
  1. A

    How do I place all the apps together in my iPad?

    I have a bunch of apps in my iPad and I was wondering how I could put them together into one single group? I know they can but I am still trying to figure that out. I tried to look it up online but I am having difficulties finding the answer to it as I have no idea where to find what I was...
  2. P

    Can we place Battery of any samsung mobile phone into HTC sensation Z710e ?

    I have a HTC sensation Z710e phone. Its battery is not working long time. I think samsung batteries are working long time than HTC. But I am confused which samsung model no phone battery fit properly my HTC sensation phone.
  3. A

    Whats the best place to get a Samsung Galaxy S3 online?

    In terms of cost shipping and warranty whats the best place in Australia.
  4. G

    Cheapest place to buy an iPhone 4?

    I live in Australia and I want to buy cheap iPhone 4. I have found ones for $350 second hand. But is there any where I could get one cheaper (besides eBay)? I don't mind if it is second hand, as long as it works and is not terribly cracked. Cheers
  5. A

    little vacation place for my 16th birthday in California?

    I LIVE IN SAN JOSE, CA. i want to go on the trip the first or second weekend in June because i want to STAY FOR 3-4 DAYS. its going to be me, my mom, my little sister, and two of my girl friends and my dog. i need a place that is fun and we will be able to go different places around the area...
  6. S

    Where is a good place to park a truck and watch the sunrise in Southern California?

    I want to throw an air mattress in the back of my pickup truck and take my girlfriend to some scenic place to watch the sunrise. I'd really like to do this by a beach such as corona del mar, laguna beach, newport beach, or huntington beach. I'm unsure how the local authorities would react to us...
  7. C

    Where do I place the trucks on my home made skate board?

    I made my own skateboard and it is 27"x8" and I am wondering where to place the trucks on my board and what size the trucks should be and what size the wheels should be
  8. M

    What Is The Weirdest Place To Have Sex For You?

    What Is The Weirdest Place You Ever Had Sex? Please Do Share... Just Curious ;) .
  9. K

    Trying to find out about this place that was called the tar heel club?

    There is a very old club in Raleigh nc that was called the tar heel club off of tarheel club road. I have been trying to find out the history on it and have come up with nothing. If anyone can help it would be great.
  10. L

    Cheapest place to buy diamante/swarovski/rhinestone/crystal/gems? UK?

    Mixed sizes. Lots of them and cheap!? Bulk? Thanks :)
  11. H

    The Place Beyond the Pines (2012) Torrent?

    What is a good torrent website to download this movie from? good seeds
  12. A

    Happy Hour: Talking about Martinsville?s 12th place finisher

    You know the drill. Throughout the week you can send us your best questions, jokes, rants and just plain miscellaneous thoughts to [email protected] or @NickBromberg. We'll post them here, have a good time and everyone's happy. Right? Oh who are we kidding, this is NASCAR. No one is...
  13. A

    Why New York City Is The Hardest Place To Be Emotionally Healthy

    I have written more than a few times about my love affair with New York City. It’s a one-way, unrequited love, because as any New Yorker will tell you, New York City doesn’t love anyone back. The city is a rebel like that; a lover who refuses to hold your hand in public and, if it were human...
  14. A

    Spring Breaks: Adam Eaton talks ?Duck Dynasty,? his favorite pizza place and Clash of

    Note: Spring Breaks is a Big League Stew series that talks to players about their lives off the field during spring training. Today: Adam Eaton, the 24-year-old Arizona Diamondbacks outfielder who has earned the nickname "Spanky." It's in his Twitter handle and even on the nameplate on his...
  15. J

    Is there a place that buys online items in the Philippines then pay them when... claim it? I'm 14 and ordering online is a bit scratchy for me because I've never done it before and i want to buy and airgun from pyramid air because they don't sell it here
  16. M

    Cheapest place to install subwoofer and amp in central nj?

    I bought a sub and amp off amazon. What's the cheapest place to get em installed in central nj? Cheapest I found is $125
  17. A

    Is Santa Monica a good place for summer vacation?

    My family's planning on going this summer, but we wanna know if the beach is clean and if it's actually fun. Any advice?
  18. P

    Is F4 Martial Arts a good place to start?

    I wanted to do Ninjitsu, but the only place they teach it is a bit of a ways away from my location and are fairly expensive. Then I thought "Why not Karate?" but the only place that teaches it here is ATA, which, I hear is a no-no. So, only other option is a F4 Martial Arts and they teach...
  19. C

    Any sugestions for books that takes place on near future and goes around...

    ...computers and technology? I love books that tells stories that take place on near future. Not the battles of ships on stars or fantasy. Any sugestions?
  20. A

    Hay i have a evo 4g and i was wondering is there any place i could trade... in for a galaxy s3 or iphone 4? I have Sprint is their anyvplace I could trade my EVO4g for a iPhone4s or a galaxy s3 please help I don't like this phone anymore