
  1. A

    Woo! Existing Drug Prevents & Reverses Alzheimer’s Damage In Mice

    A drug that already has FDA approval for other uses was found to both prevent and reverse brain damage in mice with Alzheimer's disease. More » Woo! Existing Drug Prevents & Reverses Alzheimer’s Damage In Mice is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living, work outs, wellness & health...
  2. T

    How Metformin Prevents Aging And Cancer Progression

    University of Montreal researchers have discovered a novel molecular mechanism that can potentially slows the aging process and may prevent the progression of some cancers. In a recent online edition of the prestigious journal Aging Cell, scientists from the University of Montreal explain how...
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    After Traumatic Brain Injury, Targeted Oxidation-Blocker Prevents Secondary Damage

    Treatment with an agent that blocks the oxidation of an important component of the mitochondrial membrane prevented the secondary damage of severe traumatic brain injury and preserved function that would otherwise have been impaired, according to a research team from the University of Pittsburgh...
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    Antibiotic That Works In Low-Oxygen Setting Prevents Reactivation Of TB Infection, Sa

    Reactivation of latent tuberculosis infection could be better prevented if a drug that is effective against bacteria in low-oxygen environments is added to the treatment regimen, according to researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine in this week's online Early Edition of...
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    Fish Oil Prevents Age-Related Loss Of Vision

    Loss of vision due to age can potentially be prevented by DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid found in fish. The study, which was recently published in the peer-reviewed journal Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science demonstrated that lab models fed with DHA did not accumulate the toxic molecule...
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    Molecule That Prevents Heart Damage is Also Proving Its Worth In Diabetic Patients

    ACE2, a molecule that has been shown to prevent damage in the heart, is now proving to be protective of the major organs that are often damaged in diabetic patients. Gavin Oudit, a researcher with the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, and his colleagues at the University of Florida, found that...
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    Powered Reel Prevents Your Extension Cords From Turning into Indiana Jones' Whip [Cor

    If you've ever retracted an automatic extension cord you know that by the time the plug reaches you it's traveling faster than a bullwhip. Not so with the RoboReel which gently and safely retracts the cable with an electric motor. More »
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    Study Says Aspirin Prevents Cancer; Sends Dangerous Message

    According to three new studies, a daily dose of aspirin can help prevent, and possibly treat, cancer. While that is potentially good news, it also sends a very dangerous message. More »Post from: Blisstree
  9. W

    Political correctness prevents having a sense of humor? What, people have nothing better to do than being on a hair trigger to find offense in everything these days? (no bald people were offended by this post)
  10. T

    Critical Protein Prevents Secondary Damage After Stroke

    One of two proteins that regulate nerve cells and assist in overall brain function may be the key to preventing long-term damage as a result of a stroke, the leading cause of disability and third leading cause of death in the United States. In a recent study published in the Journal of...
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    New Approach To Peanut Allergy Prevents Life-Threatening Reaction

    Researchers have turned off a life-threatening allergic response to peanuts by tricking the immune system into thinking the nut proteins aren't a threat to the body, according to a new preclinical study from Northwestern Medicine. The peanut tolerance was achieved by attaching peanut proteins...
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    Early Bedtime Prevents Obesity And Maintains Fitness In Teenagers

    Teenagers who go to bed early are much less likely to be obese and have a better chance of being physically fit, compared to peers go to sleep late, researchers from the University of South Australia reported in the journal Sleep. The authors added that teenagers who go to bed later but sleep...
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    Adding A Stent During Minimally Invasive Surgery To Repair Aneurysms Prevents Recurre

    The addition of a simple stent can help prevent potentially lethal blood vessel bulges in the brain from recurring after they are repaired in a minimally invasive "coiling" procedure, according to new research by Johns Hopkins physicians. A report on the research, published in the July Journal...
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    Caloric Restriction Prevents Egg-Cell Defects In Aging Mice, Drugs Under Development

    A strategy that has been shown to reduce age-related health problems in several animal studies may also combat a major cause of age-associated infertility and birth defects. Investigators from Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) have shown that restricting the caloric intake of adult female...
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    New Discovery Prevents Symptoms Of Rare Genetic Disorder

    A new study offers hope for children born with a rare genetic disease, according to a paper published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The research was led by Dr. Matthew Ellinwood, a veterinarian and animal science professor at Iowa State University, in collaboration...
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    Surgically Removing 2mm Rim Around Breast Cancer Tumor Prevents 98% Of Residual Disea

    When surgically removing an invasive breast cancer tumor, if the surgeon also removes 2mm of tissue surrounding the tumor the risk of residual disease is minimized in 98% of cases, according to a new study carried out by British surgeons and published in the peer-reviewed medical journal the...
  17. M

    i heard ginger prevents nausea how long should i eat some before going on a boat?

    and how much should i eat?
  18. A

    Whats the device called on mountain bikes that prevents the chain from coming...

    ...out of the chain ring? No I'm not talking about the derailleur. I'm talking about that device that you see on mostly DH bikes near the front chain ring.
  19. G

    Diskeeper 2010 prevents disk fragmentation before it happens

    Utilizing a new technology called IntelliWrite, Diskeeper 2010 intelligently writes files to the disk to prevent up to 85 percent of fragmentation from occurring.
  20. C

    A Virus that prevents my internet from working....?

    I had Spyware Protect 2009 on my computer last week. I dl'd and ran malware on my computer. I turned off system restore, changed the name of the malware, ran it, and removed all of the viruses from my computer (or so I thought). Additionally, i used norman and super-antispyware program that...