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    Potential for a faster, simpler diagnosis for fibromyalgia using a finger-stick blood

    Researchers have developed a reliable way to use a finger-stick blood sample to detect fibromyalgia syndrome, a complicated pain disorder that often is difficult to diagnose. If it were someday made available to primary care physicians, the test could knock up to five years off of the wait for a...
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    Potential For Blood Test To Diagnose Alzheimer's In Earliest Stage

    Blood offers promise as a way to detect Alzheimer's disease at its earliest onset, Mayo Clinic researchers say. They envision a test that would detect distinct metabolic signatures in blood plasma that are synonymous with the disease - years before patients begin showing cognitive decline. Their...
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    Potential Alternative Drug Therapies For Neuroblastoma Revealed By New Genomic Screen

    Nearly two-thirds of patients with high-risk neuroblastoma - a common tumor that forms in the nerve cells of children - cannot be cured using tumor-killing cancer drugs. A study published by Cell Press in the journal Chemistry & Biology reveals a new genomic approach to screen for compounds that...
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    Potential New Inhaled Treatment For Lung Cancer

    Researchers have developed a new drug delivery system that allows inhalation of chemotherapeutic drugs to help treat lung cancer, and in laboratory and animal tests it appears to reduce the systemic damage done to other organs while significantly improving the treatment of lung tumors. This...
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    Physicist's Tool Has Potential For Brain Mapping

    A new tool being developed by UT Arlington assistant professor of physics could help scientists map and track the interactions between neurons inside different areas of the brain. The journal Optics Letters recently published a paper by Samarendra Mohanty on the development of a fiber-optic...
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    Brain System For Emotional Self-Control Could Offer A Potential Target For Therapies

    Different brain areas are activated when we choose to suppress an emotion, compared to when we are instructed to inhibit an emotion, according a new study from the UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and Ghent University. In this study, published in Brain Structure and Function, the...
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    Four proposed rule changes by the NCAA rules committee and their potential impact

    The NCAA men?s basketball rules committee announced a handful of recommended rules changes on Thursday afternoon that must be approved by the rules oversight panel on June 18 before becoming effective for the 2013-14 season. Here's a look at the four most significant proposed changes and their...
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    Pitt's Serendipitous Scientific Discovery Holds Potential In Destroying Drug-Resistan

    Through the serendipity of science, researchers at the University of Pittsburgh have discovered a potential treatment for deadly, drug-resistant bacterial infections that uses the same approach that HIV uses to infect cells. The National Institutes of Health-supported discovery will be described...
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    Serendipitous Scientific Discovery Holds Potential in Destroying Drug-Resistant Bacte

    Through the serendipity of science, researchers at the University of Pittsburgh have discovered a potential treatment for deadly, drug-resistant bacterial infections that uses the same approach that HIV uses to infect cells. The National Institutes of Health-supported discovery will be...
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    Where Will Tim Tebow Sign? Potential Free Agent Destinations

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    Who Bombed Boston? An Inside Perspective on Potential Suspects

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    Brain Scan Patterns Offer Potential For Pain Measurement

    For the first time, scientists have been able to predict how much pain people are feeling by looking at images of their brains, according to a new study led by the University of Colorado Boulder. The findings, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, may lead to the development of...
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    Potential Loophole Discovered In Pancreatic Cancer Defenses

    Dana-Farber Cancer Institute scientists and colleagues have discovered that pancreatic cancer cells' growth and spread are fueled by an unusual metabolic pathway that someday might be blocked with targeted drugs to control the deadly cancer. Cancer cells are known to "rewire" their metabolic...
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    Cod-Derived Agent Shows Potential As Dietary Therapy To Complement Standard Treatment

    Researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine have identified a peptide, or protein, derived from Pacific cod that may inhibit prostate cancer and possibly other cancers from spreading, according to preclinical research published online in the Proceedings of the National Academy...
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    Potential For New Drugs To Treat Gout

    Findings from a Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine study could lead to the development of new drugs to treat gout. The study, led by Liang Qiao, MD, and his colleagues and collaborators, was published in the journal Nature Communications. Gout is caused by a buildup of uric...
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    Potential Early Indicator Of Kidney Injury Identified

    A guidance cue that helps kidneys form may also be a red flag that they are in danger, researchers report. Acute kidney injury, a common and serious complication of hospitalization, is on the increase worldwide, affecting an estimated 6 percent of all hospitalized patients and 30-40 percent of...
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    Grp170 Shows Potential As A "Cancer Vaccine"

    Preclinical, laboratory studies suggest a novel immunotherapy could potentially work like a vaccine against metastatic cancers, according to scientists at Virginia Commonwealth University Massey Cancer Center. Results from a recent study show the therapy could treat metastatic cancers and be...
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    Potential Diagnostic Test For River Blindness Infection

    Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have found a telltale molecular marker for Onchocerciasis or "river blindness," a parasitic infection that affects tens of millions of people in Africa, Latin America and other tropical regions. The newly discovered biomarker, detectable in...
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    Daily Workout for my potential summer body?

    I would like to get a thigh gap, loose some hip/stomach fat, and a better bum for when the summer rolls around:) Any daily work out routines I could do to reach my goal for the next few months? (Ex: do thirty crunches, ten jumping jacks, fifty pushups daily) i eat healthy-ish, but I just don't...
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    Study Examines Medicaid Drug Selection Committees, Potential Conflicts Of Interest

    An analysis of policy documents from Medicaid programs, suggests that current policies to manage conflicts of interest (COIs) of members of Medicaid drug selection committees are not transparent and vary widely, according to a report published Online First by JAMA Internal Medicine, a JAMA...