
  1. P

    How do I re-write a story plot?

    I am working on a story right now and I like some Ideas but I do not like others. I tried to think of how to fix it but I don't know how. How can I learn how to fix my plot like this? I want to know how inspiration can come to me.
  2. T

    does anyone know the name of the book whose plot deals with.....?

    the president of the U.S.A wife's family is killed during a shootout because of he is supporting a law on gun/ bullet control- i think. As a result, he has to maneuver through Washington and gain support for his proposal, while his wife struggles to deal with the death of her family, and trying...
  3. M

    Sci-Fi, Story Plot? 10 points!?

    I'm writing a story that takes place in July of 1975. It's about a 15 year old named Josh Mazer. He and his 5 friends Mel "Mallory" (15 years old), Cary (13 years old), Dee "Dennis" (16 years old) & Riley (15 years old) are making a movie and after a night of fun they meet IT. One night the 5 go...
  4. M

    Is this plot "cliche"?

    I'm going to write a book about an orphan little girl who's actually a witch from the dark days, like around the witch hunt days... Well, she's being hunted by a group of older witches, and so to narrowly escape capture, she casts a spell then sends her into the future (modern days). A man takes...
  5. W

    How is my anime plot?

    I'm working on a anime story kinda like (bleach, yu yu hakusho) My main character is Takashi. He is a troublesome/delinquent teenager who lives with his mother. Because his mother is poor she is a servant to these arrogant town celebrities who treat her like ****. The reason she doesn't quit...
  6. T

    What the plot about narut 564!!! i can not help to read it more!!!?

    do some one get the Intelligence about naruto 564? !!! can not wait anymore!!!
  7. N

    What are good plot ideas for a sci-fi/fantasy novel/?

    i really need help in a school project! please recommend!
  8. S

    Poll: Characters, Plot or Action?

    In a book, in order from least to greatest which do you like best and think should be the best, the Characters, the Plot, or Action? Feel free to elaborate
  9. G

    Opinions on this plot?

    After his father's death,13 year old Andrew is forced to move with his mother from his home in the Far Kingdom to Faridale, a large, chaotic merchant's city perched on the edge of the Five Kingdoms. They go to live with Andrew's wealthy Uncle Maxwell. Uncle Maxwell is a slave trader who has...
  10. K

    Advice on story plot?

    I found this story idea on here about a witch who falls in love with the prince and he tries to kill her but cant then she saves him and then he saves her. Well I'm writing a more advanced concept of that story and I couldn't stand the happy ending after all she went through, he didn't deserve...
  11. O

    any good Christmas story plot ideas?

    i was asked to write the christmas musical for my schools Holiday Musical, and i have writers block! I want to do somethings different and out of the box, i don't want a typical christmas story, but of course the story must be revolved around christmas, and i must incorporate at least 10...
  12. P

    Plot idea please help?

    I want to write a story were the main character is a rich, posh, pretty and popular girl. She lives in a mansion but she isn't stuck up please help. What can I do for the plot and I like fantasy and like school stories.
  13. E

    gossip girl "I always love you " plot?

    I want to know the complete plot of the book "I always love you". This is the final book of the book' series "Gossip girl", written by Cecily Von Ziegesar
  14. P

    Plot help for murder?

    I'm afraid I'm just not cruel enough to think up a really terrible murder. Sigh... But, I still want to write my wanna-be detective character into her first truly gruesome case. It's set in the real world, so it can't be something too copy-cat-ish without changing the plot. Any good ideas?
  15. L

    Help on coming up with a basic yet interesting plot for this story?

    Hiya, i need help on making a plot for this story i am writing. If anyone has read 'Popcorn' by Ben Elton then it would be really useful if you could help me out, and if you havent your idead wills till come in very handy. Well i have to start with the opening paragrap from 'popcorn' wich is a...
  16. M

    Romance Comedy anime WITH GOOD PLOT, strong female lead?

    I need an anime with A PLOT. I watched Gosick and LOVED IT, the mystery and small heartwarming romance was amazing! Animes that have a main character girl with an ambition: Gosick Kaleido Star Yumeiro Patissere (both seasons) Paradise Kiss (Kinda ecchi though) Kaicho wa Maid Sama Kirarin...
  17. K

    What is a good plot for my fiction story?

    I'm trying to start it off but idk what it should be about! Any ideas or first sentences.
  18. M

    Some best sci-fi movies with good story plot?

    Recently watched the movie limitless.need some good movies like that...can u help me guys?
  19. J

    "A Good Day to Die Hard" wonder if this plot line will be good for one more Die Hard?

    "A Good Day to Die Hard" wonder if this plot line will be good for one more Die Hard? Plot Concept: John McClane has found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time, with the skills and attitude to always be the last man standing, making him enemy #1 for terrorists the world over. Now...
  20. D

    Why would the Iranian's plot an assassination in DC, probably the most heavily

    secured city in the world? When they could easily have had their operatives in Jordan or Syria or anywhere else carry out an assassination on the Saudi ambassador? Furthermore, who really thinks that Los Zetas would actually use their sicarios for a measly 1.5 million dollar hit in a heavily...