
  1. T

    Dining Out on a Plant Based Diet with Sharon Palmer R.D. - Aug 14,2013

    Today Laura Theodore, the Jazzy Vegetarian welcomes two authors from The Experiment publishing company. First, Laura will chat with Sharon Palmer, R.D., who is a Freelance Writer and author of The Plant-Powered Diet, named one of the best diet books for the New Year! We'll talk about her tips...
  2. R

    Hells-bells plant experiace anyone?

    Please be as detailed as possible. Include you method of usege and what was your physically/phycological experiance.
  3. K

    fertilizer for bell pepper plant?

    I'm a beginner gardener. I planted a bell pepper plant several weeks ago using a 1/3 compost and 2/3 potting soil mix. It's in a pot and doing great, but I'm wondering when and if I need to fertilize in addition to the compost? If I do need to fertilize, what is a good organic kind to use?
  4. T

    How long does it take for a cannabis plant to be grown outdoors in the UK?

    I recently moved house and have uncovered a mysterious plant in the garden which turns out to be a cannabis plant! It seems to be quite healthy although I am very surprised it has been grown where it has as it is slightly shaded underneath a tree! I was just wondering how long do these things...
  5. V

    Waco Fertilizer Plant Explosion Photos – Fertilizer Plant Fire Texas

    [No message]
  6. V

    Devastating Video of Fertilizer Plant Explosion Near Waco

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    Was the Waco Plant Explosion a Terrorist Attack? Branch Davidians Connection

    [No message]
  8. T

    Melanoma Succumbs To Natural Plant Substance Gossypin In Lab Tests

    For the first time, using lab tests on cell cultures and mice, researchers in the US have shown that gossypin, a naturally-occurring substance found in plants, may be an effective treatment against melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. Hareesh Nair of the Texas Biomedical Research...
  9. K

    Is it realistic that a Critical Mass skunk plant can give 1500-1800 grams

    per plant outdoors?
  10. G

    Kennedy Center Honors: Robert Plant Tears Up Watching Heart's Led Zeppelin Tribute

    The 35th Annual Kennedy Center Honors actually took place Dec. 2. But unless you were there, you didn't get to see the awesomeness that was Heart's tribute to 2012 honoree Led...
  11. T

    Biologists Unlocking The Secrets Of Plant Defenses, 1 Piece At A Time

    Researchers examining how the hormone jasmonate works to protect plants and promote their growth have revealed how a transcriptional repressor of the jasmonate signaling pathway makes its way into the nucleus of the plant cell. They hope the recently published discovery will eventually help...
  12. S

    How do you plant flowers in your flower box in the game Smurf's Village for the IPad?

    papa smurf just told me to put a flower box and so I did. Then he said plant flowers in it and so I tried but then it said I needed seeds and then I tried to find seeds but I have no idea how the heck to do that and so I was wondering if anyone knew how to? Btw I'm level 14
  13. G

    Japan Nuclear Disaster Update # 40: Fukushima Plant Still Producing Energy! (In a ba

    The Fukushima nuclear power plant was opened to journalists for the first time; See below for numerous links to related stories. There appears to be very high levels of radiation at Fukushima plant reactor #3, and at either reactors 1 and 3, or both, nuclear fission may have been occurring...
  14. A

    If a company give you a plant tour during a interview a good sign?

    Im going for a engineering position and after the interview, which i feel good about. They offered me a plant tour of their facility. Is this a good sign?
  15. B

    how long ago was the last nuclear power plant in the USA built?

    how long ago was the last nuclear power plant in the USA built?
  16. D

    How would introducing a foreign PLANT affect native populations?

    Don't say it would change other population's sizes, because I got that already. I can't think of anything more!
  17. A

    If a plant is in a bell jar with a black polythene bag over the top what

    will happen to the plant? If a plant is in a bell jar, with a black polythene bag over the top, what will happen to the plant? if it is then tested for starch what will the result be?
  18. T

    Breast Cancer Mortality Rate Lowered By Plant Compound

    Phytoestrogens are plant compounds which, in the human body, can attach to the receptors for the female sexual hormone estrogen and which are taken in with our daily diet. A number of findings have attributed a cancer protective effect to these plant hormones. At DKFZ, a team headed by Prof. Dr...
  19. T

    People And Plant Medicine: Herbal Abortion Helps African Women

    Researchers at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, have examined a number of plants which are used for illegal abortions in Tanzania. The lab tests show that several of the plants can make the uterus tissue contract and that the plants therefore can be used to stop...
  20. C

    how long will it take untill you know the sex of your pot plant?

    i wanna grow but i dont wanna waste a bunch of time finding out if its male or female. what is the probability that it will be female? what is the quickest way to tell? and is there any use to a male plant?