
  1. A

    geology: nitrate nutrition of terrestrial plants?

    a. is primarily abiotic and involves no organisms b. is from calcium-silicate weathering c. is from decomposition of abiotic material d. is from decomposition of fossil fuels e. is primariily from decomposition of plant material and nitrification i think it's E.
  2. G

    Ka-Bar ZK-Pestilence Chopper Knife Lightning Review: Murders Plants and Zombies [Out

    Honestly, I was expecting a blade marketed for use in zombie killing—seriously, that's what the ZK stands for—to be just a flimsy toy built more for show than for actual work. Boy, was I wrong. More »
  3. T

    What are some good exotic plants to grow outdoors in Colorado?

    Just want to get a nice little backyard garden going with good-looking non-native plants. Any ideas that aren't to expensive?
  4. E

    What are some Interesting aquatic plants I can put in my fish tank?

    I have a small 5 gallon fish tank and I would like to put a small aquatic plant in there. Are there any that can survive in a small tank? If so, I would prefer if the plant didn't grow out of control. Oh, and i would like to add a fish eventually, Will the plant(If any that fit the description)...
  5. J

    does soapy water work for tomato and bell pepper plants?

    My tomato plant and my two bell pepper plants are loosing leaves. The leaves have holes in them that look like worms or caterpillars are eating them. I mixed up a little bit of dawn dish soap and water in a spray bottle and used it on my plants. But when I went to water them today, they are some...
  6. A

    Plants vs zombies game on iPad 2?

    is there any good cheats in plants vs zombies? like how to get lots of coins or infinit sun?
  7. T

    Plants Could Pave The Way For New Ovarian Cancer Treatments

    Tropical plants may contain the basis of new and effective treatments for ovarian cancer, according to researchers at the Universities of Strathclyde and Portsmouth. The scientists are developing a programme for testing plant extracts for the ability to stop cells from ovarian tumours growing...
  8. E

    How to sell fish and plants on sims 3 ambitions iPhone?

    I went to the hobby shop and pressed the minus button on what vegetable I wanted to sell but it didn't work. Am I doing something wrong?
  9. S

    What kind of a bug is eating my bell pepper plants?

    The leaves have sections eaten out and they curl up and get brown and yellow spots. Spraying with insecticide doesn't seem to help. Other plants in the garden aren't affected only the pepper plants. If you have any ideas for combating this problem It would be greatly appreciated.
  10. D

    On Plants VS Zombies for Itouch is there last stand?

    In plants vs zombies for itouch the new update is there last stand? And if so, which map pack is it in. The second of firest?
  11. L

    Where can I get Plants vs Zombies for my Blackberry Torch?

    And NOT in Japanese..
  12. R

    An oscar tank/good plants to keep with the oscar?

    Having one OscarFish requires a 50-or-more gallon tank, and I understand that.(Two being 75-110 and so on) Although, my friend is keeping a great-looking OscarFish in a 40 gallon- Is that okay for the fish? Is it really a big difference, from 40 to 50, and higher/lower gallons? Oh yeah! Is it...
  13. P

    Now that the high quality Japanese nuclear power plants have failed and

    vented radioactivity is it the end? the end of nuclear power plants in Japan and in the U.S.A due to unacceptable situations like what Japan is in right now? is it NO NUCLEAR or GO NUCLEAR? it seems the situation in Japan is just not soaking in to many of you,,,,,,perhaps as more radiation...
  14. P

    Aquarium Plant Help! I am a newbie to plants :/?

    My tank is 29 gallons, so any tall plants wont work for me. My fish will all be fine with the plants, so that is not a worry of mine. Name me some plants to go on the bottom of the tank (like a carpet) Java moss just turned brown when I had it. I really do not know why! Now I need some plants...
  15. L

    Serious question: What chemicals do herb growers put on their plants before they...

    ...sell them usually? Serious question: What chemicals do herb growers put on their plants before they sell them usually? For example, pesticides & hebicides & genetic modification is used to grow produce, then MSG & other additives are used to make the food good & give it shelf life, do most...
  16. K

    how did people find out they could smoke curtain plants?

    how did people find out they could smoke curtain plants and wouldn't have any long or short term effects on their health? like did someone see a plant on the side of the Road and say " i wonder what would happen if i let fire to it and inhale?
  17. T

    Pathogenic Attacks On Host Plants Have Medicinal Research Implications

    Two Kansas State University researchers focusing on rice genetics are providing a better understanding of how pathogens take over a plant's nutrients. Their research provides insight into ways of reducing crop losses or developing new avenues for medicinal research. Frank White, professor of...
  18. B

    I'm going on vacation, how will my aquarium plants survive?

    Some of my tAnks are where no sunlight can get in... I usually leave my aquarium lights on for it. How will the plants live when all the lights are off??
  19. S

    Tobacco plants produce nicotine, a potent neurotoxin, to deter insect herbivores....

    ...The tobacco hornworm produce? Not cheating, i just get these questions wrong all the time and cant figure them out help me out please Elimination Utilization all of these Detoxification
  20. F

    Could LED lightning can give nutrition to my plants?

    I brought some aquatic plants, but before I put them under a tank with sufficient lightning, I put them under my betta LED light for a while, is that fine for them?