
  1. R


    I really need help!!! I'm suppose to watch my twin baby cousins with my other cousin and I don't want them to get it. I really would like to reduce the rash a bit. It's bumpy and really itch and red and that's about it. If you have had posion ivy before please comment a way to reduce it quickly...
  2. T

    Blowfly Protein Key To Terror Poison Antidote

    The discovery by researchers at The Australian National University (ANU) of the molecular structure of a protein that causes insecticide resistance in the Australian sheep blowfly, resulting in hundreds of millions of dollars damage each year to the sheep industry, may also pave the way to an...
  3. A

    Pick Your Poison, Add Your Tea: 5 Tea Cocktails For Memorial Day & Beyond

    Add some antioxidants and herbal goodness to your boozin' this Memorial Day! Here are 5 tea cocktail recipes, using black, green & peach tea + vodka, rum, whiskey and wine. More » Pick Your Poison, Add Your Tea: 5 Tea Cocktails For Memorial Day & Beyond is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on...
  4. U

    Garden used as a feline toilet

    My Neighbour has 13 cats that use my garden as there litter tray. After trying all the humane ways (i.e cayene pepper,mint, aloe vera etc) and speaking to my neighbour, who's attitude is there cats that's what they do! (Inconsiderate b1tch) i am at my wits end. It absolutly reeks when my...
  5. T

    Research Programme Offers Flower Power To Purge Poison And Produce Platinum

    A consortium of researchers led by WMG at the University of Warwick are to embark on a 3 million pound research programme called "Cleaning Land for Wealth" (CL4W), that will use a common class of flower to restore poisoned soils while at the same time producing perfectly sized and shaped nano...
  6. H

    How do I poison Bf's vicious Dog?

    I need help. I live with my bf and he has a vicious pit bull. This dog is out of control and has came close to attacking me several times. I can not get up in the middle of the night because he is so mean and edgy. I have to muzzle him when my bf is not home bc he is out of control. He refuses...
  7. N

    Does the band Snow White's Poison Bite tour?

    Like to the USA? & also i heard that theyre going to be at warped tour 2012. Is it true?
  8. M

    does a cigarette filter really filter the poison going into your lungs do...

    ...to cig smoke? hmm? also who knows the safest way of getting intoxicated? just wonderin what yall think.
  9. X

    Did Percy Jackson drink the poison in Son of Neptune?

    After he drank he got ill right away, he was in pain and he felt like his insides were on fire, his vision went black and he couldn't breath, but then it all stopped and Phineas fell down death and Percy was able to breath again, though he was very weak. Did he drink the poison and Gaia stopped...
  10. L

    I believe gossip is POISON. I call it VERBAL VOMIT. It harms everyone in it's path?

    Do you agree or disagree ?
  11. A

    Why do people keep poison dart frogs?

    I know they look beautiful but they are also very poisonous. Do the people that keep this frogs even know that. I heard that one touch to a poison dart frog and you re dead.
  12. H

    any books similar to Poison (Chris Wooding)?

    i'm looking for a good book to read, and to help me learn new words. i really, really liked Poison when i read it, it's fiction but doesnt contain wierd dragon fairytales. and i also likedi t because it was kinda about grief and despair , and how she learns to be courageous.
  13. J

    Can Christians drink poison and survive?

    Mark 16:17 & 18 "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." Why not...
  14. S

    Is N64iPhone incompatible with IOS 4.2.6 or Green Poison RC6?!?

    The emulator "psx4iphone", works with genuine framerates but "N64iPhone" crashes when booting any rom... I have firmware 4.2.6 and Green Poison RC6, could either one of those firmwares be attributed to the problem?
  15. T

    New Clue In Leukemia Mystery: Researchers Identify "Poison" Employed By Deadly Enzyme

    New Clue In Leukemia Mystery: Researchers Identify "Poison" Employed By Deadly Enzyme There is new hope for people with acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), a fast-growing cancer of the blood and bone marrow. Research led by Weill Cornell Medical College and published today in the online edition...
  16. S

    POLL: Have you ever had POISON IVY at any point in your life?

    * I have never gotten Poison Ivy in my life time. * What about you ever got Poison Ivy at any point in your life?
  17. T

    New weapons such as poison gas, ___ were introduced during world war one that

    changed how war was fought.? sorry again for my stupidness.... here are the choices: a cannons and pistols b machine guns and submarines c trenches and rifles d railroads and rationing
  18. T

    How to i use green poison to jaibreak an ipod ios 4.1?

    P.S i dowloaded it and followed instuctions exactly but it wont work any other easy to use websites such as jailbreakme.com but can do it for ios 4.1
  19. F

    Food or Poison. Quiz questions please?

    I'm hosting a quiz soon & need strange questions in the category of Food or Poison. Can you help?
  20. A

    can i use water infused with hells bells (jimson weed) to poison roaches and ants?

    hells bells is a strong hallucinogen which is pretty toxic. many people have died from ingesting it. if i boil, lets say, 25 hells bells flowers and then put that water in a spray bottle, then if i use that bottle to spray ants or roaches, will it make them instantly start hallucinating or...