
  1. C

    Which school is better to get your High diploma Penn Foster or Lincoln Academy ?

    I really need help in picking one of these schools I want to get my brother the best one. Foster is pretty expensive, but Lincoln is a cheaper price. I just want to know which one is best.
  2. G

    1600 Penn: Save or Sink It

    Hail to the Chief? Or bail? NBC's new comedy set in the White House, 1600 Penn, is about a dysfunctional family that just happens to be the first family of the United States. The...
  3. A

    Penn State gets hosed on bad call that should have been go-ahead touchdown (VIDEO)

    Penn State has good reason to be angry after its loss to Nebraska. A bang-bang play at the goal line was ruled a Penn State fumble. After reviewing a replay that clearly showed the Nittany Lions scored before the ball was knocked out, the official ruling was ... a Penn State fumble. The call...
  4. A

    Week 6 Winners and Losers: Bill O?Brien is doing a heck of a job at Penn State

    If Bill O'Brien hasn't been the top coach in college football over the first six weeks of the season, the line in front of him is pretty short. Penn State has now won four games in a row, including two straight Big Ten contests, after knocking off previously undefeated and 24th-ranked...
  5. V

    Pictures: Paul Jones Penn State

    Paul Jones of the Penn State college football team is in the headlines today. Why? He’s the latest Penn State player to announce that he’s leaving the team. Following the drama surrounding Jerry Sandusky and Joe Paterno, more than a dozen players have left the team. A quarterback out of high...
  6. A

    Penn State Proves They Are Clueless About Sexual Assault By Banning ‘Sweet Caroline’

    In the wake of the Jerry Sandusky child abuse scandal, Penn State is now buckling down to protect everyone from further assaults by banning "Sweet Caroline" by Neil Diamond. It's been decided by the powers-to-be that this evil song will no longer be played at the school's football games because...
  7. A

    Ohio will honor child abuse victims during season opener against Penn State

    The Ohio football team will be wearing special decals on its helmets to honor victims of child abuse when it meets Penn State next Saturday in the season opener for both teams. The Bobcats' equipment staff has been working with the Penn State athletic department to design the stickers, which...
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    Penn State Students Protest Football Sanctions…By Calling NCAA Communist?

    Penn State students are buying up t-shirts that compare the NCAA to communists, in protest of the sanctions on PSU's football team following the Jerry Sandusky scandal earlier this year. The t-shirts seem ridiculous, but I think the more interesting question is: Why are we willing to forgive...
  9. A

    Bill O?Brien thinks Penn State?s NCAA sanctions could be reduced in the future

    Even after Penn State was hit with NCAA sanctions that have been likened to the dreaded "death penalty" that was given to SMU in the mid-1980s, coach Bill O'Brien is still maintaining a glass-half-full mentality. On Friday, O'Brien said he believed the NCAA could reduce the penalties levied...
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    Penn State faced four years with no football had it not agreed to current sanctions

    In an interview with Yahoo! Sports' Pat Forde on Monday, NCAA president Mark Emmert revealed that members of the Division I Board of Directors discussed much more severe penalties than the ones actually levied against Penn State. Now we know specifically what was on the table. Emmert and...
  11. V

    Penn State Punishment Details

    The NCAA usually hands out punishments for minor things like recruiting violations. Today, the NCAA had a much bigger fish to fry. They had to figure out how to punish Penn State for the horrific crimes they committed by not properly handling Jerry Sandusky. What did the NCAA decide to do? Here...
  12. A

    NCAA to announce penalties against Penn State Monday; Paterno statue taken down

    It's been a busy Sunday morning in State College. The NCAA has scheduled a news conference for 9 a.m. EDT at NCAA headquarters in Indianapolis Monday to announce "corrective and punitive measures" against Penn State because of the Jerry Sandusky sex abuse scandal. According to a report from...
  13. B

    i need some good penn state jokes?

    original plz
  14. Z

    JFK to Penn Station New York?

    What is the cheapest and easiest way to get from JFK to Penn Station in New York. My hotel (Amsterdam) is few blocks away at 226 West 50th Street (between 7th and 8th St). Thank you very much
  15. A

    ‘Multiple threats’ will keep Mike McQueary out of Penn State’s home finale

    As of Thursday night, former Penn State quarterback Mike McQueary is still employed at his alma mater as wide receivers coach, a fact that seems to be infuriating just about everyone in the wake of the thorough house-cleaning among his superiors since Sunday night. The head coach, athletic...
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    Paterno embraces rallying students as the walls close in at Penn State

    Joe Paterno didn't get a chance to defend himself today after Penn State pulled the plug on his regular Tuesday press conference, leaving the embattled 84-year-old coach and his son to fend off a mob of reporters on his way to practice – one of the few reminders that the Nittany Lions still have...
  17. G

    Sean Penn Joins Protest in Egypt

    It's hard to forget how dramatic the Egyptian protests trying to overthrow President Hosni Mubarak were. Now another protest has occurred, and one of Hollywood's finest is getting a piece...
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    Star Diplomacy: Sean Penn Aids in the Release of Two American Captives in Iran

    Oscar winner Sean Penn*assumed the role of real life hero Friday, aiding in the release of two American hikers who had been held captive in Iran since July 2009. Boy, this is going to drive...
  19. R

    Diaz vs penn ufc 137?

    man what a sick fight. fight of the year i think diaz takes it after weathering the storm and winning the decision
  20. R

    Diaz vs penn ufc 137?

    man what a sick fight. fight of the year i think diaz takes it after weathering the storm and winning the decision