
  1. Isayeee

    What type of clothing style do you (guys) personally like on girls?

    I know most prefer naked, revealing and crap. But I'm talking for realz... Do they like preppy? Trendy? Causal?
  2. S

    How many caskets have Obama personally greeted? He greet any of our Troops?

    I am surprised he actually showed instead of just sending a form letter with his signature on it that arrives 4 to 6 months later.
  3. T

    Why do you personally workout and exercise?

    Hi! I need more motivation to workout! I have been for about a month and I've lost 5 lbs! But now I'm kind of thinking: 'What's the point in working out and making your muscles look good, if they're just going to be covered in clothes all winter?' and 'What is making my muscles look good going...
  4. G

    I personally put Al Franken in the Senate

    Today is Minnesota Senator Al Franken's Birthday. In honor of that, I'm reposting this historically accurate and important essay, which first appeared on this blog on April 23, 2009 at 3:56PM: I personally put Al Franken in the Senate Al Franken is about to be seated as the Junior...
  5. L

    Can you personally 'choose' to believe that certain people are incapable...

    ...of believing your deity is plausible? If you aren't capable of believing this possibility -why aren't you if beliefs CAN be chosen? If you CAN believe it, you must realize that atheists cannot force themselves to believe something which they feel is implausible -even if that thing is a...
  6. M

    Spirit-filled believers in Christ, what does I Jn. 4:17 mean to you personally?

    1 John 4:17 (King James Version) 17Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.
  7. F

    My boyfriends sense of humor is very dry and sarcastic...I take it personally. Help?

    He's very sarcastic with a very dry sense of humor, and I take things quite personally so as you can imagine that sometimes is a problem. It's been over a year that we've been dating and I STILL don't really understand his sarcasm and dry sense of humor, so I feel insulted sometimes and feel...
  8. M

    Do you think that a.)you personally and b.)more people are distracted since the...

    ...introduction of the? Internet and PC games, eg. from tasks and hobbies you would like to do and more personal relationships?
  9. J

    How could one have a personally relationship with Christ, if he/she had no...

    ...through direct contact with Christ? Personally - through direct contact; in person; directly: I will thank him personally. through direct contact; in person; directly: I will thank him personally. ( Can't screw up with a reference dictionary.
  10. P

    can you personally buy the same equipment found at 24 hour fitness?

    i was just wondering if "regular" customers would be able to purchase the same machines that could be found at 24 hour fitnesses. or do the manufacturers that make these machines only sell them to businesses? i would like to get a mini-gym room started in the house and i really like the machines...
  11. K

    If you know any female celebrities personally, Can you please ask them this

    question for me? Hello: If you know any female celebrities personally, can you please ask them this question for me, since I don't know any female celebrities. The question is: "will you wear an outfit/dress made out of clean unused plastic garbage/trash/bin bags, if yes, when how and on a...
  12. T

    Personally, do u believe the rumor of Taker vs HHH III @ WM 28 or not? Why?
  13. M

    Have you ever (personally) known anyone that was fired because of facebook?

    I actually know 2!
  14. A

    how do you personally greet girls who are more than an acquaintance, but not yet...

    ...a friend? as a guy? i mean with friends u give them a hug, but what about thoses arent quite friends yet? a wave is kinda lame and impersonal, a handshake is too formal and a hug might be too bold,. so what do you do?
  15. D

    Atheists, and Christians, when you use the word, “God”, what do you personally have

    in mind? PLEASE, this is not a God/No God question, it is about what cultural concept you have in mind when you use the word. So no scientific sources, or messianic preaching, please!
  16. M

    Poll: Personally, what is your favourite joke about fat people?

    One of mine are: "Your Mum is so fat, she fell in love and broke it."
  17. T

    Do you personally like trivia games?

    Well, play mine. It's NHL guess the player. On youtube, figure out the NHL player from all the clues, then get his card if you win. PERSONALLY MESSAGE ME. Try it! Thanks. (:
  18. W

    If you could meet and talk personally to one or more Civil War generals, which...

    ...ones would you choose? For me, Lee and Grant for certain. Lee didn't leave a personal memoir, Grant did. We know Lee a little from his writings. Other choices, James Longstreet (CSA), Joshua L. Chamberlain (USA), Jeb Stuart (CSA), William T. Sherman (USA). Most of these gentlemen liked to...
  19. W

    If you could meet and talk personally to one or more Civil War generals, which...

    ...ones would you choose? For me, Lee and Grant for certain. Lee didn't leave a personal memoir, Grant did. We know Lee a little from his writings. Other choices, James Longstreet (CSA), Joshua L. Chamberlain (USA), Jeb Stuart (CSA), William T. Sherman (USA). Most of these gentlemen liked to...
  20. S

    I personally think that the 2002 Chevrolet Camaro Z28 is ugly what can I do to...

    ...make it look great and fancy? what can i do to make it look super cool for not to much money? here's the site to what it looks like just copy and paste the hyperlink above