
  1. W

    The Lion King 2; Simba's Pride: Question About Zera?

    In The Lion King 2, Zera seemed very upset when Nukka, her son, died. Now my question is, was she really upset because she loved him. Or, was she only upset because she lost a member of the pride she needed to help kill Simba?
  2. G

    humor in pride and prejudice?

    i am doing a presentation for english and i need help... i dont know how to start my intro... i want my intro to capture my audience, but im soo lost to how.. can anyone PLEASE start it off for me? or have any ideas pleassseee? thanks!
  3. R

    How many Pride FC events are there (DVD's)?

    Hi, I want to know casue I am think of buying like 1 dvd a week so i can get them all!! I dont want to include like best pride knockouts volume 1 or anything just events! Long live PRIDE!
  4. P

    If Jesus Christ did not ordain any women, is it not pride for women to

    ordain themselves? i mean pride as a companion of lust sloth envy anger greed and avarice
  5. M

    What's the song that the mom hums in pride and prejudice the movie?

    In the 2005 movie, before Mr. Bingley proposes when all the girls of the home are just lounging around, the mom is lying on the couch humming this song, its like a classical song and it god "something something the angels sing" i can't explain it maybe you guys know? thanks for even looking at this!
  6. S

    Pride of the Yankees trivia question?

    What was the problem Gary Cooper had with playing Lou Gehrig (that was fixed with film trickery)?
  7. N

    Whats the channel number for pride fighting on dish network?

    Whats the channel number for pride fighting on dish network and the channel number for wec world extreme cage fighting
  8. L

    Pride & Prejudice: After reading I am still wondering how a certain minor

    character is related to the main? The character is Mrs. Annesley, I am not that could in deciphering the old english but from my understanding she is a friend of Darcy's? An aunt? A cousin, perhaps? Please help me clear this up! If there is no such character in the book please tell me!
  9. L

    How can I get my church interested in taking part in the gay pride celebrations...

    ...happening this month? I was thinking of suggesting the church put on a big spread; you know, an all-you-can-eat function where the public is invited. My idea for the promotional posters is to depict the rainbow God put in the sky over the ark, with the Village People on the deck performing...
  10. L

    How can I get my church interested in taking part in the gay pride celebrations...

    ...happening this month? I was thinking of suggesting the church put on a big spread; you know, an all-you-can-eat function where the public is invited. My idea for the promotional posters is to depict the rainbow God put in the sky over the ark, with the Village People on the deck performing...
  11. L

    How can I get my church interested in taking part in the gay pride celebrations...

    ...happening this month? I was thinking of suggesting the church put on a big spread; you know, an all-you-can-eat function where the public is invited. My idea for the promotional posters is to depict the rainbow God put in the sky over the ark, with the Village People on the deck performing...
  12. L

    How can I get my church interested in taking part in the gay pride celebrations...

    ...happening this month? I was thinking of suggesting the church put on a big spread; you know, an all-you-can-eat function where the public is invited. My idea for the promotional posters is to depict the rainbow God put in the sky over the ark, with the Village People on the deck performing...
  13. N

    This is for all you... !!!PRIDE & PREJUDICE PROS!!!?

    Need help on a question which is... In chapter 42 what techniques does Austen use to describe the shortcomings of the Bennet's marriage? In what ways is it a failed marriage?
  14. L

    June is Gay & Lesbian Pride month?

    and since 2006, Caribbean American Heritage month. How will you celebrate?
  15. C

    What are some good gay pride symbols that don't look ugly?

    Pictures would be appreciated, thanks.
  16. D

    please help me if you have read pride and if you have actually

    READ the book? elizabeth and darcy's characteristics change throughout the novel as far as not being judgemental,conceited,etc What is the author trying to say through the changes of elizabeth and darcy? i need help so bad,that it isnt funny
  17. D

    Do you pride yourself with you're sardonic sense of humor?

  18. O

    Pride and Prejudice help?

    I need if possible three quotes that show pride or prejudice against pride. Pages or chapters at least would be preferred thanks a ton!
  19. M

    marriage discourses in pride and prejudice book and 2005 movie?

    just the movie
  20. B

    Lebanon; Pride and Prejudice>>What are you?

    Currently reading it, ah! Wasnt the English langauage rather beautiful, very much indeed =) Would you say you are proud, a Mr Darcy? or a Prejudice Elizabeth Bennet? Can one be both pride and prejudice at the same time...What are ure thoughts?