
  1. A

    Can there be a false positive UTI?

    When I was 10 weeks pregnant, my urinalysis came back saying I had a UTI. The doctor did call me until 2 days after I had taken the test, but during those two days I had no burning feeling and my peeing was absolutely normal. I'm 16 weeks now and had to take another standard urine sample during...
  2. M

    Do you think Hollywood has a positive or negative effect on our society?

    Im doing a report and i need to take a survey on whether people think Hollywood has a good or bad effect on our society. I would really appreciate an answer!
  3. T

    How long does it take mersa to show up, give a positive test?

    I had tweezer used on me before we knew that mersa was present in the home I am scared what test do I need to ask my dr for it was last summer am i still at risk would i already have signs of a contaminated person i feel itchy everywhere is that a sign?
  4. B

    If you met a woman that made a positive impression on you, how would you know if

    she's available? without causing embarrassment or preoccupation asking her out will be an embarrassment
  5. B

    Do you find that ridding your life of Gossip has made a positive impact?

    Or, do you thrive on it?
  6. C

    Venus Conjunct Mars Positive or Negative Aspect?

    I've heard people say that this aspect can be both positive and negative. Would someone give me some insight on this aspect? Btw I have this aspect in Leo on the midheaven (10th house)
  7. W

    How do I hook up a car stereo to a positive ground '66Volkswagen bug?

    There are specific wiring connections I'm looking for;(1)12V+constant.(2)12V+switched/acc.(3)12V+illumination.(4)12V neg ground.(5)In-Line fuse applications/locations
  8. C

    When all is said and done, has religion been a positive or negative force...

    ...for humanity? I'm not talking about any particular religion. I'm speaking of religion as a whole, especially those that have had a lot of power in their society. Are negatives such as the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition and the suppression of scientific learning (Christianity) the...
  9. J

    another faint positive on my cheap internet test?

    hey guys :) well, i took another test this morning with (fmu) and got the same result. another faint positive line. its a TINY bit darker than the other one.. like a hint darker... i'm still not ready to get excited as i'm really afraid its just the type of test i have.. maybe its just...
  10. T

    May we thank the USA and Italy for taking positive actions today to stem the flow...

    ...of LTTE funds? http://www.colombopage.com/archive_09/February11192947CH.html There have been many individuals and organizations identified by the Sri Lanka government that continue to raise funds abroad in these manners. I hope that the international community will review and take proper...
  11. S

    Can I hack an old set of jumper cables to get a new positive battery cable...

    ...for my truck? I've got a '97 Checvy S-10 4 banger with a really corroded battery cable. I think this cable is causing the problems I'm having with the thing. I want to replace it but I don't want to have the thing die on me on my way to the auto parts store. I do have a bunch of jumper...
  12. S

    Do you think alcohol can be a positive thing?

    When it comes to being in a social gathering and talking to/loosening up to people? How?
  13. R

    I've recently fallen for a guy that is HIV positive?

    We've not had relations, but our chemistry is so intense when we are together, I don't know what to do! Besides condoms how else can I protect myself? I care a great deal about this man!
  14. O

    Do you think the Britian 'Surveillance State' is positive or negative in our society?

    Our very own peers are now saying that is has become too much:- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/7872425.stm What I am asking is - do we moan about CCTV/Data collection culture because we can? Are we really concerned about being monitored? Sometime ago I asked if people were bothered...
  15. M

    The positive hope for our future?

    The greatest thing about future government is hopefully that there will be less of it. now that's change i can believe in.
  16. M

    What could cause major positive results on skin allergy testing without...

    ...ahving actual allergy symptoms? I was recently at an allergy and asthma center and went through skin testing for over 40 different allergens. Normally they wait 15 min but immediately after placing the allergen on my back, I reacted. In 5 min I was itching and burning and my back was fire...
  17. M

    A-Rod reportedly tested positive for steroids Now that there is proof the future

    homerun king took steroids? does this give celebrity boxing legend Jose Canseco another idea for a book? Sometimes the truth comes out of the devils mouth. Jose being the devil. Does this eliminate A - Rod's chance to be a hall of famer? Or, does this allow players Like Canseco, Palmero, Sosa...
  18. B

    Couldn't positive feedbacks account for late 20th century warming?

    As most of you probably know, the rise in solar irradience correlates very nicely with the warming we had from 1900 to 1940, and indeed many scientists feel it was responsible for the vast majority of the warming during this time: http://www.mps.mpg.de/images/projekte/sun-climate/climate.gif So...
  19. M

    Why are positive drug studies published so often?

    Why are positive drug studies published so often?  *Public health professionals are facing the problem of what is often called publication bias: The phenomenon that positive study results, whether from trials for a new class of blockbuster drugs or other findings, are more likely to be...
  20. D

    How much work is required to bring a positive charge of 1.0 10-9 C from infinity to

    the location x = 30.0 cm? A point charge of 9.0 10-9 C is located at the origin. How much work is required to bring a positive charge of 1.0 10-9 C from infinity to the location x = 30.0 cm?