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    Vitamin B2 May Be An Antidote To Cyanide Poisoning

    With the remains of a recent lottery winner having been exhumed for foul play related to cyanide poisoning, future winners might wonder what they can do to avoid the same fate. A new report in The FASEB Journal involving zebrafish suggests that riboflavin, also known as vitamin B2, may mitigate...
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    Rapid Response In Cases Of Smoke Poisoning

    The main cause of cyanide poisoning is smoke inhalation in closed spaces during fires. Cyanides, the salts of hydrocyanic acid, inhibit cellular respiration and may lead to coma or death. The rapid administration of a cyanide antidote is essential for successful treatment. Previously, detecting...
  3. A

    Im scared, do I havr food poisoning?

    Hi about 4 hours ago I ate some chili that has been in the FREEZER for about a week to two weeks. It tasted fine. Ever since then, my stomach feels liquidy and like it feels like water is trying to come up. Doesnt feel like acid.i have a fever of 99.1 im scared. Im only 15 I dont wanna die. And...
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    my rabbit ate rat poisoning?

    he just did. what do i do? will he live? i've been giving him water to help wash it out of his system. he's shaking right now. im seriuosly in tears. HELP! what do i do? i've been trying to comfort him, but he's not moving. i can feel his pulse, so i know his alive, but i think his time is...
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    No More Fears: Johnson & Johnson Is Going To Eventually Stop Poisoning Us

    Two weeks ago, the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics was all over Johnson & Johnson after finding out that our favorite baby shampoo manufacturer had removed two cancer-causing chemicals (1,4-dioxane) and a preservative found in formaldehyde (quaternium-15) from its products in the U.K., Scandinavia...
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    Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Costing £178 Million A Year In UK

    Each year more than 4,000 people are poisoned by carbon monoxide, a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas that can prove fatal in our homes, our workplace, or even outdoors. A report launched today as a result of a 6-months parliamentary inquiry shows how the toll of carbon monoxide (CO) on...
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    How Organisms Avoid Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

    Scientists have discovered how living organisms - including humans - avoid poisoning from carbon monoxide generated by natural cell processes. Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas that can prove fatal at high concentrations; the gas is most commonly associated with faulty domestic heating systems and...
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    Can you get ammonia poisoning from unfiltered fish tank water?

    I recently got a new fish tank, however, it did not come at the same time as the filter. So, I set it up& put fish in it. I did learn recently that fish in unfiltered water can get ammonia poisoning. Does that mean I was exposed to that ammonia. It's only a three gallon tank if it matters. thanks
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    Mary Pipher argues America is poisoning girls with pressures to maintain

    standards of beauty and behavior.? She says, “Adolescence is when girls experience social pressure to put aside their authentic selves and to display only a small portion of their gifts.” First, do you see these definitions as accurate or inaccurate? Why or why not? How are these perceptions...
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    plz help me about nicotine poisoning...?

    hello.i want to commit suicide i have tried a lot of things to do it but i hav failed in every chance.i tried injecting air in veins,80-90 sleeping pills(almost every type lorazapam 2mg,nitrozapam 10mg,clonazapam 2mg,mixed three of them i huge quantity ),allergic medicines,to times i cut my...
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    plz help me about nicotine poisoning...?

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    plz help me about nicotine poisoning...?

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    plz help me about nicotine poisoning...?

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    plz help me about nicotine poisoning...?

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    plz help me about nicotine poisoning...?

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    plz help me about nicotine poisoning...?

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    plz help me about nicotine poisoning...?

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    plz help me about nicotine poisoning...?

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    plz help me about nicotine poisoning...?

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    plz help me about nicotine poisoning...?
