
  1. M

    I have a 3 year old male toy poodle with papers and champions in his

    family tree. Im looking to stud him. ? Hot stud muffin looking for a date!
  2. F

    Where should a toy poodle live?

    I have a 2 month old toy poodle. Is it better if it lives indoors? Or should it be in a doghouse outside? Is it okay to let it roam freely inside the house?
  3. F

    What grooming tools and basic needs of a toy poodle?

    I have a 2 month old toy poodle and I wanna know what grooming tools it needs? What are the other basic needs of a toy poodle?
  4. J

    How do I know if my dog is a purebred poodle or a labradoodle. (he's a rescue)

    Whats the difference? His fur is pure poodle I'm sure, very tight and curly. And now at the age of two its turning grey along his back and his cheeks and few other spots? I don't want to breed him, he's already neutered. I"m just asking out of curiosity.
  5. B

    Do poodle and chihuahua mixed shed?

    Myself, hubby & baby have allergies and we do have poodle and chihuahua mixed puppies (9 weeks). I want to know if they do shed and if there's a possibility that their hair grows longer (as of now, theirs are short but soft hair). Thanks!
  6. S

    i have a male poodle (neut) 2 years old,?

    and would like to get another dog as well, should it be female or male or doesn't it matter? thanks
  7. Z

    Will a savannah cat get along with my toy poodle?

    my dog likes cats so i want to get him one i have heard Savannah's are like dogs so i found one for 50 dollars are they in or outdoor cats
  8. D

    If i give this to my toy poodle will he turn into a blue nose pitbull?

    its a thunderstone...
  9. T

    Traveling back to the US with a toy poodle.?

    Im flying back to the US from Germany, and Im bringing my dog. It is really cold out so I was wondering if anyone knows if you can take dogs as carry on on flights back to the us.
  10. H

    what should i name my black miniature poodle? Bo, Jack, or Blake?

    Undecided.... help me choose please!
  11. S

    who would want to see what a cockerspaniel poodle CROSS staffy looked like?

    haha ! that what breed my dog is ! amazing huh? why anyone would breed that kind of mutt i dont know. i love her but http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2hlkdrF7jo
  12. K

    Dish washing liquid poured all over my toy poodle.?

    we immediately washed all over him with shampoo. If it went in his eyes, is he okay? and if it is in his eyes, what would he be doing with his eyeS? o:
  13. T

    Where can I get a Teacup Poodle?

    OK, so I live in Massachusetts. I know that Teacups are unhealthy and Runts of the liter. I just really want one and my dad said I could get one if I do research and find where I can find one. Please no negative comments. Tell me what I need to know about them, and where I can get one in...
  14. Y

    Is it okay to breed a poodle and maltese?

    We got a poodle, and our neighbor has a maltese. We were wondering if they were to mate would anything be wrong with them? Please don't tell me that a malti-poo is not okay because they are "mutts" because they are really cute, so is there anything wrong with them mating? And also we are not...
  15. M

    does a cream toy poodle turn white using a whitening shampoo?

    Because my friend told me that if I use a whitening shampoo on my cream toy poodle, it can possibly turn into a white poodle if I use it continuously on my dog. Is this true?
  16. P

    My 8 months old toy poodle, been limping for few days now,seems like sprain on

    his left hind leg? He is able to walk & even runs putting a little weight on the affected leg , It seems to be worst when he wakes up & at one time he even cried ,but it was only after I realized he had played a lot with my son . please advise as I am not sure if I ahve to take him to vet . Or...
  17. D

    How much cold can a 2-month old toy poodle endure?

    Because I have to take him out to pee in the middle of the night and it gets kinda cold around where I live. Plus, when I wait around for him to pee he starts shaking/shivering until I bring him back in.
  18. M

    What kinda a poodle mix?

    She is 3 months old and still has short legs(she doesn't have square shaped body type as pure breed poodles should). I'm thinking she's a Bichon poodle mix or a Maltipoo. I don't care that she's a mix but I'd like to know with what and don't wanna pay the big bucks for a DNA test. Help...
  19. G

    Heard the joke about the Poodle and the Leopard?

    A wealthy old lady decides to go on a photo safari in Africa , taking her faithful aged poodle named Cuddles, along for the company. One day the poodle starts chasing butterflies and before long, Cuddles discovers that he's lost. Wandering about, he notices a leopard heading rapidly in his...
  20. G

    Heard the joke about the Poodle and the Leopard?

    A wealthy old lady decides to go on a photo safari in Africa , taking her faithful aged poodle named Cuddles, along for the company. One day the poodle starts chasing butterflies and before long, Cuddles discovers that he's lost. Wandering about, he notices a leopard heading rapidly in his...