
  1. P

    Question for you thinkers is Religion and Philosophy tied together or is there...

    ...a split between them? I totally agree with some of you ! you can't sererate the two,Philosophy attemts to explain why and how we are! Christianity suceeds!
  2. F

    without philosophy would there be religion or science?

    Philosophy teaches us how to inquire, and then it asks "is there a God". It claims logic as it's progeny but turns first to the question of what is the purpose of life? I'd certainly like to hear from both sides, without the rants, proselytizing, GDI, or DDI ("god did it" or "darwin did...
  3. L

    how might feminist philosophy of religion approach the question of the nature and...

    ...existence of God? Would it be any different to a male dominated responce?
  4. S

    How does this philosophy apply to politics, particularly in recent days?

    "Something must be done." "This is something." "Therefore me must do this"
  5. M

    (Philosophy) What do u think, is appearance more important than reality in politics?

    Just need a bit of help on this topic, just your views and how do you think appearance and reality affect practical decision making ?
  6. I

    What is Difference Between Philosophy and Religion ? what is Defination of Religion ?

    does religion is part of Philosophy ? many times we study buddhist philosophy and same things came under buddhist religion also many times in indian Philosophy we study gita,Upnishad they are part of Philosophy as we as HINDUISM i not get difference between religion and Philosophy
  7. L

    Can I get a B.A. in Philosophy and religion, then a Th. D?

    Please help. I need to know if I can get a B.A. in Philosophy and Religion, and then continue into a Th. D. Will that work? If not, what should I start with?
  8. K

    Is religion a simple man's philosophy to atheists or what?

    I am not atheists but atheists do not know what it is lyk 2 b christian so they would not KNOW why they understand it, so i was wondering why they do not talk about this?
  9. K

    what are some things for philosophy and religion or sociology?

    or OLDER culture that i could study so i can find good pics to put in my computer?
  10. V

    what are the best aspects of religion and philosophy that make them great?

    to have in a society based in a world mainly built around thoughts and discussion?