?

    WASHINGTON — If U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson were a rock star, his latest PR blitz — a DVD sent to tens of thousands of Central Florida residents — would be called Grayson's Greatest Hits. The 90-minute disc features video highlights from his first term in office, including one of him grilling Fed...
  13. M

    Promoting Homestar plan, Obama visited Opower

    [No message]
  14. M

    Promoting Homestar plan, Obama visited Opower

    [No message]
  15. N

    Can anybody find me a picture of a poster promoting a book?

    i really need one because i have to make one for my english assignment (either on The Burnt Stick (book) or The Rabbit Proof Fence (film)) BUT i dont know the layout or format. I want to do a poster promoting a book because i know that most of my classmates will be making posters promoting the...
  16. S

    Why does Glenn beck keep promoting his book "The Christmas Sweater"?

    I'm just curious i always see him promoting that book? heck he even made a lame ass play about it..
  17. Ñ

    Why don't I hear vegans promoting awareness of the potential health risks

    associated with veganism? And the ones that do get severe criticism. It seems so wrong. So often I hear "my parents won't let me be vegan" and the responses are very often along the lines of "don't eat" or "have an apple" "they'll give in eventually". It just seems like shouldn't the overall...
  18. D

    Is the internet business like promoting products help to make money?

    I am interested to join as an affiliate to promote products through click bank or amzon? Any idea how to start?
  19. S

    Should celebrities be used for promoting international development?

    Are celebrities good or bad influences?
  20. S

    what the best and low cost way for promoting the Canadian base online... in the internet? All of online shopping like Amazon, Yahoo small business, Google shopping, Next tag, Biz rate don't accept the Canadian to open online store.