
  1. T

    Epilepsy, Periodic Paralyses And Strokes Most Common Neurological Comorbidities Of Mi

    Migraines in children and adolescents occur jointly with other neurological, psychiatric or somatic diseases with above-average frequency. Epilepsy, various disorders caused by cellular ion channels malfunction (channelopathies) and multiple sclerosis deserve special mention in this regard in...
  2. M

    A Periodic Table of the Elements Riddle?

    What element fits this the best? A ridiculous prisoner.
  3. C

    Periodic Table Trends?

    I'm in grade 9 and have a science test tomorrow... Can you please list me a few periodic table trends?? I don't know any x_x
  4. A

    How do the periodic table trends occur chemically?

    So on looking at a periodic table, why do the trends below appear, based on their nuclear charge and electron shielding? I know how the trend goes (e.g. Atomic size generally increases down a group to the left), but why does the trend occur? Also note any deviance from those trends. Atomic Size...
  5. K

    what are some trends/patterns of the periodic table?

    do the groups get less and less reactive as u move to the right? just random stuff like that. i know that the group number tells the amount of valence electrons, and period tells the amount of energy levels. any others?
  6. N

    What are some of the trends* in periodic table as you look across the from

    the left side to the right? Answer about these... •Number of electron shells •Size of the atoms •Types of ions formed •Size of positive and negative ions •Metallic nature and related properties •Types of solutions made by oxides of these elements, and what this means. If u answer them I will be...
  7. J

    Is periodic trends and periodic patterns the same thing?

    I have an assigment to write a 1000 word essay on periodic patterns.I could only find info on periodic trends.Is it the same thing?
  8. S

    A periodic, sinusoidal wave is generated on a string. The waves travel across the

    string at a speed of 3 m/s.? The period of the wave is 0.23 seconds and the amplitude is 0.5 m. a) What is the wavelength if these waves generated on the string? b) How many wavelengths are contained within a 5 m portion of the string? c) What new wave speed would generate a n=4 standing wave if...
  9. G

    What is the Metal Reactivity trend in the periodic table?

  10. M

    Periodic table trend questions?

    Each of the statements below attempts to explain why some periodic property varies predictably among elements in the periodic table. Determine if each statement is true or false. Within a period, elements with lower atomic numbers have atoms of smaller radius because the atoms have higher...
  11. C

    From your knowledge of periodic trends , explain why elemental sodium and chlorine...

    ...react so readily. would you? Chemistry
  12. U

    What are the observed periodic trends in electron affinity?

    What are the observed periodic trends in electron affinity? Check all that apply. 1.) for main-group elements, electron affinity generally becomes more negative as you move to the right across a row 2.) for main-group elements, electron affinity generally becomes more positive as you move to...
  13. B

    How does the periodic trend of atomic radius relate to the addition of electrons?

    How does the periodic trend of atomic radius relate to the addition of electrons? (Select all that apply.) 1.) increased nuclear charge across a period pulls the electrons closer, making the atoms smaller 2.) increased nuclear charge across a period increases the attraction for additional...
  14. B

    How does the periodic trend of atomic radius relate to the addition of electrons?

    How does the periodic trend of atomic radius relate to the addition of electrons? (Select all that apply.) 1.) increased nuclear charge across a period pulls the electrons closer, making the atoms smaller 2.) increased nuclear charge across a period increases the attraction for additional...
  15. A

    How does quantum theory explain exceptions to the ionization energy periodic trend?

    Hello, I am currently studying for a Chemistry exam, and one of my review questions asks this: "Ionization energy tends to increase from left to right on the periodic table. Two exceptions to that rule, however, are aluminum and sulfur. Explain them using quantum theory." I'm not quite sure...
  16. A

    Chemistry help, it involves periodic trends?

    I've been doing chemistry work for the past 4 hours. I'm on the last page and I don't feel like reading anymore to get the answers. So can someone help out? :) It's a paragraph that has blanks and you have to fill them in. Here it is: Atomic radii generally __1__ as you move from left to right...
  17. K

    What are the exceptions to periodic trends?

    If there are a lot, the most well known. I know Oxygen and Berillyum and Boron are but why are they? And what are the other ones?
  18. Dude

    Can somebody define these periodic trends and tell about the pattern they show?

    for these periodic trends please: a.Electronegativity b.Atomic Radius c.Ionization Energy d.Density e.Melting Point f.Boiling Point much appreciation. i need to know this for class but i dont get it and cant find anything online
  19. J

    What are the observed periodic trends in electron affinity?

    A. for main-group elements, electron affinity generally becomes more negative as you move to the right across a row B. for main-group elements, electron affinity generally becomes more positive as you move to the right across a row C. there is not a corresponding trend in electron affinity...
  20. J

    What are the observed periodic trends in electron affinity?

    A. for main-group elements, electron affinity generally becomes more negative as you move to the right across a row B. for main-group elements, electron affinity generally becomes more positive as you move to the right across a row C. there is not a corresponding trend in electron affinity...