
  1. L

    Poll: Would you prefer riding a bike than driving a car?

    I realized that riding a bike can be orgasmic, especially while you're sitting at those hard-cover seats while dry humping it. *wink wink* I miss riding bikes....
  2. T

    Women Prefer Surgical Abortion Over Medical Abortion In Second Trimester, Study Finds

    More women who obtained surgical abortions in the second trimester of pregnancy said they would choose the method again than women who obtained medical abortions, suggesting that women should have access to both procedures so they can decide based on their preferences, according to a small study...
  3. N

    I'm a new lesbian but I'd like to know why some women prefer to be on top?

    The girl I'm talking to says she's a top and I feel I'm naturally more of a bottom, I just don't get how the top gets pleasure out of it! Can someone please explain?
  4. T

    A BMW or an Audi? Which manufacturer do you prefer more?

    Which one would of these car manufacturers do you prefer the more? I'd rather have an Audi, an S5.
  5. H

    Religiously Wondering, why do white women prefer to have sex with dark skinned man?

    Why do caucasian women cheat their white husbands with african americans? Is this somehow related to christianity?
  6. E

    Do you prefer the original iPhone 3G or iPhone 4G?

    I still have the iPhone 3G since 2008 and I doubt anyone would get me a 4G... I know there are some problems with the new one, but I'm still jealous of those who has the 4G. Because it looks nicer and there's not much in 3G. What phone do you prefer? I'd like to see your opinions..
  7. C

    Girls do you prefer men with style in clothing or boring dull clothing and why?

    Why do you or do you not like guys with style in clothing? and your age? what type of clothing is considered stylish to you girls in a guy
  8. L

    Do readers prefer 1st, 2nd, or 3rd person books?

    Simple question. As a book reader what is more appealing. Do you like to BE the character or do you like to see a character progressing through a story? I guess I should've taken 2nd person out of there.. Although that'd be impressive.
  9. M

    Which do you prefer, SUV's or Sedans?

    This question is especially directed at people who have owned both atleast one SUV and one sedan. Which did you prefer driving and which car had a smoother ride and which did you enjoy more?
  10. K

    Whats a Good Anime Movie or Series to Watch? I prefer Violent Animes.?

    Something on par with berserk or elfen lied would be great. If something so crazy exists :L
  11. K

    Whats a Good Anime Movie or Series to Watch? I prefer Violent Animes.?

    Something on par with berserk or elfen lied would be great. If something so crazy exists :L
  12. K

    Whats a Good Anime Movie or Series to Watch? I prefer Violent Animes.?

    Something on par with berserk or elfen lied would be great. If something so crazy exists :L
  13. K

    Whats a Good Anime Movie or Series to Watch? I prefer Violent Animes.?

    Something on par with berserk or elfen lied would be great. If something so crazy exists :L
  14. K

    Whats a Good Anime Movie or Series to Watch? I prefer Violent Animes.?

    Something on par with berserk or elfen lied would be great. If something so crazy exists :L
  15. K

    Whats a Good Anime Movie or Series to Watch? I prefer Violent Animes.?

    Something on par with berserk or elfen lied would be great. If something so crazy exists :L
  16. M

    What is the Best car (prefer a suv/cross over) That is the cheapest!!!!?

    Im a Musician, this would be my first car It needs to be reasonably priced and have enough storage space for touring. I Dont have a lot of money so it really does have too be cheap So whats the best car to get?
  17. J

    why do atheists and feminists prefer to attend churches led by female preachers?

    1Cor.14:34-35 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law. 35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the...
  18. B

    What type of dipping tobacco do you prefer?

    All I've tried is Grizzly Wintergreen and I'm wondering what some other good options are, or if it's already the "best" in the public's view. P.S.: I'm hoping I get cancer from it. That would thrill me. So all of you morons spewing information in regards to health please refrain this one time...
  19. C

    Do you prefer spending your time indoors or outdoors?

    I like outdoors because of the air and the sun and the wonderful animals and birds running around.
  20. pinklady

    Exams or course work assessment, which do you prefer out of interest?

    I don't know about you, but the memory of sitting a timed exam in my school days fills the heart with terror and dread, to this day still! I am a person of reasonable intelligence and learning capacity with an interest in life and its many subjects to study, but when it's time to be tested...