
  1. V

    Does anyone else see the strong resemblance Ron Paul has to Lady Elaine on Mr.

  2. B

    Which guitar is better for "shredding," an Epiphone Prophecy Les Paul Custom

    Which guitar is better for "shredding," an Epiphone Prophecy Les Paul Custom ex(2012), or an Ibanez RG3EXFM1? I'm torn between these two. The epiphone has the EMG 81/85 humbuckers, but I'm afraid that they might be too dark, and they use a battery, whereas, I'm afraid the Ibanez will sound too...
  3. T

    Ms. Hunt and Ms. Peck agree to type a manuscript for professor Paul?

    The production function for the manuscript is given to be where Q = number of type written pages, H= the number of hours Hunt spends typing, P = the number of hours Peck spends typing. Hunt and Peck receive $4 and $12 per hour, respectively. Q=H1/4 P3/4 a.If professor Paul decides to minimise...
  4. K

    The establishment and media are afraid of Ron Paul

    Why you might ask? Because he is the ONLY candidate running for president that is NOT heavily supported by private bankers, wallstreeters, and special interest corporations, the same people that heavily fund the mainstream media. They are bankrupting us. There's a blatant media...
  5. R

    F/s Gibson Custom Shop 1968 Les Paul at $1900

    We sell all kind of musical instruments with warranty guaranteed and also working perfectly well ..... EMAIL : [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] CLARINET: BUFFET A Clarinet - TOSCA...........................$1600 BUFFET A Clarinet...
  6. J

    Why do people regard Ron Paul as some sort of doctrine who has all the answers?

    Like, today, I heard someone say their devoted to 'Paulism'. WTF?
  7. P

    How can Ron Paul only have 10%?

    What is wrong with people that they can't see Ron Paul is the smartest, most qualified, honest, champion of the constitution, liberty and freedom for all, small government, wants to end the wars and fix the economy?
  8. H

    Why is Ron Paul the only presidential candidate that says all American...

    ...citizens have the right to due process? Mitt Romney said in tonight's debate that he would have signed the NDAA bill that gives the US military the right to arrest and hold American citizens indefinitely without trial. I believe all of the other candidates (including Obama who signed it of...
  9. A

    If Ron Paul gets the Republican nomination, could states like California and

    New York go red? His views on multiple issues seem commensurate with what people there believe. Normally you would never dream of those states going that way but I can't help but wonder. Republican voters: do you like him?
  10. J

    Why is Ron Paul lying about Rick Santorum's record? They have robocalls going out

    saying Rick is pro abortion? and against the right to bare arms? What is up with that? I though Ron Paul was supposed to be an honest guy?
  11. J

    Would the world's children continue to suffer needlessly if Ron Paul isnt...

    ...elected President? Iranian children will be killed and maimed, American children will have to grow up without their dads (who were KIA), Mexican children will lose family to the ongoing War on Drugs, Cuban children will hunger due to sanctions, etc. The misery that US foreign policy...
  12. M

    If Ron Paul is going to accept contributions from Neo-Nazi groups should he whine

    about it when? he isn't invited to the Republican Jewish Coalition's debate? Most candidates would have rejected a donation from a group like Stormfront. For whatever reason, Ron Paul didn't and chose to embrace their support. That's his right. But should he really be surprised that doing so...
  13. P

    wow Ron Paul is going to win Iowa? why is the media so inaccurate about polls?

    Ron Paul seems to be winning Iowa and hes polling second in New Hampshire Iowa : New Hampshire 2Nd :
  14. R

    Why do people argue that Ron Paul is old and senile even though his

    principles have remained the same since...? ..his youth. Instead of playing the age card why don't people just debate him on his beliefs? *Or to be more accurate since he was much younger and far too young to be characterized as such.
  15. J

    Why is Jesus' path to Heaven considered blasphemy by some of those who follow Paul?

    . Reference: The theme of Jesus' Beatitudes: "If you seek harmony when you can, you will be set-aside for Heaven" . ... (no requirement to believe in God in order to go to Heaven)
  16. O

    How often does Paul switch back and forth from Tribeca_bell and Paul Grass?

    Ah, looks like another of his / her sock accounts has made an appearance. And with such grown up words too...lmao
  17. G

    Paul Zak: Trust, morality -- and oxytocin

    Read the comments on this post...
  18. J

    Ron Paul is so winning right now, makes me laugh at all the ones in denial,

    i love helping people? watch and learn : Ron Paul all the way!
  19. W

    Why do some Christians say Paul should not be listened to when it comes to

    Jesus Christ's teachings? I know that this group of Christians is not popularly known but I heard they don't like Paul. I wonder why. Will they remove all his writings from the bible soon? They say Paul is not one of the apostles therefore there's no way for him to know what Jesus originally taught.
  20. A

    Chris Paul and his family will appear on ‘Family Feud’

    </p> As a window into the mind of the average American, the "Family Feud" concept is something of a dinosaur. When the nation's culture was relatively uniform, it made sense that 100 random people would produce a relatable set of answers to basic questions about their lives. However, in this...