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    Pimp My Health: 5 Healthy Makeovers For Grilled Cheese

    Grilled cheese has to be one of the best comfort foods around, especially on a chilly fall day--all warm and gooey and delicious. Yum. But it can also be pretty unhealthy, if you're not careful. Some grilled cheeses, as comforting as they are, can be loaded with fat and calories. To help you...
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    Pimp My Health: 5 Healthy Makeovers For Mac & Cheese

    Who doesn't love mac & cheese? Especially this time of year. It's some of the best comfort food around that tastes totally delish on a cool fall evening. But that cheesy meal may not be so comforting after all if it's loaded with fat and calories. So this week on “Pimp My Health“, we’re going to...
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    Pimp My Health: 8 Ways To Keep Your Breasts Healthy

    Having healthy breasts starts with healthy habits--things that can keep them looking and feeling great, while also helping to prevent breast cancer. Given that it's breast cancer awareness month, why not take the time to give your breasts a little extra attention? So this week on Pimp My Health...
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    Pimp My Health: 5 Healthy Makeovers For Baked Potatoes

    Baked potatoes are a good source of fiber and vitamin C. But if you're not careful, they can also be a good source of fat and calories--think about the butter, sour cream and cheese that often top these. So this week on Pimp My Health, we're going to pimp your baked potato. Take a look at these...
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    Pimp My Health: 6 Healthy Twists For Burritos

    Who doesn't like burritos, right? All warm and gooey with your favorite cheese, meat and beans wrapped up into one overstuffed tortilla. Pair that with some chips, queso dip and a margarita and you have a really delicious meal--that could also be really unhealthy. So this week on Pimp My Health...
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    Pimp My Health: 6 Blissful Ways To Have The Greatest Bath Ever

    Sure, they take longer than a quick shower, but baths are one of the best things you can do for your mind, body and soul. When done right, they are heavenly for your health, your skin and your mood. So, this week on Pimp My Health, we’re going to pimp your bath. All it takes is a little know-how...
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    Pimp My Health: 5 Healthy Twists For Peanut Butter Sandwiches

    This week on Pimp My Health, we're going to pimp one of everyone's favorites: peanut butter sandwiches. Sure, there is the always-tasty PB&J, but there are a number of other healthy sandwiches you can make with peanut butter. But as delicious as this spread is, it can be filled with sugar and...
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    Pimp My Health: 6 Natural Remedies For Smelly Feet

    Did you know that there are a quarter-million sweat glands on your feet and you can generate about a half a liter of sweat from them per day? That just sounds downright stinky. So*aside from alienating your friends every time you take off your shoes or don a pair of cute sandals, this week on...
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    Pimp My Health: 6 Healthy Twists For Pancakes

    This week on Pimp My Health, we’re going to pimp your pancakes–one of our favorite hearty breakfasts that tastes especially good after a hard morning workout. But as tasty as these cakes are, if you’re not careful, you can wind up with a lot of empty carbs and sugar on your plate. So take a look...
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    Pimp My Health: 6 Healthy Twists For Hot Dogs

    Hot diggity dog! It's summertime and backyard barbecues are in full swing with hot dogs galore on the grill. Sure, hot dogs have gotten a bad rap--they have even been deemed as unhealthy as cigarettes. But with a few simple twists, you can make your dog a little healthier and enjoy it guilt-free...
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    Pimp My Health: 6 Tips For A Healthy Smoothie (Beyond Just Adding Fruit)

    Who doesn't love a good smoothie in the summer? They're cold, refreshing and oh, so unhealthy. Wait, what? Yep, you may think you're doing your body good by sipping on a fruit smoothie from your local juice bar, but are you really? Do you even know what's in it? Turns out, a lot of restaurant or...
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    Pimp My Health: 6 Healthy Twists For Granola

    Granola is healthy, right? Oats, nuts, seeds, dried fruit...what's not nutritious about that? Well, those ingredients are great, but granola becomes unhealthy when a bunch of other ingredients (like sugar, butter, preservatives, sodium and chemicals are added) to traditional store-bought brands...
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    Pimp My Health: 6 Ways To Take Care Of Your Feet

    They help you walk, run, dance, drive, and kick. Your feet are one of the strongest parts on your body, crucial for most daily activities. Lots of people find them gross, but I actually think they're pretty cute, despite the fact that they*contain over 250,000 sweat glands. Actually, you can...
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    Pimp My Health: 5 Ways To Boost Your Pasta Salad

    With the 4th of July coming up next week, we thought it would be appropriate to provide you with some healthy versions of that cookout and potluck staple, pasta salad. Try using whole-wheat pasta or even rice or quinoa pasta, replace mayonnaise with greek yogurt, and try to get as many veggies...
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    Pimp My Health: 6 Healthy Makeovers For Summertime Pizza

    Summer is officially here, so what better time to start adding fresh, seasonal ingredients into your diet? And that includes pizza! Yes, we all love pizza, but if you're not careful, it can be pretty unhealthy--think: cheese, sausage, pepperoni and white crust. But fear not, there are some...
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    Pimp My Health: 5 Healthy (And Simple!) Makeovers For Potato Salad

    What's more traditional at a summertime barbecue than potato salad? It's creamy texture and fresh flavors are perfect for this season. But, as delish as this salad is, it can be really unhealthy (mayonnaise, hello?). So this week on Pimp My Health, we're going to make over your potato...
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    Pimp My Health: 6 Healthy Twists For French Toast

    This week on Pimp My Health, we’re going to pimp your french toast–a sure-fire favorite breakfast that tastes especially awesome on a summer morning after a great workout. As delish as this is, if you’re not careful, french toast can be loaded with tons of empty carbs, calories and sugar. But...
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    Pimp My Health: 6 Tips For Healthier Salad Dressing

    Salad dressing can be one of the unhealthiest things you can eat. Many of the restaurant and bottled dressings are loaded with hydrogenated oils, sugar, artificial flavors, preservatives, fat and calories. All of which can seriously ruin your fresh greens and veggies. So this week on Pimp My...
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    Pimp My Health: 5 Tips For Healthier Coffee

    This week, we learned that our faithful cup of coffee can actually help us live longer (hooray!), but before you speed off to Starbucks for that Chocolate Cookie Crumble Frappuccino (which has 310 calories, 14 grams of fat and a whopping 40 grams of sugar), it's worth repeating that not all...
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    Pimp My Health: 5 Tips For A Healthier, Younger Complexion

    Young, smooth, flawless skin--we all want it, right? But the oil, the acne, the lines and wrinkles...ugh! What's a girl supposed to do? Believe it or not, having beautiful, healthy skin doesn't come from a bottle or an expensive cream. There are plenty of natural remedies out there--some may be...