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    Playing Music and Lullabies Help Soothe Premature Babies

    Music - especially lullabies - deliver health advantages to the most vulnerable babies, preemies, who are being treated in the neonatal intensive care unit, a new study suggests. The finding was published in the journal Pediatrics and revealed that premature babies who listen to music can see...
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    Shedding Light On A Gene Mutation That Causes Signs Of Premature Aging

    Research from Western University and Lawson Health Research Institute sheds new light on a gene called ATRX and its function in the brain and pituitary. Children born with ATRX syndrome have cognitive defects and developmental abnormalities. ATRX mutations have also been linked to brain tumors...
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    Fighting Necrotizing Enterocolitis With Probiotic-Derived Treatment In Premature Babi

    "Good" bacteria that live in our intestines have been linked with a variety of health benefits, from fighting disease to preventing obesity. In a new study, Kriston Ganguli of Massachusetts General Hospital for Children and Harvard Medical School and her colleagues have discovered another...
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    Childlessness And Premature Death Link

    People who have never had children are more likely to die prematurely and develop mental problems than those who have had children, researchers from Aarhus University, Denmark, reported in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. The authors added that the link between shorter...
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    The absurdly premature 2012 playoff picture: Week 2

    • It's not difficult to land on the Houston Texans as the muscle in the AFC right now, but they've got a little something I call the Northwestern Wyoming A&T problem — they haven't played anybody. They're like a big-time college program in that they've had two daisies on the schedule early, so...
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    Poor Mental Health Linked To Premature Death

    A large study of English households finds that people who experience symptoms of psychological distress like anxiety, depression, or even minor mental health problems, have a lower life expectancy than people who do not. Since the link remained when they adjusted for lifestyle factors, the...
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    Red Wings GM criticized for lack of offseason splash; but is it premature?

    Detroit Red Wings GM Ken Holland is considered the best at what he does, which is maintaining a consistent contender in the Western Conference with legitimate designs on winning a Stanley Cup each season. Along with Coach Mike Babcock, Detroit's recognized as having the "gold standard" for...
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    New Measure For Obesity: A Body Shape Index Strongly Correlated To Premature Death

    Researchers have developed a new metric to measure obesity, called A Body Shape Index, or ABSI, that combines the existing metrics of Body Mass Index (BMI) and waist circumference and shows a better correlation with death rate than do either of these individual measures. The full results are...
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    Premature Babies Encouraged And Soothed By New Musical Pacifier

    Many premature babies enter the world with a mountain of challenges in front of them. Even after they overcome any life-threatening issues, they face ongoing, and typically unpleasant, medical procedures, long hospital stays and increased chances of chronic health issues throughout their lives...
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    Most Premature Deaths In UK Are Due To Cancer

    New figures released today from the leading charity Cancer Research UK show that cancer is the biggest cause of premature deaths in the UK. The new analysis, based on 2009 registers, shows cancer is responsible for killing 40% of men and women in the UK who die prematurely between the ages of...
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    my premature baby has a heart PDA = 1.8 mm, a pulmonary hypertension and a PFO with

    3.5 she safe? she is now 4 kilos, 1month 15 days, with high breath pattern (not all the time). she didn't take any medications for this issue.
  12. D

    why do some women complain about premature ejaculation?

    as far as i know i don't "prematurely" ejaculate, i'm just curious what are their reasons for complaining? most women are unable to obtain orgasm quickly anyway, from what i've heard most just enjoy the sensation of sexual stimulation, so really what's considered premature if it most likely...
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    Scripps Research Scientists Create New Genetic Model Of Premature Aging Diseases

    Working with a group of national and international researchers, scientists from the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute have developed a new genetic model of premature aging disorders that could shed light on these rare conditions in humans and provide a novel platform for...
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    Do you know the best but cheap Book, E-book, or Dvd for premature ejaculation cures?

    Where can i find the best source of information about curing premature ejaculation, dvd, book, or E-book. What is the name of the product and how to get it.
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    I need help writing note cards for English on Edgar Allan Poe and the Premature...

    ...Burial!? Anyone have facts about either the author or the short story. Quotes can be used to i just need more information help!
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    Video: Premature Jocularity

    If you are going to listen to soccer on the radio while you are in class, that’s fine. However, wait to celebrate after class. Celebrating during class is premature jocularity and it’s embarrassing to everyone involved. Unfortunately, the kid in the video below definitely suffered from a case of...
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    Would hiking induce premature labor?

    I am 34 weeks pregnant, and up until now, every weekend I hike with my dog for about 2 miles. I'm starting to worry though that hiking could induce labor. Is this possible? I want the baby to stay in for the full 40 weeks if possible.
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    Would hiking induce premature labor?

    I am 34 weeks pregnant, and up until now, every weekend I hike with my dog for about 2 miles. I'm starting to worry though that hiking could induce labor. Is this possible? I want the baby to stay in for the full 40 weeks if possible.
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    What causes Premature ejaculation and what can be done to cure it?

    I have been with my fiancee for almost 8 years and he has always had a problem with Premature Ejaculation. He lasts anywhere from 20 seconds to 2 minutes. He usually lasts under a minute. This happens every time. He is 25 years old if that matters. We have already tried changing frequency of sex.
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    Periodic Heart Rate Decelerations In Premature Infants

    A normal healthy heart beats at a variable rate with extraordinarily complex fluctuations across a wide range of time scales. Reduced complexity of heart rate has both clinical and dynamical significance - it may provide warning of impending illness, or clues about the dynamics of the heart's...