
  1. C

    Everyone and I mean everyone I speak to hates Obama and yet the polls show

    that he is ahead in this race.? I click on this site and I see that almost everyone (not all) are against Obama and yet the polls show him ahead. What's going on? Are the polls fixed? I wouldn't be surprised!
  2. M

    POLLS & SURVEYS : What would you do if someone suddenly comes in front of you &...

    POLLS & SURVEYS : What would you do if someone suddenly comes in front of you &... ...kiss & hugs you & run away ? NO BAD COMMENTS PLZZZ !!!
  3. H

    Why do questions in polls and survey get reported so much?

    Years ago I stopped using that section because I get reported a lot. Now I go back to the section and ask a couple of questions. BOTH of them got reported. .-. I remember when yahoo gave you a reason to why you've been reported now they don't even give you one. why is that? Well they should get...
  4. L

    Poll. Why do you answer questions in polls and survey...?

    When you know its fake and gay
  5. Z

    Polls and survey : Who is the love of your life?

    BQ - Just say what do you think about asker and the person above you.
  6. G

    True or False: The craziest people come to Polls and Surveys?

    True for my answer...the Crazies, the Eccentrics and the Cool people come to this section! :D
  7. P

    wow Ron Paul is going to win Iowa? why is the media so inaccurate about polls?

    Ron Paul seems to be winning Iowa and hes polling second in New Hampshire Iowa : http://blog.nj.com/njv_paul_mulshine/2011/11/iowa_caucus-goers_are_paying_a.html New Hampshire 2Nd :http://exeter.patch.com/articles/report-ron-paul-second
  8. B

    Who nobody answers to my simple question in Polls and Surveys?

    My question: Do girls like boys to call them "chicks"?
  9. L

    The Occupy Movement led to Left Victory at the polls this week. Can you...

    ...feel the Tide Turning? I think I am beginning to understand what President Obama meant when he said that the real change depends on us, not on him. He sits there in the White House as a captive to tired bureaucratic forces and special interests. He needs the People to shake things up so he...
  10. L

    POLLS: Is your Blackberry running on OS 5,6, or 7?

    i have the curve 8520 and its on os 5. BQ: how do you like it? is it fast? does it look nice etc..?
  11. A

    At one point, did anyone actually use P&S to ask polls and surveys?

    BQ: did that question make sense? i feel like it didn't...
  12. D

    Are the majority of people in Polls & Surveys totally non-serious?

    In every question here that I click on all the answers seem to be sarcastic, smart-ass, crazy, or really funny! Haha
  13. G

    At what time is Polls and Surveys most active?

    If you give a time (you also have to classify what region you're in).
  14. D

    Are there any polls regarding public nudity and PDA?

    I need to find some real data, not something out of some crappy website survey, but something official from a serious polling service. Anyone came across something like that? Thanks!!!
  15. I

    Survey: What do you think of polls and surveys?

    just asking
  16. S

    What time do the Canadian polls close tonight?

    I'm on my way home from University and will be back around 7. Is it too late for me to vote?
  17. M

    POLLS AND SURVEY: Who do you love more: your sister or your cousin?

    Suppose some day........your sister need your help and your cousin also needs your help and you only got one chance Who will you choose?
  18. M

    POLLS AND SURVEY: Who do you love more: your sister or your cousin?

    Suppose some day........your sister need your help and your cousin also needs your help and you only got one chance Who will you choose?
  19. L

    National opinion polls are normally conducted by telephone over a short time span?

    National opinion polls are normally conducted by telephone over a short time span, usually 2 or 3 days. A "Presidential Approval Poll" may state that the president's approval rating is x%, "with a margin of error ± 3%." What they usually don't say is that this is really a 95% confidence interval...
  20. C

    Polls & Surveys : True Or False ?

    You Gave a TD to all the Answers in this Question !