
  1. G

    Sol Republic, Philips Downtown, Parrot Zik headphone reviews

    Sol Republic, Philips Downtown, Parrot Zik headphone reviews Posted on 21-Jun-2013 12:26 by Tim Wild. | Filed under: Reviews :*Consumer Electronics. We asked one of our Geekzone users to review four headphones for us and compare to his own preference. Here are the results.Philips...
  2. A

    please help: is carom or bishop weed safe for parrot ?

    Please tell me .. real information ..I will give you best answer for sure that safe or toxic ? Thanx
  3. R

    Christians: What if a Parrot said it was Jesus Christ, would you believe it?

    huh would you? if it were to say "rrrrawwk im Jesus and i took the body of this parrot to save humanity rrrrawk" "Praise the lord rrrrawk"
  4. B

    How to increase the volume on Parrot CK 3000 evolution bluetooth?

    I have installed the parrot ck3000 evo and the connects 2 on my 2003 BMW 330xi. The connection is fine but the main problem to it is the volume. I have adjusted and put in to max the volume on the parrot dial and still the volume can't be increase as loud as the radio can. Can somebody help me...
  5. M

    I'm getting an Indian Ringnecked parrot tomorrow -?

    It hasn't been weaned for long so I think its ~10 weeks old. Will I be able to teach it basic tricks like step up at this age? And talking? I don't want to push anything on it when it may not be ready so I wanted to be sure. Thanks in advance :)
  6. A

    i have a bluetooth parrot system?

    it has for some reason stopped charging my i phone and also will not play the music, it does not pick the phone up only on calls. i have updated both the phone and the parrot system and also restored the factory settings but no joy no idea why it wont work pls help
  7. P

    Which large parrot makes the best pet?

    We are looking to buy a large parrot but we don't know which one makes the best pet.
  8. A

    Parrot MKi9200 Bluetooth Fail?

    Cant connect any bluetooth phone to the parrot device. Can't find the signal. Visibility is checked but still nothing. Can anyone help? THX.
  9. A

    Parrot MKi9200 Bluetooth Fail?

    Cant connect any bluetooth phone to the parrot device. Can't find the signal. Visibility is checked but still nothing. Can anyone help? THX.
  10. J

    Who would sell their parrot to the town gossip ?

    I don't have one myself. I do know that some can really carry on. People have compared a parrot to a sailor in the words they use. Not me. I married a nice U.S Navy man, and I have heard the things parrots have said.
  11. B

    Will my Parrot RK8200 car stereo fit my VW Golf MK4 1999?

    I have ordered a Parrot RK8200 Bluetooth car stereo off Ebay for my VW Golf MK4 1999 hatchback. I was wondering will this need and adaptors? faciers? or special modifications to fit my car. I didnt think to ask the seller of the stereo...DOH!
  12. A

    Parrot MKi 9200 Bluetooth not working?

    I have Parrot MKi 9200 in my car and Bluetooth is not working any more. No one cell phone can find it. Visibility is on. I also restarted it couple times but nothing happened. Everything else works fine. I have latest 1.63 version updated. Any ideas? Thanks.
  13. S

    Can anyone give me advice as im looking to buy a scarlet macaw parrot?

    Id like to know how much they would cost and if you could get them hand reared? Also equipment and anything important i would need to know. Obviously im doing a lot of research before planning to get one and i would need to do a lot of saving first. Thankyou :)
  14. M

    Whats the funniest thing a Parrot has ever said to you?

    A Parrot once said to me "Your Going to Jail!" @June: Wow.
  15. D

    i am a little kid and does anyone have a talking Parrot?

    i want a taking parrot i have been saving up but every time they always raise the price i have been wanting a parrot since i was 2. if u have a talking parrot i would be really happy my mom won't by 1 because she cant waste her bill money but if u get me it then i have a enough money to get...
  16. F

    Choosing a type of talking parrot?

    I decided that I might want to add a talking bird/parrot to my family of pets. I want a talkative bird that will be entertaining, but not a hassle. What type of bird is the least expensive (what are the different prices?), and what supplies and such would I need for a bird?
  17. F

    Choosing a type of talking parrot?

    I decided that I might want to add a talking bird/parrot to my family of pets. I want a talkative bird that will be entertaining, but not a hassle. What type of bird is the least expensive (what are the different prices?), and what supplies and such would I need for a bird?
  18. J

    I want to buy a free-flight training "DVD" to train my parrot.?

    Please do not give me internet blogs on how to train your parrot on free flight, I need a DVD. An instructional DVD on how to train my parrot to freeflight. thank you:)
  19. T

    Why has my parrot suddenly decided that it's cool to dump his food trays and...

    ...water dishes? So I've had this green cheek conure for no less than 13 years and he just started this strange behavior a few days ago. I work long days, so the water dish dumping had me most concerned, especially in the dead of summer. Problem resolved by purchasing one of those dishes that...
  20. S

    can we keep parrot cichlids fishes in 15 gallons tank?

    i have a 15 gallon tank and im thinking of keeping parrot cichlids in my tank .so how many i can keep?