
  1. A

    I have lost progress in my iphone games?

    I recently got a new iphone 5 and had some issues with it. I have that sorted out now, but a couple of the games I have on there (Mermaid World and Fish with Attitude) has had all their progress wiped out. Is there anyway I can get my progress back?
  2. B

    Songs about Old ways vs. Future technology, and progress?

    I'm looking for a song that has a meaning behind it that has to do with the idea of progress, materialistic things, and technology, vs old ways and thinking. I'm Trying to Synthesis the song with The movie the last Samurai, Thanks!
  3. S

    How quickly does glaucoma progress?

    My optometrist said that he saw signs of glaucoma because of my intraocular pressure and nerves when he saw my eye with a light and I should see an eye doctor. Im in my 20s and still have my full peripheral vision. He didn't do a dilating exam.I have set up an appointment in few weeks but wanted...
  4. E

    Tell me about your gym progress!?

    Just wondering has there been any skinny tall people out there that have put on muscle and weight and are now happy with their body. What did you do / eat :)
  5. G

    Is There Anything More Annoying Than a Stalled Progress Bar?

    Despite leaps and bounds in the advancements in technology—we now have shiny little rectangles that respond to touch and voice and connect us to other people half way round the world!—one thing still sucks hard: stalled progress bars. More »
  6. W

    Is religion holding back society from social progress and change?

    Science is the way to go in the 21st century. 21st century is all about secularism, less religion, more education, more science, progress, equality, freedom, fairness, and social revolutions! No religion is on the rise.
  7. T

    A Work in Progress - Episode 674 - Mk 5:38 - 9:36 - Jan 07,2013

    Praise the name of Jesus. This is the year of drawing nigh unto the Lord and I am striving to hide his Word in my heart that I might not sin against him. Letting his Words cleanse me from the inside out! We each must study to show owerselves approved unto God, rightly dividing the Word of truth...
  8. T

    A Work in Progress - Episode 672 - Matt 24:29 - 27:43 - Dec 31,2012

    Praise the name of Jesus. This is the year of drawing nigh unto the Lord and I am striving to hide his Word in my heart that I might not sin against him. Letting his Words cleanse me from the inside out! We each must study to show owerselves approved unto God, rightly dividing the Word of truth...
  9. T

    A Work in Progress - Episode 670 - Matt 15:10 - 19:30 - Dec 27,2012

    Praise the name of Jesus. This is the year of drawing nigh unto the Lord and I am striving to hide his Word in my heart that I might not sin against him. Letting his Words cleanse me from the inside out! We each must study to show owerselves approved unto God, rightly dividing the Word of truth...
  10. T

    A Work in Progress - Episode 665 - Zec 3:8 - 11:9 - Dec 14,2012

    Praise the name of Jesus. This is the year of drawing nigh unto the Lord and I am striving to hide his Word in my heart that I might not sin against him. Letting his Words cleanse me from the inside out! We each must study to show owerselves approved unto God, rightly dividing the Word of truth...
  11. T

    A Work in Progress - Episode 664 - Zep 3:14 - Zec 3:7 - Dec 13,2012

    APOLOGIZE FOR THE SHORT SHOW; MICROSOFT PUSHED AN UPDATE DURING THE SHOW AND I DID NOT CATCH IT IN TIME TO POSTPONE IT. Praise the name of Jesus. This is the year of drawing nigh unto the Lord and I am striving to hide his Word in my heart that I might not sin against him. Letting his Words...
  12. E

    my u torrent download progress bar shows red colour?

    i started downloading medal of honour 2010, but at 91.8% complete, d progress bar turned 2 red colour and it has not been downloading since. How can i remedy that situation?
  13. T

    A Work in Progress - Episode 655 - Dan 2:46 - 5:24 - Nov 27,2012

    Praise the name of Jesus. This is the year of drawing nigh unto the Lord and I am striving to hide his Word in my heart that I might not sin against him. Letting his Words cleanse me from the inside out! We each must study to show owerselves approved unto God, rightly dividing the Word of truth...
  14. T

    A Work in Progress - Episode 654 - Eze 47:1 - Dan 2:45 - Nov 21,2012

    Praise the name of Jesus. This is the year of drawing nigh unto the Lord and I am striving to hide his Word in my heart that I might not sin against him. Letting his Words cleanse me from the inside out! We each must study to show owerselves approved unto God, rightly dividing the Word of truth...
  15. T

    A Work in Progress - Episode 653 - Eze 40:4 - 46:24 - Nov 19,2012

    Praise the name of Jesus. This is the year of drawing nigh unto the Lord and I am striving to hide his Word in my heart that I might not sin against him. Letting his Words cleanse me from the inside out! We each must study to show owerselves approved unto God, rightly dividing the Word of truth...
  16. T

    A Work in Progress - Episode 650 - Eze 27:16 - 32:5 - Nov 13,2012

    Praise the name of Jesus. This is the year of drawing nigh unto the Lord and I am striving to hide his Word in my heart that I might not sin against him. Letting his Words cleanse me from the inside out! We each must study to show owerselves approved unto God, rightly dividing the Word of truth...
  17. T

    A Work in Progress - Episode 649 - Eze 22:29 - 27:15 - Nov 05,2012

    Praise the name of Jesus. This is the year of drawing nigh unto the Lord and I am striving to hide his Word in my heart that I might not sin against him. Letting his Words cleanse me from the inside out! We each must study to show owerselves approved unto God, rightly dividing the Word of truth...
  18. T

    A Work in Progress - Episode 645 - Eze 1:8 - 7:11 - Oct 22,2012

    Praise the name of Jesus. This is the year of drawing nigh unto the Lord and I am striving to hide his Word in my heart that I might not sin against him. Letting his Words cleanse me from the inside out! We each must study to show owerselves approved unto God, rightly dividing the Word of truth...
  19. T

    A Work in Progress - Episode 642 - Jer 46:21 - 50:32 - Oct 16,2012

    Praise the name of Jesus. This is the year of drawing nigh unto the Lord and I am striving to hide his Word in my heart that I might not sin against him. Letting his Words cleanse me from the inside out! We each must study to show owerselves approved unto God, rightly dividing the Word of truth...
  20. T

    A Work in Progress - Episode 641 - Jer 42:1 - 46:20 - Oct 15,2012

    Praise the name of Jesus. This is the year of drawing nigh unto the Lord and I am striving to hide his Word in my heart that I might not sin against him. Letting his Words cleanse me from the inside out! We each must study to show owerselves approved unto God, rightly dividing the Word of truth...