
  1. B

    Is this a good introduction for my research paper?

    America, one of the greatest nations ever made. Our infamous nation has been “the dream” of many hoping to make a better life for their selves. But there has been a problem attacking the depths of our great nation from its core. For the past half century the American Educational System has been...
  2. B

    what is a good introduction for a paper on waiting for Godot?

    in terms of how humans communicate with existentialism
  3. J

    Interesting or fun research paper topics?

    It's for my college English class. Only has to be 4 pages. Any suggestions would be great!
  4. M

    how long is an average introduction for a university paper?

    i have about 14 lines (210 words). i cut it down from about 300 words. should i continue cutting it down?
  5. W

    What is a good and interesting sociological issue for a research paper?

    Hi. I need a topic for my Sociology research paper.. I need a specific (ie. groups) sociological issue and relate it to a sociological concept. I need a unique one!
  6. N

    Can you use a source in your introduction of your research paper?

    like racism is mostly faced by blacks... according to "person's name" racism is defined as..._bla bla bla_...?
  7. J

    I need an interesting topic for a literature Research paper please!?

    Thanks in advance!:)
  8. A

    Interesting library research paper topic?

    Know any interesting library research paper topics? Since we will be using library sources, what would be an interesting topic? I am thinking of writing about food and anything related to psychology. I am open to suggestions,thank you!
  9. E

    Interesting Research paper topics please?

    im stumped
  10. A

    Green Your Gifting: Use Eco-Friendly Fabric Instead Of Wrapping Paper

    Each year, millions of Americans engage in a tradition of giving and receiving, as they celebrate the holidays with an exchange of presents wrapped in colorful paper--and then throw the paper away. In fact, according to the EPA, between shopping bags and gift wrap, we produce about 4 million...
  11. J

    interesting research paper topic?!?

    i'm a senior in high school and we have to do a senior research project as a requirement to graduate but im having such a hard time picking a topic and creating a thesis for it because we can choose anything we want to research. any help would be great. some things i'm interested in would be...
  12. M

    Research paper idea relating to music/guitar?

    So for my senior project I'm learning how to play the guitar, and along with our presentation in May (performance in my case) we have to write a short research paper. It's only 5 pages, but I'm having trouble thinking of a topic. It doesn't have to be specifically about guitar, but it has to...
  13. L

    Interesting topic for my Biology research paper?

    I need a very interesting topic for my 10-page research paper for my College Biology Class!!!
  14. D

    can someone please help me write a persuasive paper about greek goddess ares and

    aphrodite... need some ideas? on how to write it or what to put in it...
  15. G

    Will Wine Snobs Embrace a Paper Bottle? [Eco Friendly]

    Even though they're recyclable, glass bottles are energy intensive to produce, and heavy and expensive to ship. So an inventor has created a cheaper, greener alternative with a paper-based bottle that will probably have sommeliers turning their noses up at it. More »
  16. M

    What paper continues Ainsworth and Bells (1970) work?

    My question is what paper can I read which continues Ainsworth and Bells (1970) paper on The Strange Situation? Specifically across cultures
  17. K

    Is this introduction good for the start of a research paper? Proof-read...

    ...please? Feedback? Have you ever wondered when or why the police were created? During the 1600’s and 1700’s African Americans were enslaved by the U.S., treating them literally like dogs. It wasn’t until the early 1700’s when slaves started revolting against slavery that the United States had...
  18. A

    I need an INTERESTING TOPIC paper for my Theories & Personalities of the Self...

    ...Psychology class? It just needs to be something most of the class will find interesting! Please help. Thanks
  19. J

    how do you write a trend analysis paper?

    Im in an argument based english class & the assignment is to find a trend (teen pregnancies, social networking,over sea adoption, texting etc) and write a paper on why the trend is inclining or declining .I've already decided on the trend that i want to talk about but my problem is that i don't...
  20. J

    can someone help me think of a good introduction for a gay rights paper?

    I'm doing an argumentative essay paper on gay rights and cant think of a good hook or intro if anyone has any ideas please let me know!!